Manually implementing cross-validation in OpenCV

The easiest way to perform cross-validation in OpenCV is to do the data splits by hand.

For example, to implement two-fold cross-validation, we would perform the following procedure:

  1. Load the dataset:
      In [1]: from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
... import numpy as np
... iris = load_iris()
... X =
... y =
  1. Split the data into two equally sized parts:
      In [2]: from sklearn.model_selection import model_selection
... X_fold1, X_fold2, y_fold1, y_fold2 = train_test_split(
... X, y, random_state=37, train_size=0.5
... )
  1. Instantiate the classifier:
      In [3]: import cv2
... knn =
... knn.setDefaultK(1)
  1. Train the classifier on the first fold, then predict the labels of the second fold:
      In [4]: knn.train(X_fold1,, y_fold1)
... _, y_hat_fold2 = knn.predict(X_fold2)
  1. Train the classifier on the second fold, then predict the labels of the first fold:
      In [5]: knn.train(X_fold2,, y_fold2)
... _, y_hat_fold1 = knn.predict(X_fold1)
  1. Compute accuracy scores for both folds:
      In [6]: from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
... accuracy_score(y_fold1, y_hat_fold1)
Out[6]: 0.92000000000000004
In [7]: accuracy_score(y_fold2, y_hat_fold2)
Out[7]: 0.88

This procedure will yield two accuracy scores, one for the first fold (92% accuracy) and one for the second fold (88% accuracy). On average, our classifier hence achieved 90% accuracy on unseen data.

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