39.3. Generating and Viewing a Report

Once you have set the options for a report, actually generating it is simple. Just follow these steps:

On the main page, click on the name of the log file for which the report is being generated.

Hit the Generate Report button at the bottom of the form. A page showing the output from Webalizer as it is run on each of the log files will be displayed so that you can see any errors that occur. This can take a long time (perhaps hours) the first time a large log file is processed, as a reverse look up must be done for every client IP address in the file. Fortunately, the actual CPU and network load that is generated is minimal.

If all goes well, the report's HTML pages will be created in the destination directory. To view it, click on the View completed report link below the output.

The report's first page shows a graph of hits received by the website by month, with links below to pages containing details for each individual month. Each of the month pages show tables and graphs of hits by day, hour, client, page, and country for the site, and may also show hits by user, browser, and referrer as well—if that information is included in your log files.

The same report can be viewed directly from the module's main page by clicking on the View link in the Report column for the log file or by hitting the View Report button on the log file options form.

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