What does it mean to be atomic?

Let's first examine the actual characteristic of being atomic. If an operation is atomic in a concurrent program, then it cannot be interrupted by other entities in the program during its execution; an atomic operation can also be called linearizable, indivisible, or uninterruptible. Given the nature of race conditions and how common they are in concurrent programs, it is quite intuitive to conclude that atomicity is a desirable characteristic of a program, as it guarantees the integrity of the shared data, and protects it from uncoordinated mutations.

The term "atomic" refers to the fact that an atomic operation appears instantaneous to the rest of the program that it is in. This means that the operation has to be executed in a continuous, uninterrupted manner. The most common method of implementing atomicity, as you could probably guess, is via mutual exclusion, or locks. Locks, as we have seen, require interactions with a shared resource to take place one thread or process at a time, thus protecting those interactions of one thread/process from being interrupted and potentially corrupted by other competing threads or processes.

If a programmer allows some of the operations in their concurrent program to be nonatomic, they would also need to allow those operations to be careful and flexible (in the sense of interacting and mutating data) enough so that no errors should result from them being interrupted by other operations. If, however, irregular and erroneous behaviors were to take place when these operations are interrupted during their execution, it would be quite difficult for the programmer to actually reproduce and debug those behaviors.

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