The Roslyn project

Also called .NET Compiler Platform and headed by Anders Hejlsberg, Roslyn is a set of tools and services that help the developer control, manage, and extend the capabilities of any source code editor or IDE and take care of the code in a number of ways, including edition, parsing, analyzing, and compilation. It is part of the .NET Foundation initiative:

The Roslyn project

Actually, all the magic behind the editors (Intellisense, code snippets, code suggestions, refactoring, and so on) is managed by Roslyn.

Overall, using Roslyn, you will be able to do the following:

  • Create custom, specific code examination tools, which can be incorporated in the editors in Visual Studio 2015 and other compatible tools. Along with this, you can expand the live code examination engine with your own guidelines. This implies that you can write diagnostics and code fixes (known as analyzers) and code refactoring rules for your APIs or your particular programming needs.
  • Furthermore, the Visual Studio Editor will identify code issues as you write, squiggling the code that requires consideration and proposing the best possible fixes.
  • You can instrument code generation, produce IL code (remember the demos we saw in previous chapters), and perform everyday, code-related jobs inside your .NET applications thanks to the compiler APIs.
  • Also, extensions are possible by building personalized plugins that can execute outside Visual Studio and also configure MSBuild and exploit the C# compiler to perform code-related jobs.
  • Create REPLs (read-evaluate-print loops) with your own IDE, which is able to examine and execute C# code.

Differences from traditional compilers

Usually, compilers behave as black boxes or like a function in the source code, where the code to be compiled is the argument, there's something going on in the middle, and an output is generated at the other end. The process entails an inner, deep understanding of the code they are dealing with, but such information is not available to developers. Besides, this information is dismissed after the translated output is produced.

The mission of Roslyn is to open the black box and allow developers to not only know what's going on behind the scenes, but—ultimately—also have the capability to create their own tools and code checkers and extend the traditional possibilities created by old compilers.

The official documentation for Roslyn (, explains the main changes of this approach by comparing the classical compiler pipeline with the set of services proposed by Roslyn:

Differences from traditional compilers

As the figure shows, every part of the pipeline has been replaced with APIs that allow you to write code that can be parsed, create Syntax Tree API, and generate a whole symbol map out of it, performing the required Binding and Flow Analysis APIs in order to finally use the Emit API to generate the resulting binaries.

The way Roslyn handles these phases is by creating object models for each of them. A deep study on the capabilities and opportunities offered by this set of services and tools is beyond the scope of this book, but I would like to present an introductory view of these possibilities, along with some demo code so that it's possible to start building you own utensils: projects that read code and help identify potential issues and how to fix them.

Getting started with Roslyn

There are some requirements that apply before you start using Roslyn from Visual Studio. The first one is to have the Git extension installed: you can find it—as with many others—in the Extensions and Updates tool in the Tools menu.

After installation, create a new project in Visual Studio, select the C# Language, and under the Extensibility item, choose Download the .NET Compiler Platform SDK, as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting started with Roslyn

An index.html web page will appear, containing a button linked to downloads for syntax tree visualizers, templates for analyzers, and so on. Note that if you have more than one edition of Visual Studio installed, you will be notified by the .vsix installer about which products you want the extensions to be installed in.

Several options appear as available in different contexts now. On the one hand, if you go to the Tools/Options menu and check the Text Editors item, you can find new options to control the way this language is managed within Visual Studio Editors on the C# side: options to format code for Intellisense, and so on.

On the other hand, after reloading Visual Studio, if you go back to Extension and Updates, you will find that new types of projects are available now, including Stand-Alone Code Analysis Tool, Analyzer With Code Fix (NuGet + VSIX), Code Refactoring (VSIX), and VSIX Project, this last one being specific to installations of plugins and the like. You should get an offer like the one shown in the following screenshot:

Getting started with Roslyn

Let's start with a simple class and see what we can do with the options. So, I create a new project (a Console one is just fine) and get rid of the using declarations included by default.

Even with the default initial code we have, Roslyn will read and convert it into a Syntax Tree representation, where everything (every word, whitespace, curly brace, and so on) has a place in the tree and can be managed accordingly. This tree can be examined using the new window available in View | Other Windows | Syntax Visualizer installed by the previous process.

