Chapter 3
Introducing the macOS Big Sur Desktop
Launching and quitting applications
Mastering Finder windows, items and shortcuts
Expanding your Desktop with Mission Control and Spaces
Customizing the Dock and Desktop
Getting help
Ah, the Finder. Many admire its scenic beauty. But don’t ignore its unsurpassed power or its many moods. And send a postcard while you’re there.
Okay, so the Big Sur Finder might not be quite as majestic as the mighty region it’s named after, but it’s the basic toolbox you use every day while piloting your MacBook. The Finder includes the most common elements of macOS: window controls, common menu commands, icon fun (everything from launching applications to copying files), keyboard shortcuts, and even emptying the Trash. In fact, you could say that if you master the Finder and learn how to use it efficiently, you’re on your way to becoming a power user!
This chapter is your Finder tour guide, and we’re ready to roll. I satisfy your curiosity about your new playground and introduce you to the basic elements of the Big Sur Desktop. I also outline the resources available if you need help with macOS.
Oh, and I promise to use honest-to-goodness English in my explanations, with a minimum of engineerspeak and indecipherable acronyms. (In return, promise that you’ll boast about Big Sur to your family and friends. Aunt Harriet might not be as technologically savvy as we are.)
Big Sur is a special type of software called an operating system (or OS, as in macOS). This means that Big Sur essentially runs your MacBook and allows you to use all your other applications, such as Music and Adobe Photoshop. It’s the most important computer application — or software — that you run.
You’re using the OS when you aren’t running a specific application, such as these actions:
Sometimes, Big Sur even peeks through an application while it’s running. macOS controls application actions such as these:
In the following sections, I escort you around the most important hotspots in Big Sur, and you meet the most interesting onscreen thingamabobs you use to control your laptop. (I told you I wouldn’t talk like an engineer!)
The Big Sur Desktop isn’t made of wood, and you can’t stick your gum underneath it. But this particular desktop does work much like the surface of a traditional desk. You can store things there, organize things into folders, and take care of important tasks such as writing and drawing (using tools called applications). Heck, you even have a clock and a trash can.
Gaze upon Figure 3-1, and follow along as you venture to your Desktop and beyond. I discuss each of these Desktop elements in more detail later in this chapter.
The Dock is a versatile combination: one part organizer, one part application launcher, and one part system monitor. From the Dock, you can launch applications. The postage-stamp icon represents the Apple Mail application, for example, and clicking the spiffy compass icon launches your Safari web browser. Icons on the Dock also allow you to see what’s running and to display or hide the windows displayed by your applications.
Each icon on the Dock represents one of the following (many of which are proudly displayed in Figure 3-2):
Let’s face it: Even with two decades of excellent design behind it, your macOS Desktop can be a somewhat confusing landscape! A laptop often needs a quick settings change around campus, at the airport or the coffee shop. With Big Sur, Apple’s designers have introduced the macOS Control Center to round up all these stray options and present them in a single, convenient spot.
The Control Center is easily customized, too — after all, this is macOS — so you can decide what goes where! Some settings can either appear on your Finder menu bar or the Control Center. You can learn all the details in the section titled “Taking Control of Your MacBook,” later in this chapter.
By default, Big Sur typically displays at least one icon on your Desktop: your Mac’s internal drive. (If your internal drive’s icon doesn’t appear on the Desktop, choose Finder ⇒ Preferences, click the General tab of the Preferences dialog, and then select the Hard Disks check box to display your drive icons.) To open a drive and view or use the contents, you double-click the icon. Each icon is a shortcut of sorts that represents something, including
Note that an icon can represent applications you run and documents you create. Sometimes, you single-click an icon to watch it do its thing (as on the Dock), but usually you double-click an icon to make something happen.
The menu bar isn’t in a restaurant. You find it at the top of the Desktop, where you can use it to control your applications. Virtually every application you run on your laptop has a menu bar.
To use a menu command, follow these steps:
When you click a menu, it extends down so that you can see the commands it includes. While the menu is extended, you can choose any enabled menu item (just click it) to perform that action. You can tell that an item is enabled if its name appears in black-and-white. Conversely, a menu command is disabled if it’s grayed-out. Clicking it does nothing.
