Having a look at supervised learning in OpenCV

Just knowing how supervised learning works is not going to be of any use if we can't put it into practice. Thankfully, OpenCV provides a pretty straightforward interface for all its statistical learning models, which includes all supervised learning models.

In OpenCV, every machine learning model derives from the cv::ml::StatModel base class. This is fancy talk for saying that if we want to use a machine learning model in OpenCV, we have to provide all of the functionality that StatModel tells us to. This includes a method to train the model (called train) and a method to measure the performance of the model (called calcError).

In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), we deal primarily with objects or classes. An object consists of several functions, called methods, as well as variables, called members or attributes. You can learn more about OOP in Python at https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html.

Thanks to this organization of the software, setting up a machine learning model in OpenCV always follows the same logic, as we will see later:

  • Initialization: We call the model by name to create an empty instance of the model.
  • Set parameters: If the model needs some parameters, we can set them via setter methods, which can be different for every model. For example, for a k-NN algorithm to work, we need to specify its open parameter, k (as we will find out later).
  • Train the model: Every model must provide a method called train, used to fit the model to some data.
  • Predict new labels: Every model must provide a method called predict, used to predict the labels of new data.
  • Score the model: Every model must provide a method called calcError, used to measure performance. This calculation might be different for every model.
Because OpenCV is a vast and community-driven project, not every algorithm follows these rules to the extent that we as users might expect. For example, the k-NN algorithm does most of its work in a findNearest method, although predict still works. We will make sure to point out these discrepancies as we work through different examples.

As we will make occasional use of scikit-learn to implement some machine learning algorithms that OpenCV does not provide, it is worth pointing out that learning algorithms in scikit-learn follow an almost identical logic. The most notable difference is that scikit-learn sets all of the required model parameters in the initialization step. Also, it calls the training function, fit, instead of train and the scoring function score instead of calcError.

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