4.2 Determinants of Order n

In this section, we extend the definition of the determinant to n×n matrices for n3. For this definition, it is convenient to introduce the following notation: Given AMn×n(F), for n2, denote the (n1)×(n1) matrix obtained from A by deleting row i and column j by A˜ij. Thus for


we have

A˜11=(5689), A˜13=(4578), andA˜32=(1346),

and for


we have



Let AMn×n(F). If n=1, so that A=(A11), we define det(A)=A11. For n2, we define det(A) recursively as


The scalar det(A) is called the determinant of A and is also denoted by |A|. The scalar


is called the cofactor of the entry of A in row i, column j.



denote the cofactor of the row i, column j entry of A, we can express the formula for the determinant of A as


Thus the determinant of A equals the sum of the products of each entry in row 1 of A multiplied by its cofactor. This formula is called cofactor expansion along the first row of A. Note that, for 2×2 matrices, this definition of the determinant of A agrees with the one given in Section 4.1 because


Example 1



Using cofactor expansion along the first row of A, we obtain


Example 2



Using cofactor expansion along the first row of B, we obtain


Example 3



Using cofactor expansion along the first row of C and the results of Examples 1 and 2, we obtain


Example 4

The determinant of the n×n identity matrix is 1. We prove this assertion by mathematical induction on n. The result is clearly true for the 1×1 identity matrix. Assume that the determinant of the (n1)×(n1) identity matrix is 1 for some n2, and let I denote the n×n identity matrix. Using cofactor expansion along the first row of I, we obtain


because I˜11 is the (n1)×(n1) identity matrix. This shows that the determinant of the n×n identity matrix is 1, and so the determinant of any identity matrix is 1 by the principle of mathematical induction.

As is illustrated in Example 3, the calculation of a determinant using the recursive definition is extremely tedious, even for matrices as small as 4×4. Later in this section, we present a more efficient method for evaluating determinants, but we must first learn more about them.

Recall from Theorem 4.1 (p. 200) that, although the determinant of a 2×2 matrix is not a linear transformation, it is a linear function of each row when the other row is held fixed. We now show that a similar property is true for determinants of any size.

Theorem 4.3.

The determinant of an n×n matrix is a linear function of each row when the remaining rows are held fixed. That is, for 1rn, we have


whenever k is a scalar and u, v, and each ai are row vectors in Fn.


The proof is by mathematical induction on n. The result is immediate if n=1. Assume that for some integer n2 the determinant of any (n1)×(n1) matrix is a linear function of each row when the remaining rows are held fixed. Let A be an n×n matrix with rows a1, a2, , an, respectively, and suppose that for some r (1rn), we have ar=u+kv for some u, vFn and some scalar k. Let u=(b1, b2, , bn) and v=(c1, c2, , cn), and let B and C be the matrices obtained from A by replacing row r of A by u and v, respectively. We must prove that det(A)=det(B)+kdet(C). We leave the proof of this fact to the reader for the case r=1. For r>1 and 1jn, the rows of A˜1j, B˜1j, and C˜1j are the same except for row r1. Moreover, row r1 of A˜ij is

(b1+kc1, , bj1+kcj1, bj+1+kcj+1, , bn+kcn),

which is the sum of row r1 of B˜1j and k times row r1 of C˜1j. Since B˜1j and C˜1j are (n1)×(n1) matrices, we have


by the induction hypothesis. Thus since A1j=B1j=C1j, we have


This shows that the theorem is true for n×n matrices, and so the theorem is true for all square matrices by mathematical induction.


If AMn×n(F) has a row consisting entirely of zeros, then det(A)=0.


See Exercise 24.

The definition of a determinant requires that the determinant of a matrix be evaluated by cofactor expansion along the first row. Our next theorem shows that the determinant of a square matrix can be evaluated by cofactor expansion along any row. Its proof requires the following technical result.