As soon as we click on the source code (that is, in the middle of the class word), the window will show the result of the code analysis (we show the legend as well):

Getting started with Roslyn

You'll notice that the tree starts with something called CompilationUnit, with the main NamespaceDeclaration node hanging from it. Therefore, every single element in the source code is now recognizable and manageable.

If we want to see this tree in a more visual manner, we can right-click on the CompilationUnit contextual menu and select the View Directed Syntax Graph option, which will show a .dgml file in the editor with a colored tree in which every color in the legend represents one element in the code.

When passing the mouse over one element, its properties are shown in a tooltip (also, right-clicking on a single node shows a contextual menu of possible options):

Getting started with Roslyn

The blue nodes characterize the high-level nodes of the C# grammar that can be divided into smaller units. The green ones are called syntax tokens and are, somehow, like the atoms or basic units of the syntax tree (they cannot be divided into anything smaller).

The rest of the nodes (white and gray nodes) are the so-called trivia nodes, and they're not relevant to compilation as they are the parts of the source text considered largely insignificant for normal understanding of the code, such as whitespace, comments, and preprocessor directives, according to the official documentation.

Besides, there is another very useful online tool (open source) called Source Visualizer, which is available at and shows how Roslyn is coded, along with its source code.

You're allowed to navigate through the whole tree of elements found in the Roslyn project and check them out, reviewing how they are coded to serve as an inspiration for your own code.

For example, if we click on the left tree in the search for the CSharp compiler, we can see how it is coded and all the details linked to it, as the following screenshot shows:

Getting started with Roslyn

A first look at Microsoft Code Analysis Services

Along the course of this book, and probably long before, you may have noticed the large amount of options available within the source code editors in order to facilitate usual operations, notify errors before compilations, and suggest changes among other things (remember, for example, when talking about the implementation of the IDispose interface, how the IDE suggested several possible implementations for us).

From Visual Studio 2015 onwards, these features are just some of the many tools powered by Roslyn. One of the most popular among them is the set of services linked to Code Analyzers.

Code Analyzers

They're not anything new since they have been at our disposal for years within Visual Studio. However, as part of the work with Roslyn, these features—and many others—were rewritten in order to permit the use of extra functionalities.

They are usually divided into three main categories: Code Analyzers, Code Visualizers, and Code Refactors. The three can work together to perform more complex tasks and help the developer in a variety or ways: programmers often need to work with some code they didn't write, or they simply want to know something about the quality of someone else's code:

  • The first category (Code Analyzers) takes care of the generated tree that we saw in the basic demo earlier. These analyzers split the code into pieces, use some type of taxonomy to identify every unit, and place the resulting set in a fashion that can be managed later on by other tools.
  • Code Visualizers are responsible for presenting code in a readable manner. They can also provide us with tips about quality and mistakes.
  • Code Refactors are small fragments of code that—when applied to a previously recognized block—are able to suggest changes and even apply those changes, directly substituting the original code.

An entire open source sample for you to check: ScriptCS

There's an open source project that can give you an idea about some of these possibilities. It's called ScriptCS. Remember, we mentioned that with Roslyn, you can build a tool similar to the REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop) available for Node.js, Ruby, and Python, for example. I mean a tool that can examine and execute C# code.

To test it, just go to the ScriptCS website ( and download the project. It's a Visual Studio solution made up of several projects that shed some light about the possibilities this technology offers.

Once compiled, if you launch the program, you'll see a console application, which suggests that you write some code to analyze and execute. The tool will use the compiler, and it works in a manner very similar to the Console tool in browsers.

The aspect will be like what is shown in the following screenshot. Note that I write three separate sentences, and only after writing the one that produces an output, we get the results in the console:

An entire open source sample for you to check: ScriptCS

Of course, Roslyn services are creating a class behind the scenes for us and are inserting that code within, later calling the compiler, executing the code, and redirecting the output to the Console window, where we see the results.

It becomes useful when we just want to check out a simple piece of code without building a whole project.