Virtually every Mac application has some menus, such as File, Edit, and Window. You’re likely to find similar commands on these menus. But only two menus are in every macOS application:
Whenever the Finder itself is ready to be used (or, in Macspeak, whenever the Finder is the active application), the Finder menu bar appears at the top of the screen. You know that the Finder is active and ready when the word Finder appears at the left end of the menu bar.
You’re probably familiar with the ubiquitous window itself. Both Big Sur and the applications you run use windows to display things such as
The window shown in Figure 3-1 earlier in this chapter is a Finder window, where Big Sur gives you access to the applications, documents, and folders on your system. You use Finder windows to launch applications, perform disk chores such as copying and moving files, and navigate your internal and external drives.
Big Sur takes a visual approach to everything. What you see in Figure 3-1, earlier in this chapter, is designed for point-and-click convenience, because the trackpad is your primary navigational tool while you’re using your Mac laptop. You move your finger over the surface of the trackpad, and the pointer follows like an obedient pup. The faster you move your finger, the farther the pointer goes. When your pointer is over the desired item, you tap it (or click it, if you prefer the more familiar term); it opens; you do your thing; life is good.
If you’ve grazed on the other side of the fence — if you’re one of Those Who Were Once Windows Users — you’re probably accustomed to using a mouse with at least two buttons. This brings up the nagging question: “Hey, Mark, where the heck are the buttons?”
In a nutshell, the buttons simply ain’t there if you’re using your Mac laptop’s trackpad. The entire surface of the trackpad can act as both buttons. To customize how the trackpad operates, click the menu on the Finder menu bar, click System Preferences on the menu that drops down, and then click the Trackpad icon in the System Preferences dialog. From the Point & Click pane of that pane, for example, you can
Apple has done a great job of illustrating each gesture available from the Trackpad pane in System Preferences. A short video clip shows you both the gesture itself and the effect of that gesture within macOS.
I’ll be honest: When my laptop is on my desk at home, I plug in a Logitech optical trackball. This neat device has two buttons and a scroll wheel, saving me wear and tear on my trackpad and offering even finer control in my applications. In fact, a new industry has sprung up for tiny USB mousing devices made especially for laptops. Some devices are smaller than a business card, but they still carry a full complement of two buttons and a scroll wheel. If you’d rather have an external trackpad while desk-bound, consider Apple’s wireless Magic Trackpad 2. At $149, it’s on the expensive side, but it perfectly mirrors the features offered by your MacBook’s trackpad.
In this book, I refer to the pointer whether you’re using the trackpad or a mouse. So here’s a Mark’s Maxim that I think you’ll appreciate more and more as you use your laptop:
If you tap the trackpad with two fingertips (or click the right mouse button on a USB mouse), Big Sur performs the same default function that a right click does in Windows. When you right-click most items — icons, documents, even your Desktop — you get a shortcut menu of commands that are specific to that item.
Figure 3-4 shows a typical convenient shortcut menu in a Finder window. I have all sorts of cool items at my disposal on this menu because of the applications I’ve installed that make use of such a menu.
Now it’s time to pair your new trackpad acumen with the Big Sur Finder window. Follow along with this simple exercise. Move the pointer over the Music icon on the Dock. (This icon bears the symbol of a musical note.) Then tap the trackpad once. (See the preceding section for details on how to configure it.) Whoosh! Big Sur launches (or starts, or runs) the Music application, and you see a window much like the one shown in Figure 3-5.
Besides the Dock, you have a plethora of ways to launch an application or open a document in Big Sur:
From the Desktop: If you have a document you created or an application icon on your Desktop, you can launch or open it from the Desktop by double-clicking that icon (rapidly tapping the trackpad twice with one finger when the pointer is on top of the icon).
Double-clicking a device or network connection on your Desktop opens the contents in a Finder window. This method works for CDs and DVDs you’ve loaded, as well as external drives and USB flash drives. Just double-click ’em to open them and display their contents in a Finder window. Applications and documents typically launch from a CD, a DVD, or an external drive just as they launch from your internal drive (the one that’s typically named Macintosh HD). So you don’t have to copy stuff from the external drive just to use it. Note, however, that running an application directly from your optical or external drive usually causes the application to run significantly slower. (Oh, and don’t forget that you can’t change the contents of most CDs and DVDs; they’re read-only, so you can’t write to them.)
After you finish using an application, you can quit that application to close its window and return to the Desktop. Here are several ways to quit an application:
Choose Quit from the Dock. You can right-click an application’s icon on the Dock and then choose Quit from the menu that appears.
