
Concurrent programming can have significant implications in terms of the security of the system in question. Recall that a race condition arises between the process of reading and altering the data of a resource; a race condition in an authenticating system can cause the corruption of data between the time of check (when the credentials of an agent are checked) and the time of use (when the agent can utilize the resource). This problem is also known as a Time-Of-Check-To-Time-Of-Use (TOCTTOU) bug, which is undoubtedly detrimental to security systems.

Careless protection of shared resources when handling race conditions, as we briefly touched upon during the last section, can provide external agents with access to those supposedly protected resources. Those agents can then change the data of the resources to create privilege escalation (in simple terms, to give themselves more illegal access to more shared resources), or they can simply corrupt the data, causing the whole system to malfunction.

Interestingly, race conditions can also be used to implement computer security. As race conditions result from the uncoordinated access of multiple threads/processes to a shared resources, the specification in which a race condition occurs is significantly random. For example, in our own Python example, you saw that, when simulating a race condition, the final value of the counter varies between different executions of the program; this is (partly) because of the unpredictable nature of the situation, in which multiple threads are running and accessing the shared resources. (I say partly, since the randomness also results from the random pausing periods that we generate in each execution of the program.) So, race conditions are sometimes intentionally provoked, and the information obtained when the race condition occurs can be used to generate digital fingerprints for security processes—this information, again, is significantly random, and is therefore valuable for security purposes.

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