Deploy the Node-RED IoT Starter Boilerplate to the IBM Cloud

You'll need an IBM Bluemix Cloud account. Most likely, you already have one, since examples of other chapters are dependent on it as well. If not, you can get one for free here: Once done, here are the steps to get Node-RED deployed to your cloud account:

  1. Open the following link:
  2. Name your application (note that the hostname gets updated as well), and click on Create.
  3. Once done, click on Connections.
  4. On the Internet of Things Platform tile, click onView credentials.
  5. Write down the values of the following properties, as you will need them later:
    • org
    • apiKey
    • apiToken
  6. Close this view.
  7. Wait until your application starts, and then click onVisit App URL.
  8. When asked, set a username and password for your application, and note it down.
  9. Click on Go to our Node-RED flow editor.

Congratulations, you should see something like this:

This is the Node-RED flow pane where you can design real-time data processing workflows. But we have already created the Lorenz attractor flow for you, so let's deploy it.

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