The build environment

From past examples, you know that we favor sbt as a build tool for developing Scala source examples.

We have created a development environment on the Linux server called hc2r1m2 using the Hadoop development account. The development directory is called h2o_spark_1_2:

[hadoop@hc2r1m2 h2o_spark_1_2]$ pwd

Our SBT build configuration file named h2o.sbt is located here; it contains the following:

 [hadoop@hc2r1m2 h2o_spark_1_2]$ more h2o.sbt

name := "H 2 O"

version := "1.0"

scalaVersion := "2.10.4"

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-client" % "2.3.0"

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-core" % "1.2.0" from "file:///usr/hdp/"

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "mllib" % "1.2.0" from "file:///usr/hdp/"

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "sql" % "1.2.0" from "file:///usr/hdp/"

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "h2o" % "0.2.12-95" from "file:///usr/local/h2o/assembly/build/libs/sparkling-water-assembly-0.2.12-95-all.jar"

libraryDependencies += "hex.deeplearning" % "DeepLearningModel" % "0.2.12-95" from "file:///usr/local/h2o/assembly/build/libs/sparkling-water-assembly-0.2.12-95-all.jar"

libraryDependencies += "hex" % "ModelMetricsBinomial" % "0.2.12-95" from "file:///usr/local/h2o/assembly/build/libs/sparkling-water-assembly-0.2.12-95-all.jar"

libraryDependencies += "water" % "Key" % "0.2.12-95" from "file:///usr/local/h2o/assembly/build/libs/sparkling-water-assembly-0.2.12-95-all.jar"

libraryDependencies += "water" % "fvec" % "0.2.12-95" from "file:///usr/local/h2o/assembly/build/libs/sparkling-water-assembly-0.2.12-95-all.jar"

We provided sbt configuration examples in the previous chapters, so we won't go into line-by line-detail here. We have used the file-based URLs to define the library dependencies and sourced the Hadoop JAR files from Hadoop home.

The Sparkling Water JAR path is defined as /usr/local/h2o/ that was just created.
We use a Bash script called run_h2o.bash within this development directory to execute our H2O-based example code. It takes the application class name as a parameter and is shown as follows:

[hadoop@hc2r1m2 h2o_spark_1_2]$ more run_h2o.bash




export PATH


--class $1
--master spark://
--executor-memory 512m
--total-executor-cores 50
--jars $H2O_JAR

This example of Spark application submission has already been covered, so again, we won't go into detail. Setting the executor memory at a correct value was critical to avoiding out-of-memory issues and performance problems. This is examined in the Performance tuning section.
As in the previous examples, the application Scala code is located in the src/main/scala subdirectory under the development directory level. The next section will examine the Apache Spark and the H2O architectures.

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