A running application displays a small dot below its icon on the Dock.
Choose Force Quit from the menu. This is a last-resort measure! Use this method only if an application has frozen and you can’t use another method in this list to quit. (It should be marked as unresponsive in the Force Quit dialog.) Force-quitting an application doesn’t save any changes to any open documents in that application!
In the following sections of your introduction to macOS, I describe basic windows management in Big Sur: how to move things around, how to close windows, and how to make windows disappear and reappear like magic.
Can you imagine what life would be like if you couldn’t see more than a single window’s worth of stuff? Shopping would be curtailed quite a bit — and so would the contents of the folders on your MacBook’s drives!
That’s why Big Sur includes scroll bars that you can click and drag to move through the window’s contents. (By default, scroll bars don’t appear in Big Sur until you move the pointer close to them.) You can
Figure 3-6 shows two vertical scroll bars and one horizontal scroll bar in a typical Finder window, as well as the Sidebar and three Finder Tabs.
You can also resize most Finder and application windows by enlarging or reducing the window frame itself. Move the pointer over any corner or edge of a window and then drag the edge in any direction until the window is the precise size you need. (More information on dragging pops up later in this chapter.)
Resizing a window is indeed helpful, but maybe you simply want to banish the doggone thing until you need it again. That’s a situation for the Minimize button, which also appears in Figure 3-6 earlier in the chapter. A minimized window disappears from the Desktop but isn’t closed; it simply reappears on the Dock as a miniature icon.
Minimizing a window is easy: Move the pointer over the Minimize button (the second of the three buttons in the top-left corner of the window). A minus sign appears on the button to tell you you’re on target. Then click. Here’s a good shortcut: Double-clicking the window’s title bar (the top frame of the window, which usually includes a document or application name) minimizes the window.
To restore the window to its full size (and its original position on the Desktop), just click its window icon on the Dock.
Perhaps you want to move a window to another location on the Desktop so that you can see the contents of multiple windows at the same time. Click the window’s title bar and drag the window anywhere you like; then release the mouse button. (Don’t click the icon at the center of the title bar, though. You’ll move just the icon itself, not the window.)
To see everything a window can show you, use the Zoom feature to expand any Finder or application window to its maximum practical size. (Zooming a Finder window is different from zooming with the Multi-Touch feature, because you’re expanding only the size of the Finder window, not an image or document.) Note that a zoomed window can fill the entire screen. If that extra space isn’t applicable for the application, the window might expand to only a larger part of the Desktop.
To zoom a window, move your pointer over the third button in the top-left corner of the window. Again, refer to Figure 3-6, which struts its stuff and illustrates the position. (Man, that is one versatile figure.) A double-arrow icon appears on the Zoom/Full-Screen button. Click to expand your horizons to full-screen, or hold down the Option key while clicking (which changes the icon to a plus sign) to zoom the window to maximum size.
Speaking of full-screen operation, it comes in very handy on a smaller laptop display. A single application fills the screen without displaying a window frame or traditional Finder menu bar. The method you use to switch to full-screen mode varies depending on the application, so there’s no one menu command or one keyboard shortcut that always does the deed. Most of the applications included with macOS Big Sur use View ⇒ Enter Full Screen, and many applications have a button you can click in the window to switch back and forth. A click of the Zoom/Full-Screen button (without holding down the Option key) switches most Apple applications into full-screen mode. Finder windows can also be switched to full-screen mode in Big Sur! To exit full-screen mode, just press Esc.
So how do you switch among applications if they’re all in full-screen mode?
When you’re finished with an application, or you no longer need to have a window open, move the pointer over the Close button in the top-left corner of the window (the first of the three buttons). When the X appears on the button, click it. And yes, I can make one more reference to Figure 3-6, which I’m thinking of nominating as Figure of the Year.
If you haven’t saved a document and you try to close that application’s window, the application gets downright surly and prompts you for confirmation: “Hey, human, you don’t really want to do this, do you?” If you answer in the affirmative — “Why, yes, machine. Yes indeed, I do want to throw this away and not save it.” — the application discards the document you were working on. If you decide to keep your document (thereby saving your posterior from harm), you can cancel the action and then save the document within the application.
