What is starvation?

It is quite common for a concurrent program to implement some sort of ordering between the different processes in its execution. For example, consider a program that has three separate processes, as follows:

  • One is responsible for handling extremely pressing instructions that need to be run as soon as the necessary resources become available
  • Another process is responsible for other important executions, which are not as essential as the tasks in the first process
  • The last one handles miscellaneous, very infrequent tasks

Furthermore, these three process need to utilize the same resources in order to execute their respective instructions.

Intuitively, we have every reason to implement a specification that allows the first process to have the highest priority of execution and access to resources, then the second process, and then the last process, with the lowest priority. However, imagine situations in which the first two processes (with higher priorities) run so often that the third process cannot execute its instructions; anytime the third process needs to run, it checks to see whether the resources are available to be used and finds out that one of the other, higher-priority processes is using them.

This is a situation of starvation: the third process is given no opportunity to execute and, therefore, no progress can be made with that process. In a typical concurrent program, it is quite common to have more than three processes at different priority levels, yet the situation is fundamentally similar: some processes are given more opportunities to run and, therefore, they are constantly executing. Others have lower priorities and cannot access the necessary resources to execute.

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