

A31 Action Coalition,   203

Aakash,   61,   66

Acción Ecológica,   165,   168

affinity groups,   120,   129,   135

AFL-CIO march,   143

African National Congress,   4

Ahmedabad,   79

Al-Aqsa mosque,   36,   42

Amazon Watch,   163,   179

American Israel Political Action
Committee (AIPC),   107

anti-Semitism,   44,   109,   110

African National Congress,   4
government policies,   8
National Party,   4
nature of,   65
separate development policies,   9
Truth and Reconciliation Commission,   101
whites’ objection to,   5

ARCO,   164

Argueta, María,   242

Archbishop Oscar Romero,   229,   234
Mohandas Gandhi,   82
by SOA graduates,   229
Yitzhak Rabin,   37

assimilation,   28


Bakr, Abdul,   79,   90

Barak, Ehud,   104

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),   88

Bin Laden, Osama,   78

biodiversity,   190

Birendra, King,   57

Bloomberg, Michael,   204

Borja, Rodrigo,   164

Boudanath community,   67

Bourgeois, Father Roy,   233

Bremer, Paul,   202

British Petroleum,   173

Buddhism,   84,   226,   227

Buddhist Alliance for Social Engagement (BASE),   226

Burlington Resources,   159

Bush, George W.,   128,   188,   221

Bush administration,   172


Caja Ahorro y Crédito,   173

Camisea (community),   195

Camisea Gas Project,   184,   187,   192,   197

caste system,   62,   77

Center for Economic and Social Rights,   164,   168

Center for Responsive Politics,   188

Chapter   11,   134

Chavarria, Francisca,   243

Cheney, Dick,   172,   188

Chevron-Texaco,   168,   172

Chug Nashim,   30

civil disobedience,   220,   238

Clarke, Sister Maura,   239

Code Orange,   215,   221. See also demonstrations/protests

Code Pink,   205

Cohen, David,   106

community, need for,   226

Compañia General de Combustibles
(CGC),   159,   161,   163,   178

compassion,   100,   104,   221,   227

Cuji, Atanacio Sabino Gualinga,   153

cultural issues,   41,   75


Dahua, Johnny,   165

David, Arlen Salas,   244

democracy,   66,   126

Democratic National Convention,   205

AFL-CIO march,   143
February 15,   2003 worldwide,   122
Lima, Peru,   183
March 20,   2003 worldwide,   132
Miami,   135
Monsanto,   72
New York,   203
non-violent protesters,   94
San Francisco,   111,   128
School of the Americas annual,   227
Selma, Alabama,   220
SOA Watch,   234

Department of Homeland Security,   203

Derr, Ken,   172

Dipendra, Prince,   57,   63

Direct Action to Stop the War (DASW),   115,   125,   129

Direndra, Prince,   61

District Six (Capetown),   8

Donovan, Jean,   239


Earth Island Journal,   186

Esteban, Damian Torres,   186

excesses of society,   26

Executive Order   13303,   172


Fairman, Max,   7,   9

financial institutions,   134

Ford, Sister Ita,   239

Free Carnival Area of the Americas (FCAA),   135,   136

Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA),   133,   137,   139,   144,   147

Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia,   168


Gabel, Peter,   225

Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma),   79,   82,   87,   88,   179,   217

Gibran, Kahlil,   224

globalization,   172

God, belief in/understanding of,   11

Gómez, Carmen,   243

Group Areas Act (Cape Town),   8

Gujarat,   79,   88

Gyanendra, King,   57,   61,   64


Habonim Dror,   29

Halliburton,   172,   188

Haridwar,   73

Hatikvah,   38

bathing rituals,   73
caste system,   62
divinities,   66
tension with Muslims,   71,   78,   81,   88

Hogue, Ilyse,   147

homosexuality,   176

Houghton, Juan,   185

Hunt, Ray L.,   188

Hunt Oil,   188


Inter-American Court of Human Rights,   179

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB),   183

International Monetary Fund (IMF),   185

investment rules,   134

Islam,   42
fundamentalists,   77
karma of Muslims,   77
tension with Hindus,   71,   78,   81,   88

