About the Author

Janice (Ginny) Redish is president of Redish & Associates, Inc. As a specialist in plain language and usability, Ginny helps government agencies and private companies create successful web sites.

Ginny works closely with her clients to review their current web sites, understand their web users and their users’ scenarios, conduct usability studies, analyze their current content, and revise the content to meet both the organization’s goals and their web users’ needs.


Ginny is sought after as a speaker and workshop leader. She is a dynamic instructor who has trained hundreds of writers and subject matter specialists in the U. S., Canada, Europe, and India in writing for the web and other topics.

Her earlier books include two classics on usability techniques:

A Practical Guide to Usability Testing (with Joseph Dumas, Intellect Ltd., first edition, 1993; revised edition, 1999)
User and Task Analysis for Interface Design (with JoAnn Hackos, John Wiley & Sons, 1998)

In addition, Ginny serves on the editorial board of three journals and has published numerous papers and book chapters on various aspects of usability, task analysis, accessibility, document design, plain language, and writing for the web. She is the author of several articles on www.usability.gov, including the article on writing for the web.

Ginny’s work has brought her many awards, including the Rigo Award (ACM SIGDOC, 1995), the Alfred N. Goldsmith Award (IEEE PCS, 2001), the status of Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication, and the President’s Award from both the Society for Technical Communication and the Usability Professionals’ Association.

Ginny is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Harvard University.

Ginny’s web site: www.redish.net

Web site for the book (with more articles and ways for you to ask questions and join the discussion): www.redish.net/writingfortheweb

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