
Complex Numbers and Functions of Complex Variables

Complex Numbers

Complex numbers are easily implemented in MATLAB in standard binary form a+bi or a+bj, where the symbol i or j represents the imaginary unit. It is not necessary to include the product symbol (the asterisk) before the imaginary unit, but if it is included, everything will still work correctly. However, it is important that spaces are not introduced between the imaginary unit and its coefficient.

A complex number can have a symbolic real or imaginary part, and operations on complex numbers can be carried out in any mode of precision that is set with the command format. Therefore, it is possible to work with complex numbers in exact rational format via the command format rat.

The common operations (sum, difference, product, division and exponentiation) are carried out on complex numbers in the usual way. Examples are shown in Figure 3-1.

Obviously, as the real numbers are a subset of the complex numbers, a function of complex variables will also be valid for real variables.

General Functions of Complex Variables

MATLAB has a range of preset general functions of complex variables, which of course will also be valid for integer, rational, and real variables. The most important functions are presented in the following sections.

Trigonometric Functions of a Complex Variable

Below is a table of the trigonometric functions of a complex variable and their inverses that MATLAB incorporates, illustrated with examples.



sin (z) sine

>> sin(5-6i)

ans =

     -1 9343e + 002-5 7218e + 001i

asin(z)  arcsine

>> asin(1-i)

ans =

     0.6662 - 1.0613i

cos (z) cosine

>> cos(3 + 4i)

ans =

     -27.0349 - 3.8512i

acos (z) arccosine

>> acos(-i)

ans =

     1.5708 + 0.8814i

tan (z) tangent

>> tan(pi/4i)

ans =

     0 - 0.6558i

atan(z) and atan2(z) arctangent

>> atan(-pi*i)

ans =

     1.5708 - 0.3298i

csc (z) inverse cosecant

>> csc(1-i)

ans =

     0.6215 + 0.3039i

acsc (z) arccosecant

>> acsc(2i)

ans =

     0 - 0.4812i

sec (z) secant

>> sec(-i)

ans =


asec (z) arcsecant

>> asec(0.6481+0i)

ans =

     0 + 0.9999i

cot (z) cotangent

>> cot(-j)

ans =

     0 + 1.3130i

acot (z) arccotangent

>> acot(1-6j)

ans =

     0.0277 + 0.1635i

Hyperbolic Functions of a Complex Variable

Below is a table of the hyperbolic functions of a complex variable and their inverses that MATLAB incorporates, illustrated with examples.



sinh(z) hyperbolic sine

>> sinh(1+i)

ans =

     0.6350 + 1.2985i

asinh(z)  arc hyperbolic sine

>> asinh(0.6350 + 1.2985i)

ans =

     1.0000 + 1.0000i

cosh(z) hyperbolic cosine

>> cosh(1-i)

ans =

     0.8337 - 0.9889i

acosh(z)  arc hyperbolic cosine

>> acosh(0.8337 - 0.9889i)

ans =

     1.0000 - 1.0000i

tanh(z)  hyperbolic tangent

>> tanh(3-5i)

ans =

     1.0042 + 0.0027i

atanh(z)  arc hyperbolic tangent

>> atanh(3-41)

ans =

     -0.0263 - 1.5708i

csch(z)  hyperbolic cosecant

>> csch(i)

ans =

     0 - 1.1884i

acsch (z) arc hyperbolic cosecant

>> acsch(- 1.1884i)

ans =

     0 + 1.0000i

sech(z) hyperbolic secant

>> sech(i^i)



asech(z)  arc hyperbolic secant

>> asech(5-0i)

ans =

     0 + 1.3694i

coth(z)  hyperbolic cotangent

>> coth(9+i)

ans =

     1.0000 - 0.0000i

acoth(z)  arc hyperbolic cotangent

>> acoth(1-i)

ans =

     0.4024 + 0.5536i

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions of a Complex Variable

Below is a table of exponential and logarithmic functions that MATLAB incorporates, illustrated with examples.



exp (z)

Base e exponential function (e ^ x)

>> exp(1-i)

ans =

     1.4687 - 2.2874i

log (x)

Base e logarithm

>> log(1.4687-2.2874i)

ans =

     1.0000 - 1.0000i

log10 (x)

Base 10 logarithm

>> log10 (100 + 100i)

ans =

     2.1505 + 0.3411i

log2 (x)

Base 2 logarithm

>> log2(4-6i)

ans =

     2.8502 - 1.4179i

pow2 (x)

Base 2 power function

>> pow2(2.8502-1.4179i)

ans =

     3.9998 - 6.0000i

sqrt (x)

Square root

>> sqrt(1+i)

ans =

     1.0987 + 0.4551i

Specific Functions of a Complex Variable

MATLAB incorporates a group of functions specifically to work with moduli, arguments, and real and imaginary parts of complex numbers. Among these are the following:



abs (Z)

The modulus (absolute value) of Z

>> abs(12.425-8.263i)

ans =


angle (Z)

The argument of  Z

>> angle(12.425-8.263i)

ans =


conj (Z)

The complex conjugate of  Z

>> conj(12.425-8.263i)

ans =

     12.4250 + 8.2630i

real (Z)

The real part of Z

>> real(12.425-8.263i)

ans =


imag (Z)

The imaginary part of Z

>> imag(12.425-8.263i)

ans =


floor (Z)

Applies the floor function to real(Z) and imag(Z)

>> floor(12.425-8.263i)

ans =

     12.0000 - 9.0000i

ceil (Z)

Applies the ceil function to real(Z) and imag(Z)

>> ceil(12.425-8.263i)

ans =

     13.0000 - 8.0000i

round (Z)

Applies the round function to real(Z) and imag(Z)

>> round(12.425-8.263i)

ans =

     12.0000 - 8.0000i

fix (Z)

Applies the fix function to real(Z) and imag(Z)

>> fix(12.425-8.263i)

ans =

     12.0000 8.0000i

Basic Functions with a Complex Vector Argument

MATLAB enables you to work with complex matrices and vector functions. We must not forget that these functions are also valid for real variables, since the real numbers are a special case of the complex numbers, being complex numbers with zero imaginary part. Below is a table summarizing the specific functions of a complex vector that MATLAB offers.  Later, when we tabulate the functions of a complex matrix variable, we will observe that all of them are also valid for vector variables, a vector being a particular case of a matrix.

max (V)

Maximum component (for complex vectors the max is calculated as the component with maximum absolute value)

>> max([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

     0 + 6.0000i

>> max([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =


min (V)

Minimum component (for complex vectors the min is calculated as the component with minimum absolute value)

>> min([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

     1.0 - 1.0000i

>> min([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =


mean (V)

Arithmetic mean of the components of V

>> mean([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

     1.2500 + 0.2500i

>> mean([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =


median (V)

Median of the components of V

>> median([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

     2.0000 2.0000i

>> median([1, 0, - 23, 12, 16])

ans =


std (V)

Standard deviation of the components of V

>> std([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =


>> std([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =


sort (V)

Sorts the components of V in ascending order. For complex vectors the order is determined by the absolute values of the components.