Finder windows aren’t just for launching applications and opening the files and documents you create. You can also use the icons in a Finder window to select one or more specific items or to copy and move items from place to place within your system.
Not all icons are created equal. Earlier in this chapter, I introduce you to your MacBook’s drive icon on the Desktop. Here’s a little background on the other types of icons you might encounter during your mobile Mac travels:
Aliases: An alias acts as a link to another item elsewhere on your system. To launch Adobe Acrobat, for example, you can click an Adobe Acrobat alias icon that you can create on your Desktop instead of clicking the actual Acrobat application icon. The alias essentially acts the same way as the original icon, but it doesn’t take up the same amount of space — only a few bytes for the icon itself compared with the size of the actual application. Also, you don’t have to go digging through folders galore to find the original application icon. (Windows switchers know an alias as a shortcut. The idea is the same, although Macs had it first. Harrumph.) You can always identify an alias by the small curved arrow at the base of the icon, and the icon might also sport the tag alias
at the end of its name.
You have two ways to create an alias. Here's one:
Here’s another way to create an alias:
Note that this funky method doesn’t add the alias
tag to the end of the alias icon’s name unless you drag the icon to another spot in the same folder.
So why bother to use an alias? Two good reasons:
Often, the menu or keyboard commands you perform in the Finder need to be performed on something. Perhaps you’re moving an item to the Trash, getting more information on the item, or creating an alias for that item. To identify the target of your action to the Finder, you need to select one or more items on your Desktop or in a Finder window. In the following sections, I show you just how to do that.
Big Sur gives you a couple of options for selecting just one item for an upcoming action:
You can also select multiple items with aplomb by using one of these methods:
Want to copy items from one Finder window to another or from one location (like a flash drive) to another (like your Desktop)? Très easy. Just use one of these methods:
To copy one item to another location: Hold down the Option key (you don’t have to select the icon first) and then click and drag the item from its current home to the new location.
To put a copy of an item in a folder, just drop the item on top of the receiving folder. If you hold the item you’re dragging over the destination folder for a second or two, Big Sur opens a new window so that you can see the target’s contents. (This is called a spring-loaded folder. Really.)
To copy multiple items to another location: Select them all (see the preceding section), hold down the Option key, and then drag and drop one of the selected items where you want it. All the items you selected follow the item you drag, rather like lemmings. Nice touch, don’t you think?
To help indicate your target when you’re copying files, Big Sur highlights the location to show you where the items will end up. (This works whether the target location is a folder or a drive icon.) If the target location is a window, Big Sur adds a highlight to the window border.
To copy one or multiple items: Click and drag the icon (or the selected items if you have more than one) from the original window to a window you open on the target drive. (No need to hold down the Option key while copying to a different drive.) You can also drag one item (or a selected group of items) and simply drop the items on top of the drive icon on your Desktop.
The items are copied to the top level, or root, of the target drive.
If you try to move or copy something to a location that already has an item with the same name, you see a dialog that prompts you to decide whether to replace the file or to stop the copy/move procedure and leave the existing file alone. Heck, you can even keep both. macOS performs the copy or move but also appends the word copy to the item being copied. Good insurance indeed.
Moving things from one location to another location on the same drive is the easiest action you can take. Just drag the selected item or items to the new location. The item disappears from the original spot and reappears in the new spot.
If you need more than one copy of the same item in a folder, use the Big Sur Duplicate command. I use Duplicate often when I want to edit a document but want to ensure that the original document stays pristine, no matter what. I just create a duplicate and edit that file instead.
To use Duplicate, you can
The duplicate item has the word copy
appended to its name. A second copy is named copy2
, a third is copy3
, and so on.
Big Sur includes a powerful feature you can use to display multiple locations in the same window. Finder Tabs work just like the tabs in Safari (as well as other popular browsers for both Macs and PCs), allowing you to switch among multiple locations on your Mac instantly by clicking a tab to switch to that location. You can even drag files and folders from tab to tab!
To open a new tab in a Finder window, you have a wealth of choices:
Suppose that you're working on an iMovie project. You might create tabs by using the Applications item in the Finder window’s Sidebar and a folder (or even a DVD or shared drive) named Work that contains your video clips. The location appears as a new tab below the toolbar. You can open as many tabs as you like, and you can drag the Finder Tabs themselves to reorder them. To close a tab, hover the pointer over it and then click the X button that appears. That hard-working Figure 3-6 (shown earlier in the chapter) shows three Finder Tabs at work.
