

+ (addition) block, 66

# (hashtag), 34

< (is less than) block, 56

+ (zoom in) block, 8

(zoom out) block, 8


acceleration, 89

Add Comment button, 32

addition (+) block, 66

Animals categories, 28, 6768


coding, 5457, 122123

drawing, 116121

arrow keys, motions with, 1416

Attack Time slider (sfxr), 141

attribution, 137


editing sounds, 130134

exporting sounds, 134135, 151152

getting started, 127

recording sounds, 128130


backdrops, 810

Backdrops tab, 9

Backgrounds. See also backdrops

deleting, 43

drawing objects in, 109110

resetting, 25

bfxr, 143

binary movements, 89

Boolean variables, 84

Bosca Ceoil, 152153

branching, 12

broadcast () block, 50

broadcasting messages, 4951

Brush tool, 104

buffer zones, 47


cat icon, 6

change () by block, 66

change color effect block, 70

change pen color by () block, 42

change pen size by block, 18

Change slider (sfxr), 141

Choose a Costume button, 6768

Clean up Blocks button, 32

climbing slopes and steps, 8586, 107


as collectible objects, 9799

made by other clones, 5962

self-cloning, 4546, 47

Code area, organizing, 3032

code blocks, 2

in game setup, 17, 2225

glowing, 14

organizing, 3032, 4041

Code tab, 10

collaborating, 160

collecting objects, 44, 9799

collisions, 80

comments, 32

conditional blocks, 73

Control blocks, 12, 29, 46

controllers, 161162

copying projects, 3940


as animation, 118121

for sprites, 4, 5354

for Stage, 8

switching, 110

Costumes tab, 4, 7, 68

Create button, 3

create clone of () block, 60

Creative Commons license, 136137


deadly plummet sound

editing, 130134

recording, 128130

upload to game, 134136

debugging techniques, 14

Decay Time slider (sfxr), 141

deceleration, 90

degrees, 25

delete this clone block, 48

deleting sprites, 6

designing games

by collaborating, 160

decomposition of tasks, 79

experiences in, xvii–xx, 157158


degrees, 2425

sprite facing, 8

displaying variables, 65


for animation, 5354, 118121

backdrops, 810

freehand, 104

sprites, 78

techniques, 104109, 121


adding instruments, 148150

adding melodies, 150151

getting started, 144145

making drum loops, 146148

saving and exporting loops, 151152

duplicate block option, 15


Effects menu (Audacity), 132

Ellipse tool, 96

envelopes of sound, 141

erase all block, 25

Eraser tool, 106108

Events blocks

chaining, 8283

using, 1011

exporting sounds, 134135, 142, 151152

Extensions library, 17


fade out sound, 133134

falling movement

code, 87

costume, 120

feedback, 159

flags. See when green flag clicked block

flashlight script, 9597

flickscreen movements, 92

For all sprites variable option, 70

For this sprite only variable option, 64

forever block, 12

freehand drawing, 104

Freesound website, 136, 156


game window, 3

games. See also video games

brief history, xviii–xix

nature of, xvi–xvii

ghost effect, 70, 97, 123

go backward () layer block, 97, 110

go to () layer, 69

go to x: y: block, 2324


in platform game design, 9192

screen, 2324


hashtag (#), 34

Hatlight game, 7778

battery sprite, 9899

challenges, 124

Explorer sprite, 117120

Flashlight sprite, 9697

Hitbox sprite, 8081, 8283, 116, 122123

music, 155

player movements, 8490

Scenery sprite, 109110

sound ideas for, 127

teaching to play, 111116

variables, 8384

Walls sprite, 8182, 9193, 103109

hide block, 46

hitbox sprites, 8081

hub areas, 116


ideas for games, xxi, 158

if () then block, 1415

if / else block, 5657

if key () pressed? then block, 15, 16

if on edge, bounce block, 1213

if touching color ()? then block, 26

instructions to players, 34 website, 159


jumping movement

code, 88

costume, 119


keyboard controls, 161162


landmark designs, 114116

layers blocks, 69, 97, 110

Leaf Me Alone (While I Eat This Leaf) game, 56

adding sounds, 2729

challenges, 3233

checking contact, 2526

chewing holes in leaf, 1722

drawing backdrop, 810

drawing bug sprite, 78

moving bug sprite, 1114

starting game, 2225

steering bug sprite, 1416

left arrow option, 15

less than (<) block, 56


concepts, 101102

for learning game, 111114

storytelling with, 124

lightness and darkness, 95, 104, 111

Line tool, 104

Looks blocks, 11


in code, 1112

music, 68, 144, 153155


Make a Variable button, 63

Makey Makey, 162

mathematical operations, 2021


broadcasting and receiving, 4950

and chaining events, 8283

to players, 7374

microphones, 127

Motion blocks, 11

move () steps block, 1213

movements. See also animation

creating natural, 8890

Event blocks for, 1114