>> sort([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 2

     1.0000 - 1.0000i   1.0000 + 1.0000i

   Columns 3 through 4

     3.0000 - 5.0i   6.0000i

>> sort([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

     -23 0 1 12 16

sum (V)

Sums the components of V

>> sum([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

     5.0000 + 1.0000i

>> sum([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =


prod (V)

Finds the product of the elements of V, so n!=  prod(1:n)

>> prod([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

     60.0000 + 36.0000i

>> prod([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =


cumsum (V)

Gives the cumulative sums of V

>> cumsum([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 2

     1.0000 - 1.0000i   2.0000

   Columns 3 through 4

     5.0000 - 5.0000i 5.0000 + 1.0000i

>> cumsum([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

     1 1 -22 -10 -6

cumprod (V)

Gives the cumulative products of V

>> cumprod([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 2

     1.0000 - 1.0000i   2.0000

   Columns 3 through 4

     6.0000 - 10.0000i 60.0000 + 36.0000i

>> cumprod([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

     1     0     0     0     0

diff (V)

Gives the vector of first differences of the components of V (Vt - Vt-1)

>> diff([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

     0 + 2.0000i   2.0000 - 6.0000i  -3.0000 + 11.0000i

>> diff([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

    -1 -23 35 4

gradient (V)

Gives the gradient of V

> gradient([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     0 + 2.0000i   1.0000 - 2.0000i  -0.5000 + 2.5000i

   Column 4

     -3.0000 + 11.0000i

>> gradient([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

     -1.0000 -12.0000 6.0000 19.5000 4.0000

del2 (V)

Gives the Laplacian of V (5-point discrete)

>> del2([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     2.2500 - 8.2500i   0.5000 - 2.0000i  -1.2500 + 4.2500i

   Column 4

     -3.0000 + 10.5000i

>> del2 ([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

     -25.5000 -5.5000 14.5000 -7.7500 -30.0000

fft (V)

Returns the discrete Fourier transform of V

>> fft([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     5.0000 + 1.0000i  -7.0000 + 3.0000i   3.0000 - 13.0000i

   Column 4

     3.0000 + 5.0000i

>> fft([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     6.0000  14.8435 + 35.7894i   -15.3435 - 23.8824i

   Columns 4 through 5

     -15.3435 + 23.8824i   14.8435 - 35.7894i

fft2 (V)

Returns the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of V

>> fft2([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     5.0000 + 1.0000i  -7.0000 + 3.0000i   3.0000 - 13.0000i

   Column 4

     3.0000 + 5.0000i

>> fft2([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     6.0000  14.8435 + 35.7894i  -15.3435 - 23.8824i

   Columns 4 through 5

     -15.3435 + 23.8824i   14.8435 - 35.7894i

ifft (V)

Returns the inverse discrete Fourier transform of V

>> ifft([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     1.2500 + 0.2500i   0.7500 + 1.2500i   0.7500 - 3.2500i

   Column 4

     -1.7500 + 0.7500i

>> ifft([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     1.2000    2.9687 - 7.1579i  -3.0687 + 4.7765i

   Columns 4 through 5

     -3.0687 - 4.7765i   2.9687 + 7.1579i

ifft2 (V)

Returns the inverse two dimensional discrete Fourier transform of V

>> ifft2([1-i 1+i 3-5i 6i])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     1.2500 + 0.2500i   0.7500 + 1.2500i   0.7500 - 3.2500i

   Column 4

     -1.7500 + 0.7500i

>> ifft2([1, 0, -23, 12, 16])

ans =

   Columns 1 through 3

     1.2000  2.9687 - 7.1579i  -3.0687 + 4.7765i

   Columns 4 through 5

     -3.0687 - 4.7765i   2.9687 + 7.1579i

Basic Functions with a Complex Matrix Argument

The functions described in the above table also support as an argument a complex matrix Z, in which case the result is a row vector whose components are the results of applying the function to each column of the matrix. Let us not forget that these functions are also valid for real variables.

max (Z)

Returns a vector indicating the maximal components of each column of the matrix Z (for complex matrices the maximum is determined by the absolute values of the components)

>> Z=[1-i 3i 5;-1+i 0 2i;6-5i 8i -7]

Z =

      1.0000 - 1.0000i        0 + 3.0000i   5.0000

     -1.0000 + 1.0000i        0             0 + 2.0000i

      6.0000 - 5.0000i        0 + 8.0000i  -7.0000

>> Z=[1-i 3i 5-12i;-1+i 0 2i;6-5i 8i -7+6i]

Z =

      1.0000 - 1.0000i   0 + 3.0000i   5.0000 - 12.0000i

     -1.0000 + 1.0000i   0                  0 + 2.0000i

      6.0000 - 5.0000i   0 + 8.0000i  -7.0000 + 6.0000i

>> max(Z)

ans =

     6.0000 - 5.0000i   0 + 8.0000i   5.0000 - 12.0000i

>> Z1=[1 3 5;-1 0 2;6 8 -7]

Z1 =

       1     3     5

      -1     0     2

       6     8    -7

>> max(Z1)

ans =

     6     8     5

min (Z)

Returns a vector indicating the minimal components of each column of the matrix Z (for complex matrices the minimum is determined by the absolute values of the components)

>> min(Z)

ans =

     1.0000 - 1.0000i        0         0 + 2.0000i

>> min(Z1)

ans =

     -1     0    -7

mean (Z)

Returns the vector of arithmetic means of the columns of the matrix Z

>> mean(Z)

ans =

     2.0000 - 1.6667i  0 + 3.6667i  -0.6667 - 1.3333i

>> mean(Z1)

ans =

     2.0000    3.6667      0

median (Z)

Returns the vector of medians of the columns of the matrix Z

>> median(Z)

ans =

     -1.0000 + 1.0000i  0 + 3.0000i  -7.0000 + 6.0000i

>> median(Z1)

ans =

     1     3     2

std (Z)

Returns the vector of standard deviations of the columns of the matrix Z

>> std(Z)

ans =

     4.7258    4.0415   11.2101

>> std(Z1)

ans =

     3.6056    4.0415    6.2450

sort (Z)

Sorts in ascending order the components of the columns of Z. For complex matrices the ordering is by absolute value

>> sort(Z)

ans =

      1.0000 - 1.0000i     0                  0 +  2.0000i

     -1.0000 + 1.0000i     0 + 3.0000i  -7.0000 +  6.0000i

      6.0000 - 5.0000i     0 + 8.0000i   5.0000 - 12.0000i

>> sort(Z1)

ans =

     -1     0    -7

      1     3     2

      6     8     5

sum (Z)

Returns the sum of the components of the columns of the matrix Z

>> sum(Z)

ans =

     6.0000 - 5.0000i   0 + 11.0000i  -2.0000 - 4.0000i

>> sum(Z1)

ans =

     6    11     0

prod (Z)

Returns the vector of products of the elements of the columns of the matrix Z

>> prod(Z)

ans =

     1.0e+002 *

     0.1000 + 0.1200i       0      -2.2800 + 0.7400i

>> prod(Z1)

ans =

     -6     0   -70

cumsum (Z)

Gives the matrix of cumulative sums of the columns of Z

>> cumsum(Z)

ans =

     1.0000 - 1.0000i   0 + 3.0000i    5.0000 - 12.0000i

     0                  0 + 3.0000i    5.0000 - 10.0000i

     6.0000 - 5.0000i   0 + 11.0000i  -2.0000 -  4.0000i

>> cumsum(Z1)

ans =

     1     3     5

     0     3     7

     6    11     0

cumprod (V)

Returns the cumulative products of the columns of the matrix Z

>> cumprod(Z)

ans =

     1.0e+002 *

     0.0100 - 0.0100i     0 + 0.0300i   0.0500 - 0.1200i

     0      + 0.0200i     0             0.2400 + 0.1000i

     0.1000 + 0.1200i     0            -2.2800 + 0.7400i

>> cumprod(Z1)

ans =

      1     3     5

     -1     0    10

     -6     0   -70

diff (Z)

Returns the matrix of first differences of the components of the columns of Z

>> diff(Z)

ans =

     -2.0000 + 2.0000i     0 - 3.0000i  -5.0000 + 14.0000i

      7.0000 - 6.0000i     0 + 8.0000i  -7.0000 +  4.0000i

>> diff(Z1)

ans =

     -2    -3    -3

      7     8    -9

gradient (Z)

Returns the matrix of gradients of the columns of Z

>> gradient(Z)

ans =

     -1.0000 + 4.0000i   2.0000 - 5.5000i  5.0000 - 15.0000i

      1.0000 - 1.0000i   0.5000 + 0.5000i       0 + 2.0000i

     -6.0000 + 13.0000i -6.5000 + 5.5000i -7.0000 - 2.0000i

>> gradient(Z1)

ans =

     2.0000  2.0000   2.0000

     1.0000  1.5000   2.0000

     2.0000 –6.5000 -15.0000

del2 (V)