A basic project using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis

Let's start working with these tools, creating a simple Console application and installing Microsoft.CodeAnalysis tools directly from NuGet Package Manager Console.

We can type Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, and we'll see the installation process in which all the required dependencies are downloaded, with the last message shown saying something like Successfully installed 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis 1.3.2' to [TheNameOfYourProject].

In the main method, we are going to load a C# file in order to analyze its contents. With this purpose, we have created a Person.cs file with the following contents:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleRoselyn1
  class Person
    public int id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    internal Person Create()
      Person p = new Person(); = 1;
      p.Name = "Chris Talline";
      p.Age = 33;
      return p;
    internal string PersonData()
      var p = Create();
      return + "-" + p.Name + "-" + 

Later on, we're defining a new entry point, InitialParser.cs, which is going to take care of the analysis. We'll establish this class as the entry point of the application, and in its main method, we start by reading the file to be checked, using the same class as earlier (CSharpSyntaxTree)—only, this time, we load the file contents early in order to pass them to the ParseText static method of the class:

// Fist, we localize and load the file to check out
string filename = @"[Path-to-your-Project]Person.cs";
string content = File.ReadAllText(filename);
// Now we have to analyze the contents
// So, we use the same class as before. Notice 
// it returns a SyntaxTree object.
SyntaxTree tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(content);

Observe that ParseText returns a SyntaxTree object. This is fundamental for analysis since it allows you to iterate over the whole tree in order to inspect how the Tree Object Model was implemented when it was applied to our Person class.

If you want to have a clear view of why certain objects are selected to recover the code's properties, remember that the Syntax Tree Viewer that we discussed earlier achieves many of the actions that we are going to perform here, and it offers the corresponding name of the element as we move from one point in the code to another.

For instance, if you click on the code right inside the class keyword, the Syntax Tree Visualizer will move exactly to that point in the tree, indicating the name associated with the Object Model, as the next screenshot shows:

A basic project using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis

Now, we have a very nice tool to suggest which classes and classes' members we should identify in the API in order to obtain references to the elements that compose the Syntax Tree.

If we want to obtain the name of the first class defined in the code (there's only one, but the syntax tree will show as many as there were), first, we need to access the root of the tree. We do that by calling GetRoot() in the tree object previously obtained.

Once we have the root element, a look at the methods used throws some light on the possibilities we have. Here are some of these methods, just to name a few:

  • We can go down or up, looking for descendants in search of ancestors since we have access to the whole list of nodes
  • We can find a given node or check the contents of any node in search for something special
  • We can read a node's text
  • We can even insert or remove any of them (refer to the following screenshot):
A basic project using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis

Given that all collections provided by the APIs are generic collections, we can ask for nodes of a concrete type using the OfType<element> syntax. That's what we do next in order to get the ClassDeclarationSyntax object of our Person class, so we print it to the console as follows:

ClassDeclarationSyntax personClass = root.DescendantNodes().OfType<ClassDeclarationSyntax>().First();
Console.WriteLine("Class names");

We can go on and obtain the method's names in the class using the objects already declared. So, in this case, we'll ask for all the MethodDeclarationSyntax objects available after the DescendantNodes() call and go through them, printing their names:

Method names");
personClass.DescendantNodes().OfType<MethodDeclarationSyntax>().ToList().ForEach(method => Console.WriteLine(method.Identifier));

So, we can go for the properties, knowing that the syntax tree categorizes them as PropertyDeclarationSyntax objects:

// And the properties
.ForEach(property => Console.WriteLine(property.Identifier));

The previous code generates the following output:

A basic project using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis

This is one of the recommended procedures to iterate over the syntax tree and recover information about its members, although in this case, we're just reading data and presenting the results.

The first approach to code refactoring

Based on the previous ideas and APIs, let's look at how to program those diagnosing and refactoring features that Visual Studio offers. That's the main reason for Extensibility.

