
I would like to express my appreciation to a few of the many people to whom I am indebted for help in writing this book and getting it into print. First and foremost, as with the first edition, I want to thank my wife, Prema Popat, without whose encouragement and patience the book would never have seen the light of day. Next, my thanks go to Khang Vinh (Kyle) Doan, my undergraduate assistant, and to Xhulia Kanani and William Burke, both of the Beacon Hill Institute, who helped me by finding and verifying data and by proofing much of the book. Also, and as before, Scott Isenberg, Executive Editor at Business Expert Press, provided both patience and encouragement. Exeter team worked efficiently and diligently with me on proof reading and production. Finally, and again as with the first edition, my thanks to colleague Alison Kelly, whose prodding got me to refocus on this project after many years of hesitation and neglect.

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