Chapter 2 – Getting Data from the Web

The loaded R package versions (in the order mentioned in the chapter):

  • RCurl 1.95-4.1 (CRAN)
  • rjson 0.2.13 (CRAN)
  • plyr 1.8.1 (CRAN)
  • XML 3.98-1.1 (CRAN)
  • wordcloud 2.4 (CRAN)
  • RSocrata 1.4 (CRAN)
  • quantmod 0.4 (CRAN)
  • Quandl 2.3.2 (CRAN)
  • devtools 1.5 (CRAN)
  • GTrendsR (BitBucket @ d507023f81b17621144a2bf2002b845ffb00ed6d)
  • weatherData 0.4 (CRAN)

The related R packages:

  • jsonlite 0.9.16 (CRAN)
  • curl 0.6 (CRAN)
  • bitops 1.0-6 (CRAN)
  • xts 0.9-7 (CRAN)
  • RJSONIO 1.2-0.2 (CRAN)
  • RGoogleDocs 0.7 (

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