Just remember something about the building and parsing behavior of Visual Studio. Many of these features are disabled by default. The whole set of analysis' capabilities is found—for any project—in the Project/Properties/Code Analysis tab and is presented with two main options:

  1. Enable Code Analysis on Build, which, internally, defines the CODE_ANALYSIS constant and forces the active set of features to be run against the current code before each compilation. Also, note that you can configure the behavior, changing the severity of any issue to be Warning, Error, Info, Hidden, or None.
  2. Select one the available rule sets, which the IDE offers. By default, Microsoft Managed Recommended Rules is active, but there are many others to choose and you can even activate/deactivate every single rule in those sets. The following screenshot shows these options:
    The first approach to code refactoring

That said, we're going to create one of these projects that appeared after the installation of the SDK that we did earlier.

What we'll do is select the type of project named Analyzer with code Fix (VSIX) and look at how it is programmed and what the principal units of code are. Then, we'll cover debugging since it works in a peculiar way with respect to any other debugging scenario.

After creating the new project, you'll notice the presence of three individual projects in the solution: the analyzer itself, another one for testing purposes, and finally, the one with the .vsix extension, which serves as the deploying mechanism.

Let's focus on the first one. To honor its name, there are two classes implied: one for analysis (DiganosticAnalyzer.cs) and another in charge of code fixing (CodeFixProvider.cs). It's important to recognize these roles and keep the code like this, even when we want to extend the default functionality.

It doesn't matter that the project's purpose is a bit simple: it searches for a class definition that contains a lowercase letter and marks it as a target for CodeFixProvider to advise about this situation.

To perform this first task of finding the code, the Analyzer2Analyzer class, which inherits from DiagnosticAnalyzer performs the following actions (we explain them one by one since it's not obvious at first):

  1. First, the class is decorated with the [DiagnosticAnalyzer] attribute, indicating that the language to be used will be CSharp.
  2. Then, at the class level, it declares some strings of type LocalizableString. The reason is that this could work in different versions of Visual Studio with different locales. This is why the arguments these strings are assigned to are read from a resource file (created for this purpose). Take a look at the Resources.resx file's contents to check how the strings are saved.
  3. It creates a DiagnosticDescriptor instance (the rule to be checked), which will be in charge of creating a Description instance of a given diagnostic. It takes a few arguments to describe the issue to look for, and one of them is Severity, which, by default, is just a warning.
  4. It overrides the read-only SupportedDiagnostics property to return a new instance of an InmutableArray array based on the previous rule.
  5. It overrides the Initialize method, which receives a context object of type SymbolAnalysisContext, which is in charge of registering the corresponding action we want to perform on the code.
    • In this demo, it calls the RegisterSymbolAction method to register two things: the method to be used in the analysis and the category to which such analysis belongs. (Actually, it passes AnalyzeSymbol as the name of the method).
    • Also, note that the RegisterSymbolAction method will be called as many times as required in order to iterate on all instances of symbols that might meet the condition to be tested.
  6. Finally, it declares the AnalyzeSymbol method that receives the context, looks at the symbol to be checked, and if it meets the diagnosis (in this demo, if it has any lowercase letter in its name), it creates a Diagnostic object and indicates the context to call ReportDiagnostic, which activates whatever action is programmed for this case.

As we can see, although there are not many lines, it's not a simple code. That's why we need to understand how the internals of Roslyn work in order to follow the right actions involved in the context to check for a certain issue. The complete code is as follows:

using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;

namespace Analyzer2
  public class Analyzer2Analyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer
    public const string DiagnosticId = "Analyzer2";

    // You can change these strings in the Resources.resx file. If you do not want your analyzer to be localize-able, you can use regular strings for Title and MessageFormat.
    // See for more on localization
    private static readonly LocalizableString Title = new LocalizableResourceString(nameof(Resources.AnalyzerTitle), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof(Resources));
    private static readonly LocalizableString MessageFormat = new LocalizableResourceString(nameof(Resources.AnalyzerMessageFormat), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof(Resources));
    private static readonly LocalizableString Description = new LocalizableResourceString(nameof(Resources.AnalyzerDescription), Resources.ResourceManager, typeof(Resources));
    private const string Category = "Naming";

    private static DiagnosticDescriptor Rule = new DiagnosticDescriptor(DiagnosticId, Title, MessageFormat, Category, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, isEnabledByDefault: true, description: Description);