Let BMn×n(F), where n2. If row i of B equals ek for some k (1kn), then det(B)=(1)i+kdet(B˜ik).


The proof is by mathematical induction on n. The lemma is easily proved for n=2. Assume that for some integer n3, the lemma is true for (n1)×(n1) matrices, and let B be an n×n matrix in which row i of B equals ek for some k (1kn). The result follows immediately from the definition of the determinant if i=1. Suppose therefore that 1<in. For each jk (1jn), let Cij denote the (n2)×(n2) matrix obtained from B by deleting rows 1 and i and columns j and k. For each j, row i1 of B˜1j is the following vector in Fn1:

{ek1if j<k0if j=kekif j>k.

Hence by the induction hypothesis and the corollary to Theorem 4.3, we have

det(B˜1j)={(1)(i1)+(k1)det(Cij)if j<k0if j=k(1)(i1)+kdet(Cij)if j>k.



Because the expression inside the preceding bracket is the cofactor expansion of B˜ik along the first row, it follows that


This shows that the lemma is true for n×n matrices, and so the lemma is true for all square matrices by mathematical induction.

We are now able to prove that cofactor expansion along any row can be used to evaluate the determinant of a square matrix.

Theorem 4.4.

The determinant of a square matrix can be evaluated by cofactor expansion along any row. That is, if AMn×n(F), then for any integer i (1in),,



Cofactor expansion along the first row of A gives the determinant of A by definition. So the result is true if i=1. Fix i>1. Row i of A can be written as j=1nAijej. For 1jn, let Bj denote the matrix obtained from A by replacing row i of A by ej. Then by Theorem 4.3 and the lemma, we have



If AMn×n(F) has two identical rows, then det(A)=0.


The proof is by mathematical induction on n. We leave the proof of the result to the reader in the case that n=2. Assume that for some integer n3, it is true for (n1)×(n1) matrices, and let rows r and s of AMn×n(F) be identical for rs. Because n3, we can choose an integer i (1in) other than r and s. Now


by Theorem 4.4. Since each A˜ij is an (n1)×(n1) matrix with two identical rows, the induction hypothesis implies that each det(A˜ij)=0, and hence det(A)=0. This completes the proof for n×n matrices, and so the lemma is true for all square matrices by mathematical induction.

It is possible to evaluate determinants more efficiently by combining cofactor expansion with the use of elementary row operations. Before such a process can be developed, we need to learn what happens to the determinant of a matrix if we perform an elementary row operation on that matrix. Theorem 4.3 provides this information for elementary row operations of type 2 (those in which a row is multiplied by a nonzero scalar). Next we turn our attention to elementary row operations of type 1 (those in which two rows are interchanged).

Theorem 4.5.

If AMn×n(F) and B is a matrix obtained from A by interchanging any two rows of A, then det(B)=det(A)..


Let the rows of AMn×n(F) be a1, a2, , an, and let B be the matrix obtained from A by interchanging rows r and s, where r<s. Thus


Consider the matrix obtained from A by replacing rows r and s by ar+as. By the corollary to Theorem 4.4 and Theorem 4.3, we have


Therefore det(B)=det(A).

We now complete our investigation of how an elementary row operation affects the determinant of a matrix by showing that elementary row operations of type 3 do not change the determinant of a matrix.

Theorem 4.6.

Let AMn×n(F) and let B be a matrix obtained by adding a multiple of one row of A to another row of A. Then det(B)=det(A).


Suppose that B is the n×n matrix obtained from A by adding k times row r to row s, where rs. Let the rows of A be a1, a2, , an and the rows of B be b1, b2, , bn Then biai for is and bs=as+kar. Let C be the matrix obtained from A by replacing row s with ar. Applying Theorem 4.3 to row s of B, we obtain

det(B)=det(A)+k det(C)=det(A)

because det(C)=0 by the corollary to Theorem 4.4.

