Object arrays (duplicating objects in a pattern)

In the preceding screenshot, we showed you how to create an array of cylinders as our cutting tool for the top of the salt shaker. The process is slightly different in every software package, but the principles are the same.

Now that we've created our cylinder as a template, we have to set that object's pivot point to the center of the shaker (so we have a point of reference to revolve around). In Maya, this can be done in the attribute editor (shown in preceding screenshot at the top-right). Once we've set our revolving point, we just need to duplicate the object in a round array. In Maya, this is done by using the Duplicate Special tool (Edit | Duplicate Special). Then, we set the options shown in the bottom-left section of the preceding screenshot. We want an object every 36 degrees, and as 360 divided by 36 is 10, we want 9 objects (to make them into a complete circle without duplicating the first one). We want them revolving around the y axis. The result should look like the bottom-right section of the preceding screenshot.

Now, before we cut the top of our shaker, you'll need to combine these into one object if you're using Maya (by selecting all of them and navigating to Mesh | combine), and then delete their history. Really, you should only perform a Boolean on two objects at a time. Combining all of the cylinders to one object will speed up this process. Don't forget to delete the history. Your result should look like following screenshot:

Object arrays (duplicating objects in a pattern)

The salt shaker with holes cut in the top

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