Returns the discrete Laplacian of the columns of the matrix Z

>> del2(Z)

ans =

     3.7500 - 6.7500i   1.5000 - 2.0000i   1.0000 - 7.2500i

     2.0000 - 1.2500i  -0.2500 + 3.5000i  -0.7500 - 1.7500i

     2.0000 - 5.7500i  -0.2500 - 1.0000i  -0.7500 - 6.2500i

>> del2(Z1)

ans =

     2.2500    2.7500   -1.5000

     2.5000    3.0000   -1.2500

    -2.0000   -1.5000   -5.7500

fft (Z)

Returns the discrete Fourier transform of the columns of the matrix Z

>> fft(Z)

ans =

     6.0000 - 5.0000i        0 + 11.0000i  -2.0000 -  4.0000i

     3.6962 + 7.0622i  -6.9282 -  1.0000i   5.0359 - 22.0622i

    -6.6962 - 5.0622i   6.9282 -  1.0000i  11.9641 -  9.9378i

>> fft(Z1)

ans =

     6.0000            11.0000                  0

    -1.5000 + 6.0622i  -1.0000 + 6.9282i   7.5000 - 7.7942i

    -1.5000 - 6.0622i  -1.0000 - 6.9282i   7.5000 + 7.7942i

fft2 (Z)

Returns the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of the columns of the matrix Z

>> fft2(Z)

ans =

      4.0000 +  2.0000i  19.9904 - 10.2321i  -5.9904 - 6.7679i

      1.8038 - 16.0000i  22.8827 + 28.9545i -13.5981 + 8.2321i

     12.1962 - 16.0000i  -8.4019 +  4.7679i -23.8827 - 3.9545i

>> fft2(Z1)

ans =

     17.0000             0.5000 -  9.5263i   0.5000 +  9.5263i

      5.0000 + 5.1962i   8.0000 + 13.8564i -17.5000 -  0.8660i

      5.0000 - 5.1962i -17.5000 +  0.8660i   8.0000 - 13.8564i

ifft (Z)

Returns the inverse discrete Fourier transforms of the columns of the matrix Z

>> ifft(Z)

ans =

     2.0000 - 1.6667i        0 + 3.6667i  -0.6667 - 1.3333i

    -2.2321 - 1.6874i   2.3094 - 0.3333i   3.9880 - 3.3126i

     1.2321 + 2.3541i  -2.3094 - 0.3333i   1.6786 - 7.3541i

>> ifft(Z1)

ans =

     2.0000             3.6667                  0

    -0.5000 - 2.0207i  -0.3333 - 2.3094i   2.5000 + 2.5981i

    -0.5000 + 2.0207i  -0.3333 + 2.3094i   2.5000 - 2.5981i

ifft2 (Z)

Returns the inverse two dimensional discrete Fourier transform of the columns of the matrix Z

>> ifft2(Z)

ans =

     0.4444 + 0.2222i  -0.6656 - 0.7520i   2.2212 - 1.1369i

     1.3551 - 1.7778i  -2.6536 - 0.4394i  -0.9335 + 0.5298i

     0.2004 - 1.7778i  -1.5109 + 0.9147i   2.5425 + 3.2172i

>> ifft2(Z1)

ans =

     1.8889             0.0556 + 1.0585i   0.0556 - 1.0585i

     0.5556 - 0.5774i   0.8889 - 1.5396i  -1.9444 + 0.0962i

     0.5556 + 0.5774i  -1.9444 - 0.0962i   0.8889 + 1.5396i

General Functions with a Complex Matrix Argument

MATLAB incorporates a broad group of hyperbolic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions that support a complex matrix as an argument. Obviously, these functions also accept a complex vector as the argument, since a vector is a particular case of a matrix. All functions are applied element-wise to the matrix.

Trigonometric Functions of a Complex Matrix Variable

Below is a table of the trigonometric functions of a complex variable and their inverses that MATLAB incorporates, illustrated with examples. In the examples, the matrices Z and Z1 are those introduced in the first example concerning the sine function.

Trigonometric Functions

sin(z) sine function

>> Z=[1-i, 1+i, 2i;3-6i, 2+4

i, -i;i,2i,3i]

Z =

     1.0000 - 1.0000i   1.0000 + 1.0000i   0 + 2.0000i

     3.0000 - 6.0000i   2.0000 + 4.0000i   0 - 1.0000i

          0 + 1.0000i        0 + 2.0000i   0 + 3.0000i

>> Z1=[1,1,2;3,2,-1;1,2,3]

Z1 =

     1     1     2

     3     2    -1

     1     2     3

>> sin(Z)

ans =

   1.0e+002 *

     0.0130 - 0.0063i   0.0130 + 0.0063i   0 + 0.0363i

     0.2847 + 1.9969i   0.2483 - 0.1136i   0 - 0.0118i

          0 + 0.0118i        0 + 0.0363i   0 + 0.1002i

>> sin(Z1)

ans =

     0.8415 0.8415   0.9093

     0.1411 0.9093 - 0.8415

     0.8415 0.9093   0.1411

cos (z) cosine function

>> cos(Z)

ans =

   1.0e+002 *

      0.0083 + 0.0099i   0.0083 - 0.0099i   0.0376

     -1.9970 + 0.2847i  -0.1136 - 0.2481i   0.0154

      0.0154             0.0376             0.1007

>> cos(Z1)

ans =

      0.5403  0.5403  -0.4161

     -0.9900 -0.4161   0.5403

      0.5403 -0.4161  -0.9900

tan (z) tangent function

>> tan(Z)

ans =

      0.2718 - 1.0839i   0.2718 + 1.0839i   0 + 0.9640i

     -0.0000 - 1.0000i  -0.0005 + 1.0004i   0 - 0.7616i

           0 + 0.7616i        0 + 0.9640i   0 + 0.9951i

>> tan(Z1)

ans =

      1.5574    1.5574   -2.1850

     -0.1425   -2.1850   -1.5574

      1.5574   -2.1850   -0.1425

csc (z) cosecant function

>> csc(Z)

ans =

     0.6215 + 0.3039i   0.6215 - 0.3039i   0 - 0.2757i

     0.0007 - 0.0049i   0.0333 + 0.0152i   0 + 0.8509i

          0 - 0.8509i        0 - 0.2757i   0 - 0.0998i

>> csc(Z1)

ans =

     1.1884    1.1884    1.0998

     7.0862    1.0998   -1.1884

     1.1884    1.0998    7.0862

sec (z) secant function

>> sec(Z)

ans =

      0.4983 - 0.5911i   0.4983 + 0.5911i   0.2658

     -0.0049 - 0.0007i  -0.0153 + 0.0333i   0.6481

      0.6481             0.2658             0.0993

>> sec(Z1)

ans =

      1.8508    1.8508   -2.4030

     -1.0101   -2.4030    1.8508

      1.8508   -2.4030   -1.0101

cot (z) cotangent function

>> cot(Z)

ans =

      0.2176 + 0.8680i   0.2176 - 0.8680i   0 - 1.0373i

     -0.0000 + 1.0000i  -0.0005 - 0.9996i   0 + 1.3130i

           0 - 1.3130i        0 - 1.0373i   0 - 1.0050i

>> cot(Z1)

ans =

      0.6421    0.6421   -0.4577

     -7.0153   -0.4577   -0.6421

      0.6421   -0.4577   -7.0153

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

asin (z) arcsine function

>> asin(Z)

ans =

     0.6662 - 1.0613i   0.6662 + 1.0613i   0 + 1.4436i

     0.4592 - 2.5998i   0.4539 + 2.1986i   0 - 0.8814i

          0 + 0.8814i        0 + 1.4436i   0 + 1.8184i

>> asin(Z1)

ans =

     1.5708             1.5708             1.5708 - 1.3170i

     1.5708 - 1.7627i   1.5708 - 1.3170i  -1.5708

     1.5708             1.5708 - 1.3170i   1.5708 - 1.7627i

acos (z) arccosine  function

>> acos(Z)

ans =

     0.9046 + 1.0613i   0.9046 - 1.0613i   1.5708 - 1.4436i

     1.1115 + 2.5998i   1.1169 - 2.1986i   1.5708 + 0.8814i

     1.5708 - 0.8814i   1.5708 - 1.4436i   1.5708 - 1.8184i

>> acos(Z1)

ans =

     0                  0                  0 + 1.3170i

     0 + 1.7627i        0 + 1.3170i        3.1416

     0                  0 + 1.3170i        0 + 1.7627i

atan(z) and atan2(z) arctangent function

>> atan(Z)

Warning: Singularity in ATAN. This warning will be removed in a future release.