Islamabad,   78

Islamic Jihad,   38

Israeli War of Independence,   34


Jerusalem Law,   34

Johnson, Lyndon,   220

Jones, Van,   226


karma,   77

Kashmir,   78

Kazel, Sister Dorothy,   239

Kellogg Brown & Root,   188

Kerry, John,   205

Khadka, Putali,   65

King, Martin Luther,   179

Kirigueti,   190

Koenig, Kevin,   163,   179

Koirala, Prasad Kumar,   63

Kotel,   34


“Lessons from Miami: Information Warfare in the Age of Empire” (Hogue and Reinsborough),   147

Llosa, Mario Vargas,   186

Long, Jerry,   208


Ma’aleh Adumim,   46

Machiguenga,   186,   189,   196,   197,   198

Macy, Joanna,   154,   224

Maoist insurgents,   57,   58,   63,   66

Márquez, Lucia,   244

Martínez, Christina,   243

Martínez, Inez,   246

Ecuador,   168
El Mozote,   229
El Salvador,   229
Hindu/Muslim,   89
Jenin refugee camp,   92
Nepal,   57,   63,   64

Mauricio, Carlos,   235,   246

Melo, Mario,   164,   167

migration,   7,   20

Modi, Narendra,   89

Mount of Olives,   46

Mount Scopus,   34

murders,   239,   243

Muslims. See Islam


National Party (South Africa),   4

Netenyahu, Benjamin,   42

New York Times, The,   106

9/11 attacks,   53,   78

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),   133

Nuevo Mundo,   188


Oakland Federal Building protest,   91,   93

oil drilling,   164,   168,   184

oil spills,   172,   197

Organization of American States,   179

Organization of Indigenous Machiguenga of the Lower Urubamba,   189

Orion Magazine,   160

Overseas Private Investment Corporation,   184


Pacaya-Samiria Reserve,   197

Pakistan,   78,   81

Palestine/Palestinians,   42,   43,   46,   50,   91,   102,   104,   111

Paracas National Park,   188

Paras, Prince,   58,   64

Parasha, Ravi,   80

Peinsborough,   147

Perenco,   159

Phoolchatty,   85

Pluspetrol,   188,   192,   197

pop culture,   23,   27

poverty,   76

Prekshya, Princess,   61

protests. See demonstrations/protests Puppetistas,   231,   232,   235,   247


Rabin, Leah,   38

Rabin, Yitzhak,   37

blacks in South Africa,   4,   10
politically sanctioned,   4
saying no to,   7
toward Arabs in Israel,   44
in United States,   24

Raj Parisha,   62

Rana, Gorakh Samser,   61

Reinsborough, Patrick,   124

religious belief systems,   45,   63,   67,   83

Rentería, Marco,   169,   179

Republican National Convention,   203

right action,   226

Rishikesh,   84

Romero, Daniel,   246


Sabarmati,   82

San Francisco Chronicle,   67,   160

San Francisco Civic Center rally,   111

Santi, David Malaver,   170

Sarayacu,   153,   156,   158,   168,   179,   220,   225

satyagraha,   72,   79,   179

Satyagraha Leaflet No.   13,   83

School of the Americas (SOA),   228,   235

September 11,   2001 attacks,   53,   78

Sharon, Ariel,   94,   110

Shema prayer,   112

Shimaa,   186

Six-Day War,   34

smartMeme Project,   147

SOA Watch,   23

Sosa, Ana María,   243

Spiritual Activism conference,   225

Storyteller, The (Llosa),   186

Sustainable Energy and Economy Network,   185


Taba talks,   104

Taliban,   78

terrorism,   75,   78

Texaco,   168

Tikkun,   100

Tikkun Campus Network,   106,   110

Tikkum Community,   110

Timoney, John,   139,   144

torture,   228,   234,   247

Transportadora de Gas del Perú (TGP),   184,   186

Truth and Reconciliation
Commission,   101

Turco, Marcelino,   192


U.N. Security Council, Resolution   478,   34

United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ),   143,   203

United Nations Truth Commission,   229

U.S. Congressional Task Force,   229


Vajpayee, Atal Bihari,   79

Valencia, Jorge,   243

vipassana,   226

Voting Rights Act,   220


Afghanistan,   55
Direct Action to Stop the War (DASW),   115,   125,   129
El Salvador,   229,   247
Israeli War of Independence,   34
Nepal,   57,   66
Six-Day War,   33,   34,   38
against terror,   78

Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation,   229

Western Wall of Jerusalem,   36

wildlife, loss of,   190,   195

women, Nepali,   59

Womyn Aloud,   30

World Bank,   185

World Social Forum,   220


Yanza, Luis,   168


Zionism,   110

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