36.8. Viewing and Editing Table Contents

The PostgreSQL module allows you to view and edit the contents of any table in any database, even those that do not have primary keys. Unlike the MySQL module, it can identify specific rows to edit using the special oid column, which contains a unique identifier for each record.

To view the contents of a table, follow these steps:

On the main page, click on the icon for the database that contains the table, and then on the icon for the table itself.

On the table editing form, click on the View Data button at the bottom. This will bring you to a page containing the first 20 rows in the table.

If the table contains more rows than can be displayed on one page, the start and end of the visible range and the total number of rows will be displayed at the top. Next to it are left and right arrows for moving to the next or previous 20 records.

Unlike the MySQL module, there is no way to search for records or jump to a particular row number on this page.

This same page can also be used to edit, delete, or add records. Records to edit must first be selected using the checkboxes to the right of each row, or the Select all and Invert selection links. When you click the Edit selected rows button, the page will be redisplayed with the values of all chosen records in text boxes. Make whatever changes you like, and click the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the database. Or hit Cancel if you want to stop editing without saving your modifications.

To delete records, select them using the same checkboxes and selection links, and click the Delete selected rows button. The chosen records will be immediately removed from the database with no further confirmation.

To add a new record, hit the Add row button below the table. An additional row will appear containing empty text boxes for you to enter new details. Clicking Save will add the new record to the table, and move the display so that you can see the new row. You can also click Cancel if you change your mind about adding a record.

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