         Consider using DBSTOP IF NANINF when debugging.

Warning: Singularity in ATAN. This warning will be removed in a future release.

         Consider using DBSTOP IF NANINF when debugging.

ans =

     1.0172 - 0.4024i   1.0172 + 0.4024i  -1.5708 + 0.5493i

     1.5030 - 0.1335i   1.4670 + 0.2006i        0 -    Infi

          0 +    Infi  -1.5708 + 0.5493i  -1.5708 + 0.3466i

>> atan(Z1)

ans =

     0.7854    0.7854    1.1071

     1.2490    1.1071   -0.7854

     0.7854    1.1071    1.2490

acsc (z) arccosecant function

>> acsc(Z)

ans =

     0.4523 + 0.5306i   0.4523 - 0.5306i   0 - 0.4812i

     0.0661 + 0.1332i   0.0982 - 0.1996i   0 + 0.8814i

          0 - 0.8814i        0 - 0.4812i   0 - 0.3275i

>> acsc(Z1)

ans =

     1.5708    1.5708    0.5236

     0.3398    0.5236   -1.5708

     1.5708    0.5236    0.3398

asec (z) arcsecant function

>> asec(Z)

ans =

     1.1185 - 0.5306i   1.1185 + 0.5306i   1.5708 + 0.4812i

     1.5047 - 0.1332i   1.4726 + 0.1996i   1.5708 - 0.8814i

     1.5708 + 0.8814i   1.5708 + 0.4812i   1.5708 + 0.3275i

>> asec(Z1)

ans =

          0         0    1.0472

     1.2310    1.0472    3.1416

          0    1.0472    1.2310

acot (z) arccotangent function

>> acot(Z)

warning: singularity in atan. this warning will be removed in a future release.

         consider using dbstop if naninf when debugging.

ans =

     0.5536 + 0.4024i   0.5536 - 0.4024i    0 - 0.5493i

     0.0678 + 0.1335i   0.1037 - 0.2006i    0 +    infi

          0 -    infi        0 - 0.5493i    0 - 0.3466i

>> acot(Z1)

ans =

     0.7854    0.7854    0.4636

     0.3218    0.4636   -0.7854

     0.7854    0.4636    0.3218

Hyperbolic Functions of a Complex Matrix Variable

Below is a table of the hyperbolic functions of a complex variable and their inverses that MATLAB incorporates, illustrated with examples. The matrices Z1 and Z are the same as for the previous examples.

Hyperbolic Functions

sinh (z) hyperbolic sine function

>> sinh(Z)

ans =

     0.6350 - 1.2985i   0.6350 + 1.2985i   0 + 0.9093i

     9.6189 + 2.8131i  -2.3707 - 2.8472i   0 - 0.8415i

          0 + 0.8415i        0 + 0.9093i   0 + 0.1411i

>> sinh(Z1)

ans =

      1.1752   1.1752    3.6269

     10.0179   3.6269   -1.1752

      1.1752   3.6269   10.0179

cosh (z) hyperbolic cosine function

>> cosh(Z)

ans =

     0.8337 - 0.9889i   0.8337 + 0.9889i  -0.4161

     9.6667 + 2.7991i  -2.4591 - 2.7448i   0.5403

     0.5403            -0.4161            -0.9900

>> cosh(Z1)

ans =

      1.5431    1.5431    3.7622

     10.0677    3.7622    1.5431

      1.5431    3.7622   10.0677

tanh (z) hyperbolic tangent function

>> tanh(Z)

ans =

     1.0839 - 0.2718i   1.0839 + 0.2718i   0 - 2.1850i

     0.9958 + 0.0026i   1.0047 + 0.0364i   0 - 1.5574i

          0 + 1.5574i        0 - 2.1850i   0 - 0.1425i

>> tanh(Z1)

ans =

     0.7616    0.7616    0.9640

     0.9951    0.9640   -0.7616

     0.7616    0.9640    0.9951

csch (z) hyperbolic cosecant function

>> csch(Z)

ans =

     0.3039 + 0.6215i   0.3039 - 0.6215i   0 - 1.0998i

     0.0958 - 0.0280i  -0.1727 + 0.2074i   0 + 1.1884i

          0 - 1.1884i        0 - 1.0998i   0 - 7.0862i

>> csch(Z1)

ans =

     0.8509    0.8509    0.2757

     0.0998    0.2757   -0.8509

     0.8509    0.2757    0.0998

sech (z) hyperbolic secant function

>> sech(Z)

ans =

     0.4983 + 0.5911i   0.4983 - 0.5911i  -2.4030

     0.0954 - 0.0276i  -0.1811 + 0.2021i   1.8508

     1.8508            -2.4030            -1.0101

>> sech(Z1)

ans =

     0.6481    0.6481    0.2658

     0.0993    0.2658    0.6481

     0.6481    0.2658    0.0993

coth (z) hyperbolic cotangent function

>> coth(Z)

ans =

     0.8680 + 0.2176i   0.8680 - 0.2176i   0 + 0.4577i

     1.0042 - 0.0027i   0.9940 - 0.0360i   0 + 0.6421i

          0 - 0.6421i        0 + 0.4577i   0 + 7.0153i

>> coth(Z1)

ans =

     1.3130    1.3130    1.0373

     1.0050    1.0373   -1.3130

     1.3130    1.0373    1.0050

Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

asinh (z) arc hyperbolic sine function

>> asinh(Z)

ans =

     1.0613 - 0.6662i   1.0613 + 0.6662i   1.3170 + 1.5708i

     2.5932 - 1.1027i   2.1836 + 1.0969i        0 - 1.5708i

          0 + 1.5708i   1.3170 + 1.5708i   1.7627 + 1.5708i

>> asinh(Z1)

ans =

     0.8814    0.8814    1.4436

     1.8184    1.4436   -0.8814

     0.8814    1.4436    1.8184

acosh (z) arc hyperbolic cosine function

>> acosh(Z)

ans =

     1.0613 - 0.9046i   1.0613 + 0.9046i   1.4436 + 1.5708i

     2.5998 - 1.1115i   2.1986 + 1.1169i   0.8814 - 1.5708i

     0.8814 + 1.5708i   1.4436 + 1.5708i   1.8184 + 1.5708i

>> acosh(Z1)

ans =

          0         0        1.3170

     1.7627    1.3170    0 + 3.1416i

          0    1.3170        1.7627

atanh (z) hyperbolic arctangent function

>> atanh(Z)

ans =

     0.4024 - 1.0172i   0.4024 + 1.0172i   0 + 1.1071i

     0.0656 - 1.4377i   0.0964 + 1.3715i   0 - 0.7854i

          0 + 0.7854i        0 + 1.1071i   0 + 1.2490i

>> atanh(Z1)

ans =

        inf                inf             0.5493 + 1.5708i

     0.3466 + 1.5708i   0.5493 + 1.5708i     -inf

        inf             0.5493 + 1.5708i   0.3466 + 1.5708i

acsch (z) arc hyperbolic cosecant function

>> acsch(Z)

