A textbook is not a solitary venture of its author but a collaborative project of a team of dedicated and competent people. I extend special thanks to the team of editors, Praveen Tiwari, Anshul Yadav and Ruchi Sachdev, for their superb work, efforts, care and expertise.

I am also grateful for the contributions and inputs of the reviewers and colleagues who offered very useful comments during the various stages of preparation of the drafts of the book. Specifically, I would like to acknowledge the encouraging comments and invaluable suggestions from Professor B. P. Singh, ex-Head, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi; Dr Karuna Kaushik, Principal, Lakshmibai College, University of Delhi; and Dr A. K. Singh, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics.

I would also like to thank my husband Pradeep and children, Tanay and Prakriti, for their continuous encouragement, patience and support.


Vanita Agarwal

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