in platform games, 8488

random, 4647

setting speed, 40

multiple player games, 160161

music. See also Bosca Ceoil; Drumcircle

creating mood with, 126

game ideas with, 155156

loops, 68, 144, 153155

Mutate button (sfxr), 138

My Stuff page, 3435


naming and renaming

backdrops, 10

sprites, 8

negative numbers, 4647, 85

New message option, 50

Notes and Credits, 34, 137



collecting, 44, 9799

as obstacles, 52, 5862, 81

showing unreachable, 113114

solidness of, 107109

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) Studio, 158

obstacles, 52, 5862, 81

Operators blocks, 2021


Paintbrush tool, 7

Pen blocks

adding from Extensions, 17

randomizing pen size, 1922

setting pen color and size, 18

pen colors

rainbow effect, 4142

setting, 18

pen down block, 18

pen up block, 18

percussion, 149

pick random () to () block, 21

pitch (sound), 132

platform design, 79, 103105

platform games, 77

Play button, 4

play sound () until done block, 27, 153154


challenging, 5152, 59, 63

games for multiple, 160161

learning to play, 111116

rewarding, 67

writing instructions for, 34

position, of sprites, 2324, 82

progressions (musical), 150


copying, 3940

My Stuff page, 3435

sharing, 3334

PuzzleScript, xxii


rainbow trail effect, 4142

random changes

flickering light effect, 97

movements, 4647

pen size, 2021

Surprise button, 6, 27

receiving messages, 4951

Record button, 27

Recording. See also Audacity; bfxr; Drumcircle; sfxr

sounds, 27, 57, 127

video games, 158

Rectangle tool, 80, 104

Redo button, 8

refreshing games, 2225

Remix button (Audacity), 39

repeat () block, 55

rewarding players, 67

Rewind button, 134

right arrow option, 16


say () for () seconds block, 74


getting started with, 24

overview, xviii, xxi–xxii, 12

Scratch editor, 3

Scratchy sprite, 4


creating buffer zones, 47

grid, 2324

landmarks in, 114116

for learning game, 111114

switching, 9195

scripts, 4

organizing, 26, 3032, 4041

setup area, 17, 2225

See inside button, 31

See Project Page button, 33

Select tool, 93, 105

Sensing blocks, 15

sequencers, 146

set pen color to () block, 18

set pen saturation to () block, 42

set pen size to () block, 18

set size to () block, 51

setup code area, 17

sfxr, 137138

exporting sounds, 142

sliders, 140141

waveforms, 138140

Share button, 34

sharing games, 3334, 158159

show block, 48

Slide sound effect slider (sfxr), 141

Sound blocks, 11, 27

sound effects. See also Audacity; bfxr; sfxr

ideas for, 127, 155156

as information, 126

waveforms, 130131, 138140

sounds. See also music; sound effects

design tools, 126

importing to Scratch, 135136

internet sources, 136137

recording in Scratch, 27, 57

Scratch Sound Library, 2728, 68

for sprites, 4, 2729, 69

sprites, 34

adding, 6

changing size, 51, 57

checking contact, 2526

cloning, 4546, 47

drawing, 78, 44

invisible, 123

moving, 1116

naming, 8

sounds with, 2729, 69

position and direction, 2425, 82


layout, 2, 11

organizing, 26, 3032, 4041

running, 14

Stage, 6, 9

backdrops, 810

edges, 1213

grid, 2324

standing still costume, 118

start sound block, 69

starting direction, 2425

starting messages, 7374

Surprise button, 6, 27

Sustain Time slider (sfxr), 141

switch costume block, 71


teleporting sprites, 4546

tempo, 132133


for animation, 5455

to create pressure, 5152

playing sound, 29


edge of Stage, 1213

sprites, 4849, 56

touching ()? block, 48

touching color ()? block, 26

true and false variables, 84

turning blocks, 1516

Twine, xxii


Undo button, 8

universal variables, 72

unsharing games, 34

Upload buttons, 6, 27, 136


value block, 6465


Boolean, 84

creating, 6365

universal, 72

Variables blocks, 63

Vibrato slider (sfxr), 141

video games

brief history, xviii–xix

ideas for, xx–xxi, 158

recording, 158159

sharing, 3334, 159

tools for making, xviii

video recording, 158159


wait () seconds block, 29

walking costume, 118119

WAV files, 135, 142, 151152

waveforms, 130131, 138140

Weird Bug Chowdown game, 3738

adding starting message, 7374

adding time pressure, 5158

broadcasting messages, 4951

changing speed, 6367

ending game, 6773

leaving rainbow trail, 4143

making bug food, 4449

making poop obstacles, 5862

optional changes, 7475

when green flag clicked block, 11, 26, 47

when I receive block, 4950

when I start as a clone block, 48

word bubbles, 7374


x- and y-coordinates, 2324, 4647


zooming in and out, 8, 9

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