ans =

     0.5306 + 0.4523i   0.5306 - 0.4523i   0 - 0.5236i

     0.0672 + 0.1334i   0.1019 - 0.2003i   0 + 1.5708i

          0 - 1.5708i        0 - 0.5236i   0 - 0.3398i

>> acsch(Z1)

ans =

     0.8814    0.8814    0.4812

     0.3275    0.4812   -0.8814

     0.8814    0.4812    0.3275

asech (z) arc hyperbolic secant function

>> asech(Z)

ans =

     0.5306 + 1.1185i   0.5306 - 1.1185i   0.4812 - 1.5708i

     0.1332 + 1.5047i   0.1996 - 1.4726i   0.8814 + 1.5708i

     0.8814 - 1.5708i   0.4812 - 1.5708i   0.3275 - 1.5708i

>> asech(Z1)

ans =

     0             0             0 + 1.0472i

     0 + 1.2310i   0 + 1.0472i   0 + 3.1416i

     0             0 + 1.0472i   0 + 1.2310i

acoth (z) arc hyperbolic cotangent function

>> acoth(Z)

ans =

     0.4024 + 0.5536i   0.4024 - 0.5536i   0 - 0.4636i

     0.0656 + 0.1331i   0.0964 - 0.1993i   0 + 0.7854i

          0 - 0.7854i        0 - 0.4636i   0 - 0.3218i

>> acoth(Z1)

ans =

        Inf       Inf    0.5493

     0.3466    0.5493      -Inf

        Inf    0.5493    0.3466

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions of a Complex Matrix Variable

Below is a table of the exponential and logarithmic functions that MATLAB incorporates, illustrated with examples. The matrices Z1 and Z are the same as for the previous examples.



exp (z)

Base e exponential function  (e ^ x)

>> exp(Z)

ans =

      1.4687 - 2.2874i   1.4687 + 2.2874i  -0.4161 + 0.9093i

     19.2855 + 5.6122i  -4.8298 - 5.5921i   0.5403 - 0.8415i

      0.5403 + 0.8415i  -0.4161 + 0.9093i  -0.9900 + 0.1411i

>> exp(Z1)

ans =

      2.7183 2.7183  7.3891

     20.0855 7.3891  0.3679

      2.7183 7.3891 20.0855

log (x)

Base e logarithm

>> log(Z)

ans =

     0.3466 - 0.7854i   0.3466 + 0.7854i   0.6931 + 1.5708i

     1.9033 - 1.1071i   1.4979 + 1.1071i        0 - 1.5708i

          0 + 1.5708i   0.6931 + 1.5708i   1.0986 + 1.5708i

>> log(Z1)

ans =

          0     0         0.6931

     1.0986     0.6931         0 + 3.1416i

          0     0.6931    1.0986

log10 (x)

Base 10 logarithm

>> log10(Z)

ans =

     0.1505 - 0.3411i   0.1505 + 0.3411i   0.3010 + 0.6822i

     0.8266 - 0.4808i   0.6505 + 0.4808i        0 - 0.6822i

          0 + 0.6822i   0.3010 + 0.6822i   0.4771 + 0.6822i

>> log10(Z1)

ans =

     0       0       0.3010

     0.4771  0.3010       0 + 1.3644i

     0       0.3010  0.4771

log2 (x)

Base 2 logarithm

>> log2(Z)

ans =

     0.5000 - 1.1331i   0.5000 + 1.1331i   1.0000 + 2.2662i

     2.7459 - 1.5973i   2.1610 + 1.5973i        0 - 2.2662i

          0 + 2.2662i   1.0000 + 2.2662i   1.5850 + 2.2662i

>> log2(Z1)

ans =

          0  0       1.0000

     1.5850  1.0000       0 + 4.5324i

          0  1.0000  1.5850

pow2 (x)

Base 2 power function

>> pow2(Z)

ans =

      1.5385 - 1.2779i   1.5385 + 1.2779i   0.1835 + 0.9830i

     -4.2054 + 6.8055i  -3.7307 + 1.4427i   0.7692 - 0.6390i

      0.7692 + 0.6390i   0.1835 + 0.9830i  -0.4870 + 0.8734i

>> pow2(Z1)

ans =

     2.0000 2.0000 4.0000

     8.0000 4.0000 0.5000

     2.0000 4.0000 8.0000

sqrt (x)

Square root function

>> sqrt(Z)

ans =

     1.0987 - 0.4551i   1.0987 + 0.4551i   1.0000 + 1.0000i

     2.2032 - 1.3617i   1.7989 + 1.1118i   0.7071 - 0.7071i

     0.7071 + 0.7071i   1.0000 + 1.0000i   1.2247 + 1.2247i

>> sqrt(Z1)

ans =

     1.0000  1.0000  1.4142

     1.7321  1.4142       0 + 1.0000i

     1.0000  1.4142  1.7321

Specific Functions of Complex Matrix Variables

MATLAB incorporates a group of functions of a complex variable specifically to work with moduli, arguments, and real and imaginary parts. Among these functions are the following:



abs (Z)

The modulus (absolute value) of Z

>> abs(Z)

ans =

     1.4142    1.4142    2.0000

     6.7082    4.4721    1.0000

     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000

>> abs(Z1)

ans =

     1  1  2

     3 -2 -1

     1  2  3

angle (Z)

The argument of Z

>> angle(Z)

ans =

     -0.7854    0.7854    1.5708

     -1.1071    1.1071   -1.5708

      1.5708    1.5708    1.5708

>> angle(Z1)

ans =

     0         0         0

     0         0         3.1416

     0         0         0

conj (Z)

The complex conjugate of Z

>> conj(Z)

ans =

     1.0000 + 1.0000i   1.0000 - 1.0000i     0 - 2.0000i

     3.0000 + 6.0000i   2.0000 - 4.0000i     0 + 1.0000i

          0 - 1.0000i        0 - 2.0000i     0 - 3.0000i

>> conj(Z1)

ans =

     1  1  2

     2 -3 -1

     1  2  3

real (Z)

The real part of Z

>> real(Z)

ans =

     1     1     0

     3     2     0

     0     0     0

>> real(Z1)

ans =

     1  1  2

     2 -3 -1

     1  2  3

imag (Z)

The imaginary part of Z

>> imag(Z)

ans =

     -1  1  2

     -4  6 -1

      1  2  3

>> imag(Z1)

ans =

     0 0 0

     0 0 0

     0 0 0

floor (Z)

Applies the floor function to real(Z) and imag(Z)

>> floor(12.357*Z)

ans =

     12.0000 - 13.0000i  12.0000 + 12.0000i  0 + 24.0000i

     37.0000 - 75.0000i  24.0000 + 49.0000i  0 - 13.0000i

           0 + 12.0000i        0 + 24.0000i  0 + 37.0000i

>> floor(12.357*Z1)

ans =

     12  12   24

     37  24  -13

     12 -24  -37

ceil (Z)

Applies the ceil function to real(Z) and imag(Z)

>> ceil(12.357*Z)

ans =

     13.0000 - 12.0000i  13.0000 + 13.0000i  0 + 25.0000i

     38.0000 - 74.0000i  25.0000 + 50.0000i  0 - 12.0000i

           0 + 13.0000i        0 + 25.0000i  0 + 38.0000i

>> ceil(12.357*Z1)

ans =

     13 13  25

     38 25 -12

     13 25  38

round (Z)

Applies the function round to real(Z) and imag(Z)

>> round(12.357*Z)

ans =

     12.0000 - 12.0000i  12.0000 + 12.0000i   0 + 25.0000i

     37.0000 - 74.0000i  25.0000 + 49.0000i   0 - 12.0000i

           0 + 12.0000i        0 + 25.0000i   0 + 37.0000i

>> round(12.357*Z1)

ans =

     12 -12 -25

     37  25 -12

     12  25  37

fix (Z)

Applies the function fix to real(Z) and imag(Z)

>> fix(12.357*Z)

ans =

     12.0000 - 12.0000i  12.0000 + 12.0000i   0 + 24.0000i

     37.0000 - 74.0000i  24.0000 + 49.0000i   0 - 12.0000i

           0 + 12.0000i        0 + 24.0000i   0 + 37.0000i

>> fix(12.357*Z1)

ans =

     12  12  24

     24 -37  12

     12 -24 -37

Operations with Real and Complex Matrix Variables

MATLAB includes the usual operations of sum, difference, product, power, exponentiation and inversion for complex matrix variables. Obviously all these operations will also be valid for real matrix variables. The following table summarizes the operations that are valid both for numerical real and complex matrix variables and algebraic matrix variables.

