Creating out-of-browser applications

One of the biggest features of Silverlight since Version 3 is out-of-browser (OOB). This feature allows us to create an application in Silverlight that will be installed on the user's local machine. Once installed on the user's local machine, our application can interact with the desktop capabilities of the user's machine in various ways. Among the different integrations we get, we can read the machine's network state, show toast notifications, display web content, run applications on full screen, and much more. Silverlight 4 introduced a new powerful mode for OOB applications called elevated trust. Running our application in this mode, we can read local files and resources, show fewer confirmation prompts to the user, and use COM automation to communicate with other applications (such as Microsoft Office) or software APIs such as the speech API of the OS or drivers, which allows COM communication. An OOB application looks, and behaves, like any other regular software you know. The following screenshot, which is taken from shows an OOB Silverlight 4 application called Seesmic Desktop 2:

Creating out-of-browser applications

To get started with OOB applications, let's build our first OOB application. We will start with understanding how to install and uninstall applications and extend the application as we progress through the chapter.

Creating your first out-of-browser application

The major difference between an out-of-browser application and a regular Silverlight application is, well, that it runs out-of-browser. To get a better understanding on how this mechanism works, we will build a super simple Silverlight application that allows you to install it on the desktop and shows you its current status (installed or not installed).

Create a new Silverlight 4 application in Visual Studio and name it Chapter6-SimpleOOB. Open the MainPage.xaml file and add the following XAML code:

<Button x:Name="instBtn" Content="I'm in browser. click me!" Click="instBtn_Click"/>

There is nothing special here, just a button with an event handler for the Click event, which we will handle soon. In order to make an application installable, we need to set it in its properties. Right-click on the project name in the solution explorer and click on Properties. One of the properties we can set is the Enable running application out of the browser option, as shown in the following screenshot:

Creating your first out-of-browser application

Select the Enable running application out of the browser checkbox and click on the Out-of-Browser Settings button. The following screen will appear:

Creating your first out-of-browser application

All of the OOB application settings can be set in this dialog box. Most of the settings, such as Window Title, or Width and Height, are self-explanatory. If you select the Set window location manually checkbox, you can specify how far from the top and left-hand sides of the user's monitor you wish to initially show the application. Another set of settings you should set are the different icon sizes. Each application has a different size of icons for different purposes in that application. The last three checkboxes are what we should focus on. They are as follows:

  • Use GPU Acceleration: Checking this box will enable our application to use GPU acceleration. This can benefit a GFX-heavy application by allowing it to use the GPU for its graphic needs.
  • Show install menu: This should stay checked, as it shows the user the installation menu of the application.
  • Require elevated trust when running outside the browser: To enable our application to run as an elevated trust application, we have to check this box. Checking this box will give our application many more abilities such as accessing local files, creating cross-domain calls, and interacting with the COM API.


If we check the elevated trust checkbox, we get to set a new property—Window Style. This property sets how the window hosting the application will look. The different options you have for this property are Default, No Border, Single Border, and the most exciting option of them all—Borderless Round Corners. These modes (and the No Border mode) are also referred to as chromeless, as they remove any chrome from the application window. A chromeless application window offers designers much better control over how it will look, and it's one of the more popular choices when creating an OOB application.

Leave all of the default options intact, but check the elevated trust checkbox and click on OK. Save your project and switch over to the MainPage.xaml.cs file.

Our main point of interest when it comes to dealing with OOB is the Application object. In conjunction with the Current object, we can get a reference to the current active application and check different properties of the application state. For example, we can check whether or not the application is installed on the user's computer. Other properties we can check include the installation state of the application, available updates, and so on. In addition, the object exposes different events we can register to, such as InstallStateChanged, which handles changes in the installation states (installation, uninstallation, and so on) or NetworkAddressChanged, which reports on the user's network state.

The first task of our application is to check whether or not the application is currently installed on the user's computer; and if it does, change the content of the button. First, register to the Loaded event by adding the following line of code to the MainPage.xaml.cs file's MainPage constructor:

this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded);

Next, add the MainPage_Loaded method as follows:

void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (Application.Current.InstallState == InstallState.Installed)

The code first checks the current installation state of the application. If it's already installed on the user's computer, the method will call another method—ChangeUI, which changes the button content and disables it. The content of ChangeUI is as follows:

private void ChangeUI()
instBtn.Content = "Application is out of browser!";
instBtn.IsEnabled = false;

If we leave the code as it is, the change to the UI will occur only after the next time the users try to access our application. This is not good practice, as we wish the button's content and state to change as soon as we install the application. For that we can register to the InstallStateChanged event of the Application.Current object. This event fires every time the installation state changes and, thus, it is perfect for our current needs. Add the call to event handler in your constructor method, just below the call to the Loaded event, as follows:

Application.Current.InstallStateChanged += new EventHandler (Current_InstallStateChanged);

Also, add the event handler as follows:

void Current_InstallStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

The last remaining task is to actually call the Install method and install the application.

