
In the next few subsections, we will be discussing the potential candidates that cause starvation situations. Most of the time, a poorly coordinated set of scheduling instructions is the main cause of starvation. For example, a considerably naive algorithm that deals with three separate tasks might implement constant communication and interaction between the first two tasks.

This setup leads to the fact that the execution flow of the algorithm switches solely between the first and second tasks, while the third finds itself idle and unable to make any progress with its execution; in this case, because it is starved of CPU execution flow. Intuitively, we can identify the root of the problem as the fact that the algorithm allows the first two tasks to always dominate the CPU, and hence, effectively prevents any other task to also utilize the CPU. A characteristic of a good scheduling algorithm is the ability to distribute the execution flow and allocate the resources equally and appropriately.

As mentioned previously, many concurrent systems and programs implement a specific order of priority, in terms of process and thread execution. This implementation of ordered scheduling may very likely lead to the starvation of processes and threads of lower priorities and can result in a condition called priority inversion.

Suppose that, in your concurrent program, you have process A of the highest priority, process B of a medium priority, and finally, process C of the lowest priority; process C would most likely be put in the situation of starvation. Additionally, if the execution of process A, the prioritized process, is dependent on the completion of process C, which is already in starvation, then process A might never be able to complete its execution, either, even though it is given the highest priority in the concurrent program.

The following diagram further illustrates the concept of priority inversion: a high-priority task running from the time t2 to t3 needs to access some resources, which are being utilized by a low-priority task:

Diagram of priority inversion

To reiterate, combining starvation and priority inversion can lead to a situation where even the high-priority tasks are unable to execute their instructions.

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