Your MacBook’s keyboard might not be as glamorous as the trackpad, but any Mac power user will tell you that using keyboard shortcuts is usually the fastest method of performing certain tasks in the Finder, such as saving or closing a file. I recommend committing these shortcuts to memory and putting them to work as soon as you begin using your laptop so that they become second nature to you as quickly as possible.
The Apple standard keyboard has special keys that you might not recognize — especially if you’ve made the smart move and decided to migrate from the chaos that is Windows to macOS! Table 3-1 lists the keys that bear strange hieroglyphics on the Apple keyboard and describes what they do.
TABLE 3-1 Too-Cool Function Keys
Action/Key Name |
Symbol |
Purpose |
Audio Mute |
Mutes (and restores) all sound produced by your MacBook |
Keyboard Illumination |
Increases, decreases, or turns off the brightness of your keyboard backlighting |
Volume Up |
Increases the sound volume |
Volume Down |
Decreases the sound volume |
Ctrl |
Ctrl |
Displays the right-click/Control+click menu with the trackpad |
Command |
⌘ |
Primary modifier for menus and keyboard shortcuts |
Delete |
Delete |
Deletes selected text |
Option |
Option |
Modifier for shortcuts |
The Finder is chock-full of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to take care of common tasks. Some of the handiest shortcuts are listed in Table 3-2.
TABLE 3-2 Big Sur Keyboard Shortcuts of Distinction
Key Combination |
Location |
Action |
⌘ +A |
Edit menu |
Selects all items (works in the Finder too) |
⌘ +C |
Edit menu |
Copies the selected items to the Clipboard |
⌘ +H |
Application menu |
Hides the current application window |
⌘ +M |
Window menu |
Minimizes the active window to the Dock (also works in the Finder) |
⌘ +O |
File menu |
Opens or launches an existing document, file, or folder (also works in the Finder) |
⌘ +P |
File menu |
Prints the current document |
⌘ +Q |
Application menu |
Exits (quits) the application and prompts you to save any changes |
⌘ +T |
File menu |
Opens a new Finder tab with the currently selected location |
⌘ +V |
Edit menu |
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard at the current pointer position |
⌘ +X |
Edit menu |
Cuts the highlighted item to the Clipboard |
⌘ +Z |
Edit menu |
Reverses (undoes) the effect of the last action you took |
⌘ +? |
Help menu |
Displays the Help system (works in the Finder too) |
⌘ +Tab |
Finder |
Switches between open applications |
⌘ +Option+M |
Finder |
Minimizes all Finder windows to the Dock |
⌘ +Option+Esc |
Apple |
Opens the Force Quit dialog |
⌘ +Option+W |
Finder |
Closes all Finder windows |
If you’ve used a PC before, you’re certainly familiar with three-key shortcuts. The most infamous is Ctrl+Alt+Delete, the beloved reboot/Task Manager shortcut nicknamed the Windows three-finger salute. Three-key shortcuts work the same way in Big Sur (but you’ll be thrilled to know you don’t need to reboot by using that notorious Windows shortcut!). If you’re new to computing, to use a three-key shortcut, hold down the first two keys and then press the third key.
Each user account you create in Big Sur is actually a self-contained universe. Each user has unique characteristics and folders devoted to him or her, and Big Sur keeps track of everything that the user changes or creates. (In Chapter 10, I describe the innate loveliness of multiple users living in peace and harmony on your laptop. Go ahead, invite the family!)
This unique universe includes a different system of folders for each user account on your system. The top-level folder uses the short username that Big Sur assigns when that user account is created. Naturally, the actual folder name is different for each person. Mac techno types typically call this folder your Home folder. (On the Sidebar, look for the teeny house icon below the Favorites heading, marked with your account name.)
Each account’s Home folder contains a set of subfolders, including
Although you can store your stuff at the root (top level) of your drive — or even on your Desktop — that gaggle of files, folders, and aliases can get crowded and confusing quickly. Here’s a Mark’s Maxim to live by:
Create subfolders within your Documents folder to organize your files and folders even further. I create a subfolder in my Documents folder for every book I write so that I can quickly and easily locate all the documents and files associated with that book project.
