
Thanks to all of you who continually encourage and support me to achieve my dreams. Without you, this just wouldn't be fun anymore.

Thanks again to Ish for agreeing to do this again. Co-authoring a book such as this is no easy task, so I appreciate you hanging in there.

My thanks to Tom and Tom for keeping me busy with edits. Really, thanks. I couldn't believe how quickly they kept coming. And I can't believe how Richardson always finds something new to pick on after it has been edited three times! It's all good, though.

Thanks, Wiley Publishing, for inviting me back to do this. Third time's a charm!

Cyndy Davenport

I'd like to thank Wiley and their editorial crew for allowing me to collaborate with Cyndy for a second year on this wonderful project. I also have to thank our editors whose orange highlighters steered this project into a good direction right from the start.

On a personal level, I thank God for another year of blessings. Being alive and healthy to embark on such an adventure is a gift and blessing from Him. Also, I thank my amazing wife and kids, who were there for me all the time. Without their support, everything would have been so much harder. I would also love to send my thanks to all my extended family here in the United States—the Breeton and in Romania—the Voiculescu and the Polocoser. I love you all!

On a professional level, I am thankful for the awesome crew at Northern Engineering & Consulting Inc. (NECI) up in the frozen Bemidji, Minnesota, who brought me into this civil engineering world and helped me grow. Thanks are in order for Tom Groll from Tom Groll Engineering, PC in Austin, Texas, an outstanding boss, who through his dedication to work inspired me to give my best in all that I do. Last, I am thankful for all the people I get to share my workday with, from the Engineering Services Division of the City of Austin Public Works Department to all the geeks of Austin's Civil 3D User Group.

Finally, I want to thank to everyone who helps and supports me on this journey through the civil engineering wonderland.

Ishka Voiculescu

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