A + B

Matrix sum

>> A=[1+i, 1-i, 2i; -i, -3i, 6-5i;2+3i, 2-3i, i]

A =

     1.0000 + 1.0000i   1.0000 - 1.0000i        0 + 2.0000i

          0 - 1.0000i        0 - 3.0000i   6.0000 - 5.0000i

     2.0000 + 3.0000i   2.0000 - 3.0000i        0 + 1.0000i

>> B=[i, -i, 2i; 1-i, 7-3i, 2-5i;8-6i, 5-i, 1+i]

B =

          0 + 1.0000i        0 - 1.0000i        0 + 2.0000i

     1.0000 - 1.0000i   7.0000 - 3.0000i   2.0000 - 5.0000i

     8.0000 - 6.0000i   5.0000 - 1.0000i   1.0000 + 1.0000i

>> A1=[1 6 2;3 5 0; 2 4 -1]

A1 =

     1     6     2

     3     5     0

     2     4    -1

>> B1=[-3 -6 1;-3 -5 2; 12 14 -10]

B1 =

     -3    -6     1

     -3    -5     2

     12    14   -10

>> A+B

ans =

     1.0000 + 2.0000i   1.0000 - 2.0000i        0 +  4.0000i

     1.0000 - 2.0000i   7.0000 - 6.0000i   8.0000 - 10.0000i

    10.0000 - 3.0000i   7.0000 - 4.0000i   1.0000 +  2.0000i

>> A1+B1

ans =

     -2     0     3

      0     0     2

     14    18   -11

A - B

Difference of matrices

>> A-B

ans =

      1.0000             1.0000                  0

     -1.0000            -7.0000             4.0000

     -6.0000 + 9.0000i  -3.0000 - 2.0000i  -1.0000

>> A1-B1

ans =

      4    12     1

      6    10    -2

    -10   -10     9

A * B

Product of matrices

>> A * B

ans =

     11.0000 + 15.0000i   7.0000 -  1.0000i  -7.0000 -  3.0000i

     16.0000 - 79.0000i  15.0000 - 52.0000i  -2.0000 -  5.0000i

      2.0000 +  5.0000i   9.0000 - 24.0000i -18.0000 - 11.0000i

>> A1*B1

ans =

       3    -8    -7

     -24   -43    13

     -30   -46    20


nth power of the matrix A

>> A^3

ans =

     1.0e+002 *

     0.1000 - 0.3400i  -0.3200 - 0.1200i   0.3400 - 0.3600i

     0.0900 - 0.0300i  -1.0700 + 0.2100i  -2.2500 - 0.6700i

     0.3700 - 0.7900i  -1.0300 - 0.0300i  -0.0700 - 0.3700i

>> A1^3

ans =

     155   358    46

     159   347    30

     106   232    19


Scalar p raised to the power of the matrix A

>> 3^A

ans =

       0.0159 - 1.2801i  -0.5297 +  2.8779i  -1.9855 +  3.0796i

     -10.3372 + 0.4829i  17.0229 + 12.9445i  14.7327 + 20.1633i

      -5.0438 + 0.2388i   7.0696 +  6.9611i   5.7189 +  9.5696i

>> 3^A1

ans =

   1.0e+003 *

     2.2230    4.9342    0.4889

     2.1519    4.7769    0.4728

     1.4346    3.1844    0.3156

A '

Transpose of the matrix A

>> A'

ans =

     1.0000 - 1.0000i        0 + 1.0000i   2.0000 - 3.0000i

     1.0000 + 1.0000i        0 + 3.0000i   2.0000 + 3.0000i

          0 - 2.0000i   6.0000 + 5.0000i        0 - 1.0000i

>> A1'

ans =

     1     3     2

     6     5     4

     2     0    -1


Inverse of the matrix A

>> A^-1

ans =

     -2.5000 + 2.0000i  -0.0500 + 0.6500i   0.8500 - 1.0500i

      0.5000 + 3.0000i   0.5500 + 0.3500i  -0.3500 - 0.9500i

     -1.0000 - 1.0000i  -0.2000 + 0.1000i   0.4000 + 0.3000i

>> A1^-1

ans =

     -0.2941    0.8235   -0.5882

      0.1765   -0.2941    0.3529

      0.1176    0.4706   -0.7647

>> A*A^-1

ans =

      1.0000             0.0000 - 0.0000i  -0.0000 + 0.0000i

     -0.0000 - 0.0000i   1.0000 + 0.0000i   0.0000

      0.0000 + 0.0000i   0.0000             1.0000 + 0.0000i

>> A1*A1^-1

ans =

      1.0000   -0.0000         0

     -0.0000    1.0000         0

     -0.0000   -0.0000    1.0000


If A is square AB = (A-1) * B and if A is not square, AB is the solution in the sense of least-squares of the system AX = B

>> AB

ans =

      -0.9000 - 15.3000i   6.8000 + 1.1000i   1.0500 - 3.6500i

     -10.6000 -  5.2000i   5.2000 - 4.1000i  -2.5500 - 2.3500i

       5.9000 -  0.7000i   0.2000 + 3.4000i   2.2000 - 0.1000i

>> A1B1

ans =

      -8.6471 -10.5882  7.2353

       4.5882   5.3529 -3.9412

     -10.9412 -13.7647  8.7059


Equivalent to AB

>> B/A

ans =

      3.0000 -  5.0000i  -0.5000 - 1.0000i  -0.5000 +  2.0000i

      5.0000 + 27.0000i   5.6000 + 2.7000i  -3.2000 -  8.9000i

     -2.5000 + 43.5000i   6.3000 + 6.6000i  -2.1000 - 17.2000i

>> A'B'

ans =

      3.0000 + 5.0000i   5.0000 - 27.0000i  -2.5000 - 43.5000i

     -0.5000 + 1.0000i   5.6000 - 2.7000i    6.3000 -  6.6000i

     -0.5000 - 2.0000i  -3.2000 + 8.9000i   -2.1000 + 17.2000i

>> B1/A1

ans =

     -0.0588   -0.2353   -1.1176

      0.2353   -0.0588   -1.5294

     -2.2353    1.0588    5.5294

>> A1'B1'

ans =

     -0.0588    0.2353   -2.2353

     -0.2353   -0.0588    1.0588

     -1.1176   -1.5294    5.5294


Given the complex numbers z1= 1-i, and z2= 5i, calculate: z13 z12/z24, z11/2, z23/2, ln(z1+z2), sin(z1-z2), and tanh(z1/z2).