I discuss security for your Home folder, as well as what gets stored where, in Chapter 10. For now, remember you can reach your Home folder easily because it appears in the Finder window’s Sidebar. One click of the Sidebar entry for your Home folder, and all your stuff is within easy reach. (If your Home folder doesn’t appear in the Sidebar, that’s easy to fix: Choose Finder ⇒ Preferences, click the Sidebar tab of the Preferences dialog, and then select the check box to display your Home folder.)
In addition to using the Finder window Sidebar, you can reach your Home folder in these convenient ways:
Click the arrow button on the right side of the New Finder Windows Show pop-up menu.
A menu pops up (hence the name).
Click the Close button in the top-left corner of the dialog.
You’re set to go. From now on, every Finder window you open displays your Home folder as the starting location!
For those power users who often work with a passel of applications, allow me to turn your attention to one of the sassiest features in Big Sur: Mission Control. Figure 3-8 shows off the Mission Control screen:
Astute observers will notice that the application’s menu bar also changes to match the now-active application.
Naturally, these key combinations can be viewed and customized. Visit the comfortable confines of System Preferences and click the Mission Control icon to specify what key sequence does what.
Ah, but what if you want to switch to a different set of applications? Suppose that you’re slaving away at your pixel-pushing job — say, designing a magazine cover with Pages. Your page design Desktop also includes Adobe’s Photoshop and InDesign, which you switch among by using one of the techniques I just described. Suddenly, however, you realize that you need to schedule a meeting with others in your office, using Calendar, and you want to check your email in Apple Mail. What to do?
Well, you could certainly open Launchpad and launch those two applications on top of your graphics applications and then minimize or close them. But with Mission Control’s Spaces feature, you can press the Control+← or Control+→ sequences to switch to a different “communications” Desktop, with Calendar and Apple Mail windows already open and in your favorite positions. (I’ve also created a custom “music” Desktop for GarageBand and Music.)
After you set up your meeting and answer any important email, simply press Control+← or Control+→ again to switch back to your “graphics” Desktop, where all your work is exactly as you left it. (And yes, Virginia, Spaces does indeed work with full-screen applications.)
To create a new Desktop for use in Spaces, click the Launchpad icon on the Dock and then click the Mission Control icon. Now you can set up new Spaces Desktops. Move your pointer to the top right of the Mission Control screen, and click the Add button (with the plus sign) that appears. (If you relocated your Dock to the right side of the screen, the Add button shows up in the top-left corner instead.) Spaces creates a new empty Desktop thumbnail. Switch to the new Desktop by clicking the label at the top of the Mission Control screen and then open those applications you want to include. (Alternatively, you can drag the applications from Mission Control to the desired Spaces label.) That’s all there is to it!
To switch an application window between Spaces Desktops, drag the window to the edge of the Desktop and hold it there. Spaces automatically moves the window to the next Desktop. (Applications can also be dragged between Desktops within the Mission Control screen.) You can also delete a Desktop from the Mission Control screen. Just hover your pointer over the offending Spaces label to display the thumbnail, and click the Delete button (with the X) that appears.
Many folks put all their documents, pictures, and videos on their Big Sur Desktop because the file icons are easy to locate! Your computing stuff is right in front of you … or is it?
Call me a finicky, stubborn techno-oldster — go ahead, it’s true — but I prefer a clean macOS Desktop without all the iconic clutter. In fact, my Desktop usually has just three or four icons even though I use my MacBook several hours every day, often on multiple book projects. It’s an organizational thing; I work with literally hundreds of applications, documents, and assorted knickknacks daily. Sooner or later, you’ll find that you’re using that many, too. When you keep your stuff crammed on your Desktop, you end up having to scan your screen for a particular file, alias, or type of icon. You end up taking more time to locate it on your Desktop than in your Documents folder! And don’t forget: Open windows hang out on your Desktop too. To find anything, you have to close or move those windows!
Also, you’ll likely find yourself looking at old icons that no longer mean anything to you or stuff that’s covered in cobwebs that you haven’t used in years. Stale icons — yuck.
Besides keeping things clean, I can recommend other favorite tweaks that you can make to your Desktop:
From the Sort By pop-up menu, choose the criteria that Big Sur uses to automatically arrange your Desktop icons, including the item name, the last modification date, or the size of the items.
I personally like things organized by name, but many MacBook owners prefer to see things organized by date (putting the most recently modified item at the top, for example).
