Installing Lua on Windows 10

Follow these steps to install Lua 5.2.4 on Windows 10. These instructions are written for Windows 10, but the steps needed to install should be similar on older (and future) versions of Windows as well:

  1. To download Lua 5.2.4, visit
  2. Click on the Tools and Executables link.
  3. On a 32-bit version of Windows, click the link to start downloading Lua. On a 64-bit version of Windows, click the link to start downloading.
  4. Once the file is downloaded, unzip the file. Unzipping the downloaded file should create four new files: lua52.dll, lua52.exe, luac52.exe, and wlua52.exe.
  5. Create a new folder inside C:Program Files, and call this new folder LUA. Copy the four files you just unzipped into this directory.
  6. Rename lua52.exe to lua.exe. If your Windows installation is set up to hide file extensions, rename lua52 to lua:
  1. The path to Lua needs to be set up as an environment variable in Windows.
  2. Right-click on the Start/Windows menu button and select the System option.
  3. From the System window, select the Advanced Settings option.
  4. Having clicked the Advanced Settings option, you should now see the System Properties dialog. In this dialog, click on the Environment Variables... button.


  1. In the Environment Variables window, with the Path variable selected, click the Edit... button:
  1. Inside the Edit environment Variable window, click the New button and add C:Program FilesLUA as a new path. Click the OK button to save changes and close this window. You can close all the windows we have opened up to this point.
  2. Lua should now be successfully installed on your computer. To verify the installation, you need to launch a new Command Prompt. You can launch Command Prompt by right-clicking the Windows Start/Windows button and selecting the Command Prompt item.
  3. In the newly opened Command Prompt, type lua -v. If everything is set up correctly, the command should print out the installed version of Lua (5.2.4):
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