
Closures capture the enclosing state of a chunk. A great example of this is having a function that returns an anonymous function. The anonymous function can see the local variables of the enclosing function. However, because the anonymous function is returned, it can outlive the existing function.

When returning an anonymous function, it creates a closure. This closure captures its enclosing state (visible chunks). This mechanism lets you access the state of the enclosing function, even though that function is no longer executing. This description may sound confusing, but the code for it is pretty straightforward:

function NextNumber()
-- local to the NextNumber function
local currentNumber = 0

return function () -- anonymous function
-- Because this anonymous function is
-- created inside the NextNumber function
-- it can see all members of NextNumber
-- this function will remember the state
-- of NextNumber, creating a closure!

currentNumber = currentNumber + 1

return currentNumber

-- Assign the anonymous function to the variable next
next = NextNumber()
-- At this point, NextNumber has finished executing.

print (next()) -- call anonymous function using next
print (next()) -- call anonymous function using next
print (next()) -- call anonymous function using next

-- currentNumber does not exist in a global context!
print (currentNumber) -- will print nil

The NextNumber function in this example is often called a factory. The function is called a factory because every time you call the function, it produces a new closure. You can then call the resulting function.

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