Right-click any open spot on your Desktop and choose Change Desktop Background from the shortcut menu.
The Desktop & Screen Saver pane appears, as shown in Figure 3-9.
Make sure that all four of the top check boxes on the Preferences dialog are selected: Hard Disks; External Disks; CDs, DVDs, and iPods; and Connected Servers.
If you’re connected to an external network, or if you’ve loaded an external hard drive or device, these external storage locations show up on your Desktop. You can double-click that Desktop icon to view your external stuff.
Another source of “customization glee” (yes, I am honestly that much of a computer nerd) is the new macOS Control Center, which adds a welcome level of convenience when changing system settings. To display the Control Center anywhere within Big Sur, click the Control Center icon in the Finder menu bar. (It looks like two horizontal sliding switches.) The Center appears as in Figure 3-10, at the right side of the Desktop.
Most of the tiles you see displayed in the Control Center are simple switches for macOS features, like the Display and Sound sliders—you can click and drag them directly to adjust the display brightness and sound volume. The Wi-Fi tile is different (offering a submenu of multiple settings), allowing you to not only enable or disable your MacBook’s Wi-Fi but also switch networks or display the full Network pane within System Preferences.
You can specify what features are shown within the Control Center and which features remain on the Finder menu bar. Click the System Preferences icon in the Dock; then click the Dock & Menu Bar icon. This pane displays the available features in a list on the left. Click a feature to select it, and then click to enable (or disable) the Show in Control Center check box at the right side of the pane. Note that the icons for the Clock, Spotlight, Siri, and Time Machine can appear only in the Finder menu bar, so they can’t appear within Control Center.
In terms of importance, the Dock — the quick-access strip for applications and documents that appears on your Desktop — ranks right up there with the command center of a modern nuclear submarine. Therefore, it had better be easy to customize, and naturally, macOS doesn’t let you down.
Why be satisfied with just the icons that Apple places on the Dock? You can add your own applications, files, and folders to the Dock as well:
Adding applications: You can add any application to your Dock by dragging its icon into the area to the left side of the Dock (left side of the vertical line on the Dock). You’ll know when you’re in the proper territory because the existing Dock icons obligingly move aside to make space for it.
Attempting to place an application directly on the right side of the Dock sends it to the Trash (if the Trash icon is highlighted when you release the button), so beware. Note, however, that you can drop an application icon inside a Stack (more on that in a bit) or a folder that already exists at the right end of the Dock. (If you’ve repositioned the Dock on the left or right side of the screen, consider the top of the Dock to be the left side and the bottom of the Dock to be the right side.)
Adding individual files and volumes: You can add individual files and volume icons to the Dock by dragging the icon into the area at the right end of the Dock. (Attempting to place icons on the left end of the Dock opens the application associated with the contents, which typically isn’t what you intended.) Again, the existing Dock icons move aside to create a space when you’re in the right area.
To open the Dock item you’ve added in a Finder window, right-click the icon to display a Dock shortcut menu, where you can open documents, run applications, and have other assorted fun, depending on the item you choose.
To remove an icon from the Dock, just click and drag it off the Dock. Note, however, that the original application, folder, or volume is not deleted; only the Dock icon itself is permanently excused. If you like, you can delete almost any of the default icons that macOS installs on the Dock; only the Finder and Trash icons must remain on the Dock.
Big Sur offers Stacks, which are groups of items (documents, applications, and folders) that you want to place on the Dock for convenience — perhaps the files needed for a project you’re working on or your favorite game applications. I have a Stack named Wiley on my Dock that holds all the project files I need for the book I’m currently writing, for example.
To create a Stack, just select a folder containing the items and drag the folder to the right side of the Dock. As always, the Dock opens a spot at the right end of the Dock to indicate you’re in the zone.
To display the items in a Stack, just click it:
When set to Display as Stack, the Stack icon is displayed with icon images from the contents of the folder; if security is an issue, however, choose Display as Folder from the shortcut menu to display the Stack as a plain folder icon instead.
You can remove a Stack from the Dock by right-clicking the Stack icon and choosing Options from the shortcut menu that appears; then choose Remove from Dock from the submenu that appears. Alternatively, just drag that sucker right off the Dock.
You can also display the contents of a Stack in a Finder window. Right-click the Stack icon and choose the Open item at the bottom of the pop-up shortcut menu.