Add the instBtn_Click method as follows:

private void instBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

All it takes to install the application is to call the Install method of the Application.Current object.

Build your application but instead of running it the usual way, right-click on the Chapter6-SimpleOOBTestPage.aspx file in the web project, and click on View in browser.

You'll be greeted with the following screen:

Creating your first out-of-browser application

Click on the button. The default installation screen of Silverlight pops up allowing you to select which shortcuts you wish to create and whether you want to allow the installation of the application. If you have uploaded icons in the OOB settings window beforehand, it will be shown in this installation menu as well. Click on Install. Immediately the button's content will change as follows:

Creating your first out-of-browser application

On your desktop (if you selected to have a shortcut there), you shall now see a shortcut to the application as well!

Click on the shortcut, and the application will run outside the browser:

Creating your first out-of-browser application

Uninstalling the application is a simple matter. Just run the application from the shortcut, right-click on it, and choose Remove this application.

We now have a basic OOB application up and running.

Checking network connectivity

In many scenarios of using OOB applications, your application will need to know whether or not it is connected to a network or needs to detect network changes. Silverlight allows us to check for both of those conditions using the System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace.

By using the GetIsNetworkAvaliable method of the System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace, we can tell if there is any sort of a network connection on the user's computer. It is important to note that having a network connection doesn't guarantee that the computer is connected to the Internet or can access the resources you are asking for. A good practice to fully detect connection to your resource is first check whether a network connection is available, and if so, call a service on the server you're trying to reach. If the call succeeds, you will be connected.

To detect network changes, the NetworkInformation namespace exposes the NetworkAddressChanged event. This event fires every time the network state of the user's computer changes. Let's see both of these concepts in action. Open the application that we have previously created in Visual Studio 2010, and then open the MainPage.xaml file.

We will now add a simple UI element to tell us whether we have a network connection or not. Add the following code snippet just below the Button element in LayoutRoot:

<StackPanel Height="30" Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
<Ellipse Width="20" Height="20" Margin="20,0,0,0" x:Name="elNetwork"/>
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" x:Name="tbNetwork" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="10,0,0,0"/>

Now that we have the UI, let's add the login information. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs file, and add the following code snippet inside the constructor method:

System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += new System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler (NetworkChange_NetworkAddressChanged);

By using the preceding code snippet, we are registering to the NetworkAddressChanged event and, thus, can change the UI based on the network change.

Next, add the ChangeNetworkUI method, and call it from the NetworkChange_NetworkAddressChanged handler:

private void ChangeNetworkUI()
if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface. GetIsNetworkAvailable())
elNetwork.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
tbNetwork.Text = "Network is available!";
elNetwork.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
tbNetwork.Text = "No network detected...";

Lastly, we need to call the ChangeNetworkUI method from the Loaded event so that it will show the initial state of the user's network. Change the MainPage_Loaded method as follows:

if (Application.Current.InstallState == InstallState.Installed)

Build and run the application. If your computer isn't connected to any kind of network, you will get the result, as shown in the following screenshot:

Checking network connectivity

As soon as I connect my computer to a network, the UI will change as follows:

Checking network connectivity

Displaying toast notifications

A cool feature that got added to Silverlight 4 OOB applications is toast notifications. Even if you are unfamiliar with the term "toast notification", I'm pretty sure you've seen your share of it. Do you know how Outlook pops out a little window on the bottom-right corner of your monitor when a new e-mail arrives? That's toast notification. These notifications can be used for anything—from alerting the user that a new update has been applied to your application (which we will do in the next topic) to showing a preview of an e-mail or a new tweet that someone tweeted on Twitter. In Silverlight, handling notifications is done using the NotificationWindow class. This class exposes different properties, such as Height, Width, and Content, for specifying the look of the window. Content defines the content of the window and can contain any kind of framework element or even a user control. To actually show the notification window, we will call the Show method while providing it with the number of milliseconds, we wish to show the window for.

Let's add a simple notification window to our application that will notify the user about changes in his/her network state.

Add the following method to your MainPage.xaml.cs file:

private void ShowNotification()
NotificationWindow nw = new NotificationWindow();
nw.Height = 80;
nw.Width = 200;
TextBlock tb = new TextBlock() { Text = "Your network state has changed!" };
nw.Content = tb;

Find the ChangeNetworkUI method and add a call to the ShowNotification method at the bottom of it. Build and run the application, and you'll notice that every time the network state changes, a little notification pops up at the bottom-right corner of your screen, as shown in the following screenshot:

Displaying toast notifications

To show a nicer looking notification window, add a new user control to the project and name it ToastWin. Change its XAML code as follows:

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<RowDefinition Height="15"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<Border Background="Blue"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1">
<TextBlock Text="Network status" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontWeight="Bold"/>
<TextBlock Text="The network status has changed. please check your computer settings for more information." TextWrapping="Wrap"/>

Now change the value of the notification window's Content property as follows:

nw.Content = new ToastWin();

Build and run the application, and once your network state changes, the new notification window pops up, as shown in the following screenshot:

Displaying toast notifications

When working with notification windows, keep in mind the following limitations:

  • Only one notification window can be active at a time. Double notification is impossible.
  • There is no such thing as notification queuing. You cannot create a queue of notification windows and display them one after another.
  • Notification is limited in time. You cannot create a notification without setting its duration.
  • A notification window cannot exceed 400 pixels of width and 100 pixels of height.