In Theorem 4.2 (p. 201), we proved that a 2×2 matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is nonzero. As a consequence of Theorem 4.6, we can prove half of the promised generalization of this result in the following corollary. The converse is proved in the corollary to Theorem 4.7.


If AMn×n(F) has rank less than n, then det(A)=0.


If the rank of A is less than n, then the rows a1, a2, , an of A are linearly dependent. By Exercise 14 of Section 1.5, some row of A, say, row r, is a linear combination of the other rows. So there exist scalars ci such that


Let B be the matrix obtained from A by adding ci times row i to row r for each ir. Then row r of B consists entirely of zeros, and so det(B)=0. But by Theorem 4.6, det(B)=det(A). Hence det(A)=0.

The following rules summarize the effect of an elementary row operation on the determinant of a matrix AMn×n(F).

  1. (a) If B is a matrix obtained by interchanging any two rows of A, then det(B)=det(A).

  2. (b) If B is a matrix obtained by multiplying a row of A by a nonzero scalar k, then det(B)=k det(A).

  3. (c) If B is a matrix obtained by adding a multiple of one row of A to another row of A, then det(B)=det(A).

These facts can be used to simplify the evaluation of a determinant. Consider, for instance, the matrix in Example 1:


Adding 3 times row 1 of A to row 2 and 4 times row 1 to row 3, we obtain


Since M was obtained by performing two type 3 elementary row operations on A, we have det(A)=det(M). The cofactor expansion of M along the first row gives

det(M)=(1)1+1(1)det(M˜11)+(1)1+2(3)det(M˜12)                    +(1)1+3(3)det(M˜13).

Both M˜12 and M˜13 have a column consisting entirely of zeros, and so det(M˜12)=det(M˜13)=0 by the corollary to Theorem 4.6. Hence

det(M)=(1)1+1(1)det(M˜11)             = (1)1+1(1)det(471618)              = 1[4(18)(7)(16)]=40. 

Thus with the use of two elementary row operations of type 3, we have reduced the computation of det(A) to the evaluation of one determinant of a 2×2 matrix.

But we can do even better. If we add 4 times row 2 of M to row 3 (another elementary row operation of type 3), we obtain


Evaluating det(P) by cofactor expansion along the first row, we have

det(P)=(1)1+1(1)det(P˜11)            = (1)1+1(1)det(47010)=1410=40, 

as described earlier. Since det(A)=det(M)=det(P), it follows that det(A)=40.

The preceding calculation of det(P) illustrates an important general fact. The determinant of an upper triangular matrix is the product of its diagonal entries. (See Exercise 23.) By using elementary row operations of types 1 and 3 only, we can transform any square matrix into an upper triangular matrix, and so we can easily evaluate the determinant of any square matrix. The next two examples illustrate this technique.

Example 5

To evaluate the determinant of the matrix


in Example 2, we must begin with a row interchange. Interchanging rows 1 and 2 of B produces


By means of a sequence of elementary row operations of type 3, we can transform C into an upper triangular matrix:


Thus det(C)=2124=48. Since C was obtained from B by an interchange of rows, it follows that


Example 6

The technique in Example 5 can be used to evaluate the determinant of the matrix


in Example 3. This matrix can be transformed into an upper triangular matrix by means of the following sequence of elementary row operations of type 3:


Thus det(C)=2144=32.

Using elementary row operations to evaluate the determinant of a matrix, as illustrated in Example 6, is far more efficient than using cofactor expansion. Consider first the evaluation of a 2×2 matrix. Since


the evaluation of the determinant of a 2×2 matrix requires 2 multiplications (and 1 subtraction). For n3, evaluating the determinant of an n×n matrix by cofactor expansion along any row expresses the determinant as a sum of n products involving determinants of (n1)×(n1) matrices. Thus in all, the evaluation of the determinant of an n×n matrix by cofactor expansion along any row requires over n! multiplications, whereas evaluating the determinant of an n×n matrix by elementary row operations as in Examples 5 and 6 can be shown to require only (n3+2n3)/3 multiplications. To evaluate the determinant of a 20×20 matrix, which is not large by present standards, cofactor expansion along a row requires over 20!2.4×1018 multiplications. Thus it would take a computer performing one billion multiplications per second over 77 years to evaluate the determinant of a 20×20 matrix by this method. By contrast, the method using elementary row operations requires only 2679 multiplications for this calculation and would take the same computer less than three-millionths of a second! It is easy to see why most computer programs for evaluating the determinant of an arbitrary matrix do not use cofactor expansion.