Apple provides a Stack that’s already set up for you. The Downloads folder, situated next to the Trash, is the default location for any new files that you download with Safari or receive in your email. Big Sur bounces the Download Stack icon to indicate that you’ve received a new item.
You can change the size of the Dock from the Dock settings in System Preferences — but here’s a simpler way to resize the Dock right from the Desktop.
Move your pointer over the vertical solid line that separates the left end of the Dock from the right end; the pointer turns into a funky vertical line with arrows pointing up and down. This is your cue to click and drag while moving up and down, expanding and shrinking the Dock, respectively.
You can also right-click when the funky line pointer is visible to display a shortcut menu of Dock preferences. This menu allows you to change your Dock preferences without the hassle of opening System Preferences and displaying the Dock settings.
Another sign of a Mac laptop power user is a well-maintained Trash can. It’s a breeze to empty the discarded items you no longer need, and you can even rescue something that you suddenly discover you still need!
The translucent Big Sur Trash icon resides on the Dock, and it works just like the Trash has always worked in macOS. Simply drag selected items to the Trash to delete them.
Here are other ways to chuck items you select to go to the wastebasket:
You can always tell when the Trash contains at least one item, because the basket icon is full of crumpled paper. You don’t have to unfold a wad of paper to see what the Trash holds, however. Just click the Trash icon on the Dock to display the contents of the Trash. To rescue something from the Trash, drag the item(s) from the Trash folder to the Desktop or any other folder in a Finder window. (If you’re doing this for someone who’s unfamiliar with Big Sur, remember to act as though the task was a lot of work, and you’ll earn big-time DRP, or Data Rescue Points.)
When you’re sure that you want to permanently delete the contents of the Trash, use one of these methods to empty the Trash:
Because I’m near the end of this chapter, I turn now to a task that most MacBook owners need to tackle soon after buying their laptop or installing Big Sur: printing documents. Because basic printing is so important (and in most cases, so simple), allow me to demonstrate how to print a document.
Most of us have a Universal Serial Bus (USB) printer — the USB being the favored hardware connection in macOS. As long as your printer is supported by macOS, setting it up is as easy as plugging it into one of your MacBook’s USB ports.
To print from any application with the default page characteristics (standard 8½ × 11″ paper, portrait mode, no scaling), follow these steps:
In your application, choose File ⇒ Print or press the ⌘ +P keyboard shortcut.
In most applications, macOS displays the simple version of the Print sheet. (To display all the fields you see in Figure 3-12, click the Show Details button at the bottom of the sheet.) Some applications use their own custom Print dialogs, but you should see the same general settings.
Click the Copies field and enter the number of copies you need.
You can also enable or disable collation, just as you can with those oh-so-fancy copiers.
(Optional) Choose application-specific printing parameters.
Each macOS application provides different panes so that you can configure settings specific to that application. You don’t have to display any of these extra settings to print a default document, but the power is there to change the look dramatically when necessary. To display these settings, open the pop-up menu in the center of the Print sheet (which reads Media & Quality in Figure 3-12) and choose one of these panes. If you’re printing from Contacts, for example, you can choose the Contacts entry from the pop-up menu and elect to print a phone list, an envelope, mailing labels, or an email list.
When everything is go for launch, click the Print button.
The printing system in macOS offers more settings and more functionality, of course. But I can tell you from my experiences as a consultant and hardware technician that this short introduction to printing will likely suffice for 90 percent of the Mac owners on Earth. ’Nuff said.
You can call on the resources described in this section if you need additional help while you’re discovering how to tame Big Sur.
Sometimes, the help you need is as close as the Help menu on the Finder menu bar. You can get help for either of the following:
Apple has online product support areas for every hardware and software product it manufactures. Visit
, and click the Support link at the top of the web page.
Many magazines and publications (both in print and online) offer tips and tricks on using and maintaining macOS Big Sur.
My personal online favorites are Macworld (
) and the Wiley For Dummies website (
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention your local Mac user group. Often, a user group maintains its own website and discussion forum. If you can wait until the next meeting, you can even ask your question and receive a reply from a real live human being — quite a thrill in today’s web-centric world!
To locate a local user group by using your Internet connection, launch Safari, click the Address box, and type
Mac User Group location
Instead of location, type the desired spot on the map, such as
Mac User Group Columbia Missouri
Don’t forget to press Return!