Introductory example in Python

To illustrate the concept of running multiple processes on one operating system, let's look at a quick example in Python. Let's take a look at the Chapter06/ file, as shown in the following code:

# Chapter06/

from multiprocessing import Process
import time

def count_down(name, delay):
print('Process %s starting...' % name)

counter = 5

while counter:
print('Process %s counting down: %i...' % (name, counter))
counter -= 1

print('Process %s exiting...' % name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
process1 = Process(target=count_down, args=('A', 0.5))
process2 = Process(target=count_down, args=('B', 0.5))




In this file, we are going back to the counting-down example that we saw in Chapter 3, Working with Threads in Python, while we look at the concept of a thread. Our count_down() function takes in a string as a process identifier and a delay time range. It will then count down from 5 to 1 while sleeping between iterations for a number of seconds specified by the delay parameter. The function also prints out a message with the process identifier at each iteration.

As we saw in Chapter 3, Working with Threads in Python, the point of this counting-down example is to show the concurrent nature of running separate tasks at the same time, this time through different processes by using the Process class from the multiprocessing module. In our main program, we initialize two processes at the same time to implement two separate time-based countdowns simultaneously. Similar to how two separate threads would do this, our two processes will carry out their own countdowns concurrently.

After running the Python script, your output should be similar to the following:

> python
Process A starting...
Process B starting...
Process B counting down: 5...
Process A counting down: 5...
Process B counting down: 4...
Process A counting down: 4...
Process B counting down: 3...
Process A counting down: 3...
Process B counting down: 2...
Process A counting down: 2...
Process A counting down: 1...
Process B counting down: 1...
Process A exiting...
Process B exiting...

Just as we expected, the output tells us that the two countdowns from the separate processes were executed concurrently; instead of finishing the first process' countdown and then starting the second's, the program ran the two countdowns at almost the same time. Even though processes are more expensive and contain more overhead than threads, multiprocessing also allows double the improvement in terms of speed for programs such as the preceding one.

Remember that in multithreading we saw a phenomenon in which the order of the printed output changed between different runs of the program. Specifically, sometimes process B would get ahead of process A during the countdown and finish before process A, even though it was initialized later. This is, again, a direct result of implementing and starting two processes that execute the same function at almost the same time. By executing the script many times, you will see that it is quite likely for you to obtain changing output in terms of the order of the counting and the completion of the countdowns.

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