Locks do not lock anything

An additional aspect of locks is the fact that they do not actually lock anything. The only way that a lock object is utilized, with respect to a specific shared resource, is for the threads and processes interacting with that resource to also interact with the lock. In other words, if those threads and processes choose to not check with the lock before accessing and altering the shared resource, the lock object itself cannot stop them from doing so.

In our examples, you have seen that, to implement the acquiring/releasing process of a lock object, the instructions of a thread or process will be wrapped around by a lock context manager; this specification is dependent on the implementation of the thread/process execution logic and not the resource. That is because the lock objects that we have seen are not connected to the resources that they are supposed to protect in any way. So, if the thread/process execution logic does not require any interaction with the lock object associated with the shared resource, that thread or process can simply gain access to the resource without difficulty, potentially resulting in the mismanipulation and corruption of data.

This is not only true in the scope of having multiple threads and processes in a single concurrent program. Suppose that we have a concurrent system consisting of multiple components that all interact and manipulate the data of a resource shared across the system, and this resource is associated with a lock object; it follows that, if any of these components fail to interact with that lock, it can simply bypass the protection implemented by the lock and access the shared resource. More importantly, this characteristic of locks also has implications regarding the security of a concurrent program. If an outside, malicious agent is connected to the system (say, a malicious client interacting with a server) and intends to corrupt the data shared across the system, that agent can be instructed to simply ignore the lock object and access that data in an intrusive way.

The view that locks don't lock anything was popularized by Raymond Hettinger, a Python core developer who worked on the implementation of various elements in Python concurrent programming. It is argued that using lock objects alone does not guarantee a secure implementation of concurrent data structures and systems. Locks need to be concretely linked to the resources that they are to protect, and nothing should be able to access a resource without first acquiring the lock that is associated with it. Alternatively, other concurrent synchronization tools, such as atomic message queues, can provide a solution to this problem.

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