Updating the descriptor set

Once the texture is prepared by linear or optimal tiling, it is just a matter of updating the descriptor set with the created image resource object. This is done in the implemented VulkanDrawable::createDescriptorSet() function. The input parameter useTexture must be true to support the texture. The following highlights a single-line change that is required in this function to support the texture.

When the useTexture parameter is true, the second VkWriteDescriptorSet element (with index 1) is populated with the texture information. Here are two things that are of utmost importance:

  • Setting the texture object: The pImageInfo field of VkWriteDescriptorSet must be set with the texture object's (TextureData) descsImgInfo (of the type VkDescriptorImageInfo).
  • Layout binding: This must be equal to the index number specified in the fragment shader. For instance, in the present example, the sampler is received at the layout binding 1, therefore, writes[1].dstBinding= 1;:
      // Creates the descriptor sets using descriptor pool.

      // This function depend on the createDescriptorPool()

      // and createUniformBuffer(). 
      void VulkanDrawable::createDescriptorSet(bool useTexture) 
    VulkanPipeline* pipelineObj = rendererObj->getPipelineObject(); 
    VkResult result; 
    // Create the descriptor allocation structure and specify 
    // the descriptor pool and descriptor layout 
    VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo dsAllocInfo[1]; 
    dsAllocInfo[0].pNext               = NULL; 
    dsAllocInfo[0].descriptorPool      = descriptorPool; 
    dsAllocInfo[0].descriptorSetCount  = 1; 
    dsAllocInfo[0].pSetLayouts         = descLayout.data(); 
    // Allocate the number of descriptor set needs to be produced 
    // Allocate descriptor sets  
    result = vkAllocateDescriptorSets(deviceObj->device,  
                         dsAllocInfo, descriptorSet.data()); 
    assert(result == VK_SUCCESS); 
    // Allocate two write descriptors for - 1. MVP and 2. Texture 
    VkWriteDescriptorSet writes[2]; 
    memset(&writes, 0, sizeof(writes)); 
    // Specify the uniform buffer related  
    // information into first write descriptor 
    writes[0]        = {}; 
    writes[0].pNext  = NULL; 
    writes[0].dstSet = descriptorSet[0]; 
    writes[0].descriptorCount    = 1; 
    writes[0].descriptorType     = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; 
    writes[0].pBufferInfo        = &UniformData.bufferInfo; 
    writes[0].dstArrayElement    = 0; 
    writes[0].dstBinding         = 0; // DESCRIPTOR_SET_BINDING_INDEX 
    // If texture is used then update the second

    // write descriptor structure 
    if (useTexture) 
    writes[1]            = {};

        writes[1].sType      = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_WRITE-

        writes[1].dstSet           = descriptorSet[0];

        writes[1].dstBinding = 1;
   writes[1].descriptorCount  = 1;

   writes[1].descriptorType   = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_

   writes[1].pImageInfo = &textures->descsImgInfo;

    // Update the uniform buffer into the allocated descriptor set 
                   useTexture ? 2 : 1, writes, 0, NULL); 

For more information on this function and the creation of the descriptor set, refer to the Creating the descriptor sets section in Chapter 10, Descriptors and Push Constant.

The following is the output of the rendered texture:

Updating the descriptor set

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