    public override ImmutableArray<DiagnosticDescriptor> SupportedDiagnostics { get { return ImmutableArray.Create(Rule); } }

    public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context)
      // TODO: Consider registering other actions that act on syntax instead of or in addition to symbols
      // See for more information
      context.RegisterSymbolAction(AnalyzeSymbol, SymbolKind.NamedType);

    private static void AnalyzeSymbol(SymbolAnalysisContext context)
      // TODO: Replace the following code with your own analysis, generating Diagnostic objects for any issues you find
      var namedTypeSymbol = (INamedTypeSymbol)context.Symbol;

      // Find just those named type symbols with names containing lowercase letters.
      if (namedTypeSymbol.Name.ToCharArray().Any(char.IsLower))
        // For all such symbols, produce a diagnostic.
        var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(Rule, namedTypeSymbol.Locations[0], namedTypeSymbol.Name);


Although the counterpart (CodeFixer) has some more lines of code, you will be able to read the rest of the code—and understand how it operates—by taking a look at Analyzer2CodeFixProvider included in the CodeFixProvider.cs file.

The two important methods here are the override to RegisterCodeFixesAsync, which receives CodeFixContext (required to launch the fixing action) and the fixing action represented in the demo by the MakeUppercaseAsync method.

When this method is called, it returns a Task<Solution> object and receives all the required information to perform the task, plus a CancellationToken object to allow the user to ignore the fix suggestion offered in the contextual dialog box. Of course, it's responsible for changing the code if the user accepts the modification.

Debugging and testing the demo

To test these demos, a new instance of Visual Studio is launched, which will have the Analyzer registered and active when loaded. For this case, I launched the project, and in the new instance of the IDE, I opened the previous project to understand how it recognizes names of identifiers with lowercase letters.

So, proceed in this manner, and open our previous Person.cs file (or any other similar file for that matter) to check this diagnosis in action. You will see a red squiggling underline on the declaration of the Person class.

When you place your cursor underneath the word Person, a tooltip will show up, advising you of a potential problem (in this case, there's no problem at all):

Debugging and testing the demo

Up until this point, we were dealing with the first class analyzed (the Analyzer2Analyzer class). But now, we're offered a double option: the yellow bulb, with a contextual menu and the Show potential fixes link. Both take to the same window, showing the potential fixes in all places where this fix could be applied.

Also, note how these fixes are marked with color. In this case, the color is green, indicating that fixes will not provoke another diagnosis issue, but if it does, we will be notified accordingly:

Debugging and testing the demo

We also have the option of Preview changes, which, in turn, presents another (scrollable) window in order to examine in detail what would happen to our code if we accept the suggestion (shown in the following screenshot):

Debugging and testing the demo

To deploy the project, you can follow two different approaches: use the NuGet package generated (you will see it in the Bin/Debug folder after compilation as usual) or use the .vsix binaries generated by the compiler, which are also available in the same subdirectory, only in the Vsix project this time.

In the first case, you should follow the indications in the Readme.txt file (what follows is a citation of the previously mentioned file):

To try out the NuGet package:

  1. Create a local NuGet feed by following the instructions here:
  2. Copy the .nupkg file into that folder.
  3. Open the target project in Visual Studio 2015.
  4. Right-click on the project node in Solution Explorer and choose Manage NuGet Packages.
  5. Select the NuGet feed you created on the left-hand side.
  6. Choose your analyzer from the list and click on Install.

If you want to automatically deploy the .nupkg file to the local feed folder when you build this project, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on this project in Solution Explorer and choose Unload Project.
  2. Right-click on this project and click on Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the AfterBuild target.
  4. In the Exec task, change the value inside Command after the –OutputDirectory path to point to your local NuGet feed folder.

The other choice is to launch the .vsix file (the extension will be recognized by the system). This will install the package in Visual Studio after asking for conformity, just like any other package that you might have previously installed.

Up to this point, we have introduced Roslyn and its capabilities. Now, we're going to visit the other big open source project, which is getting more hype due to its importance in many web projects, including Angular, Ionic, and many others: TypeScript.

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