Cache-friendly layout of data in memory

In order to understand how data structures can be laid out in a cache-friendly manner, let's have a brief look at how caches work in general. Memory on a modern computer system is addressed using 64 bit addresses pointing to 64 bit memory blocks. Remember, Tungsten tries to always use 8-byte Datasets which perfectly fit into these 64-bit memory blocks.

So between your CPU cores and main memory, there is a hierarchical list of L1, L2, and L3 caches-with increasing size. Usually, L3 is shared among all the cores. If your CPU core requests a certain main memory address to be loaded into the CPU core's register (a register is a memory area in your CPU core) - this happens by an explicit machine code (assembler) instruction - then first the L1-3 cache hierarchy is checked to see if it contains the requested memory address.

We call data associated with such an address a memory page. If this is the case, then main memory access is omitted and the page is directly loaded from the L1, L2, or L3 cache. Otherwise, the page is loaded from main memory, resulting in higher latency. The latency is so high that the CPU core is waiting (or executing other work) for multiple CPU clock cycles, until the main memory page is transferred into the CPU core's register. In addition, the page is also put into all caches, and in case they are full, less frequently accessed memory pages are deleted from the caches.

This brings us to the following two conclusions:

  • Caching only makes sense if memory pages are accessed multiple times during a computation.
  • Since caches are far smaller than main memory, they only contain subsets of the main memory pages. Therefore, a temporally close access pattern is required in order to benefit from the caches, because if the same page is accessed at a very late stage of the computation, it might have already gotten evicted from the cache.
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