Checking and updating application versions

When developing a regular Silverlight application, you have the benefit of being able to update your application from one central place and have all the users use the latest version of it. While OOB applications also support updates, their mechanism is a bit different. The Application object, which we mentioned earlier, exposes a method called CheckAndDownloadUpdateAsync. This method checks whether or not the XAP file on the server is newer than the XAP file of the user, and if so, downloads and updates the application. Once the download is completed, the CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompleted event fires. This event's argument object (e) contains a Boolean property called UpdateAvaliable, whose value will be true if an update is found and downloaded. This is how we can notify the user that his application has just been updated. The code for this process is quite straightforward. Let's add the ability to check and update the application version of our sample application. Perform the following steps:

  1. First, add the event handler for CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompleted inside the constructor method of MainPage.xaml.cs:
    Application.Current.CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompleted += new CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompletedEventHandler(Current_CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompleted);
  2. Next, add the Current_CheckAndDownloadUpdatecompleted method:
    void Current_CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompleted(object sender, CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (e.UpdateAvailable)
    MessageBox.Show("The application was updated!");

    If an update is available, a message box will pop up, informing the user about the update.

  3. The last step left for this section is to add the call to actually check for the update. Change the MainPage_Loaded handler as follows:
    void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (Application.Current.InstallState == InstallState.Installed)

That's it. If an update is available to the application, it will be downloaded in the background. Once it finishes, the message box will pop up informing the user of the recent change.

Displaying HTML content in an OOB application

Silverlight 4 introduced the ability to display HTML content in OOB applications. Using the WebBrowser control, it is now possible to render HTML pages and JavaScript in any OOB application. It's important to note here that only OOB applications support the WebBrowser control, and if you try to use it in an in-browser application, it will not display anything.

To demonstrate the use of the WebBrowser control, we will create a browser-like OOB application. Open the Chapter6-OOBHtml project in Visual Studio 2010. The UI here is pretty simple—a TextBox control for entering an address for a website and a Button control.

There are three ways to load content into a WebBrowser control:

  • Set its Source property in XAML
  • Use the Navigate method
  • Use the NavigateToString method

Setting the Source property is an XAML-friendly option to use the WebBrowser control. Add the following code snippet to the project's MainPage.xaml file just below the closing element of StackPanel:

<WebBrowser x:Name="wbControl" Source="" Grid.Row="1"/>

If you run the application now, you should get the result, as shown in the following screenshot:

Displaying HTML content in an OOB application

The live Packt website can now be seen inside your OOB application. As cool as that might be, our application currently offers no interactivity, as the user cannot change the displayed website. Let's change this now. Switch over to the MainPage.xaml.cs file, and add the following code snippet inside the btnGo_Click method:

if (tbAddress.Text != "")
wbControl.Navigate(new Uri(tbAddress.Text, UriKind.Absolute));
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid url");

The preceding code snippet uses the Navigate method of the WebBrowser control to change its source. The Navigate method requires a single argument of the Uri type. Build and run your application, and change the address in the TextBox control at the top. Enter any address you wish into the textbox (in my example, I used, and click on the Go button. Your desired website will now be shown in your application.

The last method of loading content to the WebBrowser control is the NavigateToString method. Using this method, you can 'feed' the WebBrowser control your own HTML code.

Let's change the logic of the button's Click event to check if we have entered a URL address (starting with http) or direct HTML code (starting with<html>). If we have typed an address, then we should continue using the Navigate method; if not, we will use the NavigateToString method. Change your btnGo_Click method as follows:

private void btnGo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (tbAddress.Text != "")
wbControl.Navigate(new Uri(tbAddress.Text, UriKind.Absolute));
else if (tbAddress.Text.IndexOf("<html>") == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid url or HTML code.");
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a url or HTML code.");

The code looks quite similar to the previous code snippet we wrote. The only difference here is that we check whether or not we have entered a URL of a website. If not, we will use the NavigateToString method and pass it the HTML code we wrote in the textbox. The result of typing<html><body><div style='background-color:blue;color:white'>I'm a div</div></body></html> will be as follows:

Displaying HTML content in an OOB application

This chapter should get you started working with out-of-browser applications. OOB applications offer a lot of freedom while creating your applications. A feature we haven't covered in this chapter is working with COM Interop. While this feature is out of the scope of this book, I strongly recommend reading Justin Angel's post on COM located at


COM Interop is only available on Windows. You cannot do COM calls on Mac, as there are no Coms on Mac.

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