>> Z1=1-i

Z1 =

   1.0000 - 1.0000i

>> Z2=5i

Z2 =

        0 + 5.0000i

>> Z1^3

ans =

  -2.0000 - 2.0000i

>> Z1^2/Z2^4

ans =

        0 - 0.0032i

>> sqrt(Z1)

ans =

   1.0987 - 0.4551i

>> sqrt(Z2^3)

ans =

   7.9057 - 7.9057i

>> log(Z1+Z2)

ans =

   1.4166 + 1.3258i

>> sin(Z1-Z2)

ans =

  1.6974e+002 -1.0899e+002i

>> tanh(Z1/Z2)

ans =

  -0.2052 - 0.1945i


Perform the following operations with complex numbers:


>> (i^8-i^(-8))/(3-4*i) + 1

ans =


>> i^(sin(1+i))

ans =

 -0.16665202215166 + 0.32904139450307i

>> (2+log(i))^(1/i)

ans =

  1.15809185259777 - 1.56388053989023i

>> (1+i)^i

ans =

  0.42882900629437 + 0.15487175246425i

>> i^(log(1+i))

ans =

  0.24911518828716 + 0.15081974484717i

>> (1+sqrt(3)*i)^(1-i)

ans =

  5.34581479196611 + 1.97594883452873i


Find the real part, imaginary part, modulus and argument of each of the following:


>> Z1=i^3*i; Z2=(1+sqrt(3)*i)^(1-i); Z3=(i^i)^i;Z4=i^i;

>> format short

>> real([Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4])
ans =

    1.0000    5.3458    0.0000    0.2079

>> imag([Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4])

ans =

         0    1.9759   -1.0000         0

>> abs([Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4])

ans =

    1.0000    5.6993    1.0000    0.2079

>> angle([Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4])

ans =

         0    0.3541   -1.5708         0


Consider the matrix M defined as the product of the imaginary unit i with the square matrix of order 3 whose elements are, row by row, the first nine positive integers.

Find the square of M, its square root and its exponential to base 2 and -2.

Find the element-wise Naperian logarithm of M and its element-wise base e exponential.

Find log(M ) and eM.

>> M=i*[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]

M =
        0 + 1.0000i        0 + 2.0000i        0 + 3.0000i
        0 + 4.0000i        0 + 5.0000i        0 + 6.0000i
        0 + 7.0000i        0 + 8.0000i        0 + 9.0000i

>> C=M^2

C =

   -30   -36   -42
   -66   -81   -96
  -102  -126  -150

>> D=M^(1/2)

D =

   0.8570 - 0.2210i   0.5370 + 0.2445i   0.2169 + 0.7101i
   0.7797 + 0.6607i   0.9011 + 0.8688i   1.0224 + 1.0769i
   0.7024 + 1.5424i   1.2651 + 1.4930i   1.8279 + 1.4437i

>> 2^M

ans =

   0.7020 - 0.6146i  -0.1693 - 0.2723i  -0.0407 + 0.0699i
  -0.2320 - 0.3055i   0.7366 - 0.3220i  -0.2947 - 0.3386i
  -0.1661 + 0.0036i  -0.3574 - 0.3717i   0.4513 - 0.7471i

>> (-2)^M

ans =

  17.3946 -16.8443i   4.3404 - 4.5696i  -7.7139 + 7.7050i
   1.5685 - 1.8595i   1.1826 - 0.5045i  -1.2033 + 0.8506i
 -13.2575 + 13.1252i  -3.9751 + 3.5607i   6.3073 - 6.0038i

>> log(M)

ans =

        0 + 1.5708i   0.6931 + 1.5708i   1.0986 + 1.5708i
   1.3863 + 1.5708i   1.6094 + 1.5708i   1.7918 + 1.5708i
   1.9459 + 1.5708i   2.0794 + 1.5708i   2.1972 + 1.5708i

>> exp(M)

ans =

   0.5403 + 0.8415i  -0.4161 + 0.9093i  -0.9900 + 0.1411i
  -0.6536 - 0.7568i   0.2837 - 0.9589i   0.9602 - 0.2794i
   0.7539 + 0.6570i  -0.1455 + 0.9894i  -0.9111 + 0.4121i

>> logm(M)

ans =

  -5.4033 - 0.8472i  11.9931 - 0.3109i  -5.3770 + 0.8846i
  12.3029 + 0.0537i -22.3087 + 0.8953i  12.6127 + 0.4183i
  -4.7574 + 1.6138i  12.9225 + 0.7828i  -4.1641 + 0.6112i

>> expm(M)

ans =

   0.3802 - 0.6928i  -0.3738 - 0.2306i  -0.1278 + 0.2316i
  -0.5312 - 0.1724i   0.3901 - 0.1434i  -0.6886 - 0.1143i
  -0.4426 + 0.3479i  -0.8460 - 0.0561i  -0.2493 - 0.4602i


Consider the vector sum V of the complex vector Z = (i,-i, i) and the real vector R = (0,1,1). Find the mean, median, standard deviation, variance, sum, product, maximum and minimum of the elements of V, as well as its gradient, its discrete Fourier transform and its inverse.

>> Z=[i,-i,i]

Z =

        0 + 1.0000i        0 - 1.0000i        0 + 1.0000i

>> R=[0,1,1]

R =

     0     1     1

>> V=Z+R

V =

        0 + 1.0000i   1.0000 - 1.0000i   1.0000 + 1.0000i

>> [mean(V),median(V),std(V),var(V),sum(V),prod(V),max(V),min(V)]'

ans =

   0.6667 - 0.3333i
   1.0000 + 1.0000i
   2.0000 - 1.0000i
        0 - 2.0000i
   1.0000 + 1.0000i
        0 - 1.0000i

>> gradient(V)

ans =

   1.0000 - 2.0000i   0.5000   0 + 2.0000i

>> fft(V)

ans =

   2.0000 + 1.0000i  -2.7321 + 1.0000i   0.7321 + 1.0000i

>> ifft(V)

ans =

   0.6667 + 0.3333i   0.2440 + 0.3333i  -0.9107 + 0.3333i


Given matrices:



First calculate A = A1 + A2, B = B1 - B2 and C = C1 + C2.

Then calculate AB - BA, A2 + B2 + C2, ABC, sqrt(A) + sqrt B) - sqrt(C), (eB+ eC), their transposes and their inverses.

Finally, check that the product of each of the matrices A, B and C with their inverses gives the identity matrix.

>> A1=eye(3)

A1 =

     1     0     0
     0     1     0
     0     0     1

>> A2=[0 1 0;0 0 1;0 0 0]

A2 =

     0     1     0
     0     0     1
     0     0     0

>> A= A1+A2

A =

     1     1     0
     0     1     1
     0     0     1

>> B1=[0 1 2;0 -1 3;0 0 0]

B1 =

     0     1     2
     0    -1     3
     0     0     0

>> B2=[-i i -i;0 0 i;0 0 i]

B2 =

        0 - 1.0000i        0 + 1.0000i        0 - 1.0000i
        0                  0                  0 + 1.0000i
        0                  0                  0 + 1.0000i

>> B=B1-B2

B =

        0 + 1.0000i   1.0000 - 1.0000i   2.0000 + 1.0000i
        0            -1.0000             3.0000 - 1.0000i
        0                  0                  0 - 1.0000i

>> C1=[1,-1,0;-1,sqrt(2)*i,-sqrt(2)*i;0,0,-1]

C1 =

   1.0000            -1.0000                  0
  -1.0000                  0 + 1.4142i        0 - 1.4142i
        0                  0            -1.0000

>> C2=[0 2 1;1 0 0;1 -1 0]

C2 =

     0     2     1
     1     0     0
     1    -1     0

>> C=C1+C2

C =

   1.0000             1.0000             1.0000
        0                  0 + 1.4142i        0 - 1.4142i
   1.0000            -1.0000            -1.0000

>> M1=A*B-B*A

M1 =

        0            -1.0000 - 1.0000i   2.0000
        0                  0             1.0000 - 1.0000i
        0                  0                  0

>> M2=A^2+B^2+C^2

M2 =

   2.0000             2.0000 + 3.4142i   3.0000 - 5.4142i
        0 - 1.4142i  -0.0000 + 1.4142i   0.0000 - 0.5858i
        0             2.0000 - 1.4142i   2.0000 + 1.4142i

>> M3=A*B*C

M3 =

   5.0000 + 1.0000i  -3.5858 + 1.0000i  -6.4142 + 1.0000i
   3.0000 - 2.0000i  -3.0000 + 0.5858i  -3.0000 + 3.4142i
        0 - 1.0000i        0 + 1.0000i        0 + 1.0000i

>> M4=sqrtm(A)+sqrtm(B)-sqrtm(C)

