Training the machine learning model

Now it's time to add another component to the Pipeline: the actual machine learning algorithm--RandomForest:

var rf = new RandomForestClassifier()

var model = new Pipeline().setStages(transformers :+ rf).fit(df_notnull)

var result = model.transform(df_notnull)

This code is very straightforward. First, we have to instantiate our algorithm and obtain it as a reference in rf. We could have set additional parameters to the model but we'll do this later in an automated fashion in the CrossValidation step. Then, we just add the stage to our Pipeline, fit it, and finally transform. The fit method, apart from running all upstream stages, also calls fit on the RandomForestClassifier in order to train it. The trained model is now contained within the Pipeline and the transform method actually creates our predictions column:

As we can see, we've now obtained an additional column called prediction, which contains the output of the RandomForestClassifier model. Of course, we've only used a very limited subset of available features/columns and have also not yet tuned the model, so we don't expect to do very well; however, let's take a look at how we can evaluate our model easily with Apache SparkML.

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