A quick analogy

Asynchronous programming is a model of programming that focuses on coordinating different tasks in an application. Its goal is to ensure that the application finishes executing those tasks in the smallest amount of time possible. From this perspective, asynchronous programming is about switching from one task to another when it is appropriate to create overlapping between waiting and processing time, and from there, shorten the total time taken to finish the whole program.

To understand the underlying idea of asynchronous programming, let's consider a quick, real-life analogy. Imagine a scenario in which you are cooking a three-course meal that contains the following:

  • An appetizer that will take 2 minutes of preparation and 3 minutes of cooking/waiting
  • A main course that will take 5 minutes of preparation and 10 minutes of cooking/waiting
  • A dessert that will take 3 minutes of preparation and 5 minutes of cooking/waiting

Now, considering the order in which the courses finish cooking, your goal is to determine a way to produce the three courses that will take the least amount of time. For example, if we are cooking the courses in a sequential way, we will finish the appetizer first, which will take 5 minutes, then we will move on to the main course, which will take 15 minutes, and then finally the dessert, which will take 8 minutes, respectively. In total, the whole meal will take 28 minutes to finish.

The key to finding a quicker way to go about this is to overlap the cooking/waiting time of one course with the preparation time of another. Since you will not be occupied while waiting for the food that has already been prepared for cooking, this time could be saved by preparing the food for another dish. For example, improvements could be achieved through the following steps:

  • Preparing the appetizer: 2 minutes.
  • Preparing the main course while waiting for the appetizer to cook: 5 minutes. The appetizer will have finished during this step.
  • Preparing and cooking the dessert while waiting for the main course to cook: 8 minutes. The dessert will have finished during this step, and the main course will have 2 minutes of cooking remaining.
  • Waiting for the main course to finish cooking: 2 minutes. The main course will have cooking finished during this step.

By overlapping the time, we have saved a significant amount of time cooking the three meals, which now takes only 17 minutes in total, compared to 28 minutes if we had done this in the sequential way. However, there is obviously more than one way to decide which dish we should start first, and which dish should be cooked second and last. Another variation of the cooking order could be as follows:

  • Preparing the main course: 5 minutes.
  • Preparing the appetizer while waiting for the main course to cook: 2 minutes. The main course will have 8 minutes of cooking left.
  • Preparing the dessert while waiting for the appetizer and the main course to cook: 3 minutes. The appetizer will have finished during this step, and the main course will have 5 minutes of cooking left.
  • Waiting for the main course and the dessert to finish cooking: 5 minutes. Both the main course and the dessert will have finished during this step.

This time, it only takes 15 minutes in total to produce the whole meal. As we can see, different variations of the cooking order might result in a different total cooking time. Finding the best order to execute and switch between tasks in a program is the main idea behind asynchronous programming: instead of executing all of the instructions of that program in a sequential way, we coordinate those instructions so that we can create overlapped waiting and processing times and finally achieve a better execution time.

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