M4 =

   0.6356 + 0.8361i  -0.3250 - 0.8204i   3.0734 + 1.2896i
   0.1582 - 0.1521i   0.0896 + 0.5702i   3.3029 - 1.8025i
  -0.3740 - 0.2654i   0.7472 + 0.3370i   1.2255 + 0.1048i

>> M5=expm(A)*(expm(B)+expm(C))

M5 =

  14.1906 - 0.0822i   5.4400 + 4.2724i  17.9169 - 9.5842i
   4.5854 - 1.4972i   0.6830 + 2.1575i   8.5597 - 7.6573i
   3.5528 + 0.3560i   0.1008 - 0.7488i   3.2433 - 1.8406i

>> inv(A)

ans =

     1    -1     1
     0     1    -1
     0     0     1

>> inv(B)

ans =

        0 - 1.0000i  -1.0000 - 1.0000i  -4.0000 + 3.0000i
        0            -1.0000             1.0000 + 3.0000i
        0                  0                  0 + 1.0000i

>> inv(C)

ans =

   0.5000   0              0.5000
   0.2500   0 - 0.3536i   -0.2500
   0.2500   0 + 0.3536i   -0.2500

>> [A*inv(A) B*inv(B) C*inv(C)]

ans =

     1     0     0     1     0     0     1     0     0
     0     1     0     0     1     0     0     1     0
     0     0     1     0     0     1     0     0     1

>> A'

ans =

     1     0     0
     1     1     0
     0     1     1

>> B'

ans =

        0 - 1.0000i         0              0
   1.0000 + 1.0000i   -1.0000              0
   2.0000 - 1.0000i    3.0000 + 1.0000i    0 + 1.0000i

>> C'

ans =

   1.0000    0             1.0000
   1.0000    0 - 1.4142i  -1.0000
   1.0000    0 + 1.4142i  -1.0000


Given the matrices


apply the sine function, the base e exponential and logarithm, the square root, the modulus, the argument and the rounding functions.

Calculate eB and ln(A).

>> A=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]

A =

     1     2     3
     4     5     6
     7     8     9

>> sin(A)

ans =

    0.8415    0.9093    0.1411
   -0.7568   -0.9589   -0.2794
    0.6570    0.9894    0.4121

>> B=[1+i 2+i;3+i,4+i]

B =

   1.0000 + 1.0000i   2.0000 + 1.0000i
   3.0000 + 1.0000i   4.0000 + 1.0000i

>> sin(B)

ans =

   1.2985 + 0.6350i   1.4031 - 0.4891i
   0.2178 - 1.1634i  -1.1678 - 0.7682i

>> exp(A)

ans =

  1.0e+003 *

    0.0027    0.0074    0.0201
    0.0546    0.1484    0.4034
    1.0966    2.9810    8.1031

>> exp(B)

ans =

   1.4687 +  2.2874i   3.9923 +  6.2177i
  10.8523 + 16.9014i  29.4995 + 45.9428i

>> log(B)

ans =

   0.3466 + 0.7854i   0.8047 + 0.4636i
   1.1513 + 0.3218i   1.4166 + 0.2450i

>> sqrt(B)

ans =

   1.0987 + 0.4551i   1.4553 + 0.3436i
   1.7553 + 0.2848i   2.0153 + 0.2481i

>> abs(B)

ans =

    1.4142    2.2361
    3.1623    4.1231

>> imag(B)

ans =

     1     1
     1     1

>> fix(sin(B))

ans =

   1.0000           1.0000
   0 - 1.0000i  -   1.0000

>> ceil(log(A))

ans =

     0     1     2
     2     2     2
     2     3     3

>> sign(B)

ans =

   0.7071 + 0.7071i   0.8944 + 0.4472i
   0.9487 + 0.3162i   0.9701 + 0.2425i

The exponential, square root and logarithm functions used above apply element-wise to the matrix, and have nothing to do with the matrix exponential and logarithmic functions that are used below.

>> expm(B)

ans =

  1.0e+002 *

  -0.3071 + 0.4625i  -0.3583 + 0.6939i
  -0.3629 + 1.0431i  -0.3207 + 1.5102i

>> logm(A)

ans =

  -5.6588 + 2.7896i  12.5041 -  0.4325i   -5.6325 - 0.5129i
  12.8139 - 0.7970i -23.3307 +  2.1623i   13.1237 - 1.1616i
  -5.0129 - 1.2421i  13.4334 -  1.5262i   -4.4196 + 1.3313i


Solve the following equation in the complex field:

sin(z) = 2

>> vpa(solve('sin(z) = 2'))

ans =

 1.316957896924816708625046347308 * i + 1.5707963267948966192313216916398
 1.5707963267948966192313216916398 - 1.316957896924816708625046347308 * i


Solve the following equations:

a. 1+x+x2+x3+x4+x5 = 0

b. x2 +(6-i)x+8-4i = 0

c. tan(Z) = 3i/5

>> solve('1+x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5 = 0')

ans =

 -1/2 - (3-^(1/2) * i) / 2
  1/2 - (3-^(1/2) * i) / 2
 -1/2 + (3 ^(1/2) * i) / 2
  1/2 + (3 ^(1/2) * i) / 2

>> solve ('x ^ 2 +(6-i) * x + 8-4 * i = 0')

ans =

 i 2

>> vpa (solve ('tan (Z) = 3 * i/5 '))

ans =

0.69314718055994530941723212145818 * i


Find the following:

a. The fourth roots of -1 and 1;

b. The fifth roots of 2 + 2i and -1 + i√3;

c. The real part of tan(iLn((a+ib)/(a-ib)));

d. The imaginary part of Z = (2 + i)cos(4-i).

>> solve('x^4+1=0')

ans =

 2^(1/2) * (-i/2 - 1/2)
 2^(1/2) * (i/2 - 1/2)
 2^(1/2) * (1/2 - i/2)
 2^(1/2) * (i/2 + 1/2)

>> pretty(solve('x^4+1=0'))

  +-                  -+
  |   1/2 /   i   1   |
  |  2    | - - - - |  |
  |          2   2 /  |
  |                    |
  |    1/2 / i   1    |
  |   2    | - - - |   |
  |         2   2 /   |
  |                    |
  |    1/2 / 1   i    |
  |   2    | - - - |   |
  |         2   2 /   |
  |                    |
  |    1/2 / i   1    |
  |   2    | - + - |   |
  |         2   2 /   |
  +-                  -+

>> solve('x^4-1=0')

ans =


>> vpa(solve('x^5-2-2*i=0'))

ans =

 0.19259341768888084906125263406469 * i + 1.2159869826496146992458377919696
-0.87055056329612413913627001747975 * i - 0.87055056329612413913627001747975
 0.55892786746600970394985946846702 * i - 1.0969577045083811131206798770216
 0.55892786746600970394985946846702 - 1.0969577045083811131206798770216 * i
 1.2159869826496146992458377919696 * i + 0.19259341768888084906125263406469

>> vpa(solve('x^5+1-sqrt(3)*i=0'))

ans =

   0.46721771281818786757419290603946 * i + 1.0493881644090691705137652947201
   1.1424056652180689506550734259384 * i - 0.1200716738059215411240904754285
   0.76862922680258900220179378744147 - 0.85364923855044142809268986292246 * i
  -0.99480195671282768870147766609475 * i - 0.57434917749851750339931347338896
   0.23882781722701229856490119703938 * i - 1.1235965399072191281921551333441

>> simplify(vpa(real(tan(i * log((a+i*b)/(a-i*b))))))

ans =

-0.5 * tanh(conj(log((a^2 + 2.0*a*b*i-1.0*b^2)/(a^2 + b^2))) * i + (0.5 * ((a^2 + 2.0*a*b*i-1.0*b^2)^2 /(a^2 + b^2)^2 - 1) * i) / ((a^2 + 2.0*a*b*i-1.0*b^2)^2 /(a^2 + b^2)^2 + 1))

>> simplify(vpa(imag((2+i)^cos(4-i))))

ans =


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