
To really get operational, we need metrics. Most production systems have metrics in one form or another. Thankfully, we don't have to start from scratch. There is a metric endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator. If we add this following setting to


With this property setting, if we restart the application, we can get a quick read out on thing.

Assuming we have JSON Viewer installed, it's easy to surf to http://localhost:9000/application/metrics and get a listing on all sorts of metrics. We even have counters for every good/bad web hit, broken down on a per-page basis, as shown here:

"names": [

We can visit any one of these metrics by appending it's name to the metrics URL. For example, to view the http.server.requests, visit http://localhost:9000/application/metrics/http.server.requests:

"name": "http.server.requests",
"measurements": [
"statistic": "TotalTime",
"value": 3.53531643E8
"statistic": "Count",
"value": 57.0
"availableTags": [
"tag": "exception",
"values": [
"tag": "method",
"values": [
"tag": "uri",
"values": [
"tag": "status",
"values": [

This provides a basic framework of metrics to satisfy our manager's needs. It's important to understand that metrics gathered by Spring Boot Actuator aren't persistent across application restarts. To gather long-term data, we have to write them elsewhere (

If you have used Spring Boot 1.x, then this may look very different. That's because a newer, more sophisticated version of metrics has arrived--Micrometer. It's currently in development, and may change quite a bit, so stay tuned at, and be sure to follow @micrometerio on Twitter, as the ability to craft highly detailed and advanced metrics comes to Spring Boot.
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