Asking a Coworker to Redo Their Work


Wouldn't it be grand if everything in life went according to plan? Unfortunately, that's rarely the case, especially at work. Projects stamped “finished” can easily land back in the “to be completed” pile due to last minute changes in circumstance. Maybe some new info has come in that needs to be included in a report, or maybe you just found out the stats that were used need to be replaced pronto. Whatever shift has occurred, the bottom line is that work has to be redone. The goal of this script is getting a peer to redo their work when an unexpected, dramatic shift in circumstances has rendered the work they've already done incomplete or worse, obsolete. The secret to achieving this by pointing out to them that (a) they really have no choice, and (b) they're not suffering alone. Everyone is in the same boat.


  • Attitude: You're appealing for them to do their part. There's no need to resort to threatening, begging or cajoling. It's okay to demonstrate annoyance—not at them but over the fact the department has been hit with this at the last minute—but be careful not to let it degenerate into a pity party. Convey a sense of urgency.
  • Preparation: If you can, find out exactly what your peer needs to redo, as well as when the changes are needed. This will help guarantee speed and efficiency. The last thing in the world you want is to have to go back to them more than once because you were unclear about their role in the revision process. Not only will you look incompetent, but they'll resent you for making their job that much harder.
    Flow diagram depicting a course of action for 99. Asking a Coworker to Redo Their Work with an opening statement, situations, and responses.
  • Timing: Let them know work needs to be redone as soon as possible. It's okay to let them know in front of others since, ostensibly, others in the department—yourself included—are in the same situation.
  • Behavior: No matter how much work has to redone, do not act hysterical (“Oh my God, Tyler, you have to redo this NOW or we're all doomed!”) or pushy (“Do it now, do it now, do it now, are you doing it now?”). You want to be calm and collected at all times, even if they throw a fit. They may yell. They may cry. They may hurl pencils. It doesn't matter. You are in control, and no matter what, you have to stay that way.


This script can be modified to:

  • Ask a family member or friend to redo a chore or a task.


  • Make it clear from the outset that they're not the only one who has to redo their work; others in the department have to as well.
  • Know exactly what it is they need to redo, and when it needs to be done by.
  • As soon as you're aware they need to redo work, tell them.
  • Stay calm at all time when dealing with them, even if they pitch a fit.
  • Convey a sense of urgency without coming across as hysterical or pushy.
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