In this section, we have defined the determinant of a square matrix in terms of cofactor expansion along the first row. We then showed that the determinant of a square matrix can be evaluated using cofactor expansion along any row. In addition, we showed that the determinant possesses a number of special properties, including properties that enable us to calculate det(B) from det(A) whenever B is a matrix obtained from A by means of an elementary row operation. These properties enable us to evaluate determinants much more efficiently. In the next section, we continue this approach to discover additional properties of determinants.


  1. Label the following statements as true or false.

    1. (a) The function det: Mn×n(F)F is a linear transformation.

    2. (b) The determinant of a square matrix can be evaluated by cofactor expansion along any row.

    3. (c) If two rows of a square matrix A are identical, then det(A)=0.

    4. (d) If B is a matrix obtained from a square matrix A by interchanging any two rows, then det(B)=det(A).

    5. (e) If B is a matrix obtained from a square matrix A by multiplying a row of A by a scalar, then det(B)=det(A).

    6. (f) If B is a matrix obtained from a square matrix A by adding k times row i to row j, then det(B)=k det(A).

    7. (g) If AMn×n(F) has rank n, then det(A)=0.

    8. (h) The determinant of an upper triangular matrix equals the product of its diagonal entries.

  2. Find the value of k that satisfies the following equation:

    det(3a13a23a33b13b23b33c13c23c3)=k det(a1a2a3b1b2b3c1c2c3).
  3. Find the value of k that satisfies the following equation:

    det(2a12a22a33b1+5c13b2+5c23b3+5c37c17c27c3)=k det(a1a2a3b1b2b3c1c2c3).
  4. Find the value of k that satisfies the following equation:

    det(b1+c1b2+c2b3+c3a1+c1a2+c2a3+c3a1+b1a2+b2a3+b3)=k det(a1a2a3b1b2b3c1c2c3).

In Exercises 5-12, evaluate the determinant of the given matrix by cofactor expansion along the indicated row.

  1. (012103230)

    along the first row

  2. (102015130)

    along the first row

  3. (012103230)

    along the second row

  4. (102015130)

    along the third row

  5. (01+i22i01i34i0)

    along the third row

  6. (i2+i0132i011i)

    along the second row

  7. (0213102231011120)

    along the fourth row

  8. (1121341125382641)

    along the fourth row

In Exercises 13-22, evaluate the determinant of the given matrix by any legitimate method.

  1. (001023456)

  2. (234560700)

  3. (123456789)

  4. (132481225)

  5. (011125643)

  6. (123125312)

  7. (i2131+i22i14i)

  8. (12+i31ii13i21+i)

  9. (1023311204112301)

  10. (1231251214199222031491415)

  11. Prove that the determinant of an upper triangular matrix is the product of its diagonal entries.

  12. Prove the corollary to Theorem 4.3.

  13. Prove that det(kA)=kndet(A) for any AMn×n(F).

  14. Let AMn×n(F). Under what conditions is det(A)=det(A)?

  15. Prove that if AMn×n(F) has two identical columns, then det(A)=0.

  16. Compute det(Ei) if Ei is an elementary matrix of type i.

  17. Prove that if E is an elementary matrix, then det(Et)=det(E). Visit goo.gl/6ZoU5Z for a solution.

  18. Let the rows of AMn×n(F) be a1, a2, , an and let B be the matrix in which the rows are an, an1, , a1. Calculate det(B) in terms of det(A).

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