
This book is a principle-based lesson plan to learn Element 3D (an Adobe After Effects plugin). This lesson also includes information on creating and preparing content for Element 3D using external 3D software. Although Maya 2012 is used in these examples, the same principles apply to any 3D modeling software that you wish to use. This book follows tutorials designed to teach the reader the tools and thought processes necessary to create virtually any content and push Element 3D to the limits of its capabilities.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Introduction to the Element 3D Animation, gives you an overview of what you can expect from this book.

Chapter 2, Welcome to Element 3D, provides an orientation and overview of how Element 3D works.

Chapter 3, Your First Objects, covers the basics of 3D modeling for Element.

Chapter 4, Painting Your Geometry (Textures), teaches you how to export your objects from the 3D modeling software, prepare textures, and apply surfaces to your objects.

Chapter 5, Preparing Your Scene, uses Element 3D to set up complex 3D scenes for animation in After Effects.

Chapter 6, Animating Your Geometry, covers animating Element 3D objects using the After Effects interface with null objects and keyframes.

Chapter 7, Particle Replicator, teaches you how to use Element 3D to create arrays of objects that might animate together, or in sequences.

Chapter 8, Optimizing Performance, tells you what affects performance and render times, and also covers techniques to efficiently squeeze out the best quality.

Chapter 9, Some Other Techniques, covers advanced techniques with Element 3D, such as integration with the live footage, 3D-aware masks, and using external animations (object sequences).

Appendix, Final Thoughts, is a brief summary of the lessons learned, some personal tips for users, and hopeful predictions for the future versions of Element 3D.

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