
This chapter was short, precise, and full of practical implementations. Working on Vulkan without debugging capabilities is like shooting in the dark. We know very well that Vulkan demands an appreciable amount of programming and developers make mistakes for obvious reasons; they are humans after all. We learn from our mistakes, and debugging allows us to find and correct these errors. It also provides insightful information to build quality products.

Let's do a quick recap. We learned the Vulkan debugging process. We looked at the various LunarG validation layers and understood the roles and responsibilities offered by each one of them. Next, we added a few selected validation layers that we were interested in debugginig. We also added the debug extension that exposes the debugging capabilities; without this, the API's definition could not be dynamically linked to the application. Then, we implemented the Vulkan create user define debug report function and linked it to our debug reporting callback; this callback decorates the captured debug report in a user-friendly and presentable fashion. Finally, we implemented the API to destroy the debugging report callback object.

In the next chapter, we will understand command buffers, explore their role in the Vulkan pipeline, and learn to use them to record and execute API calls. We will also take an in-depth look at the Vulkan memory management for host and device memory; we will learn about various APIs to control them.

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