Chapter 8 – Polishing Data

The loaded R package versions (in the order mentioned in the chapter):

  • hflights 0.1 (CRAN)
  • rapportools 1.0 (CRAN)
  • Defaults 1.1-1 (CRAN)
  • microbenchmark 1.4-2 (CRAN)
  • Hmisc 3.16-0 (CRAN)
  • missForest 1.4 (CRAN)
  • outliers 0.14 (CRAN)
  • lattice 0.20-31 (CRAN)
  • MASS 7.3-40 (CRAN)

Further R packages:

  • imputeR 1.0.0 (CRAN)
  • VIM 4.1.0 (CRAN)
  • mvoutlier 2.0.6 (CRAN)
  • randomForest 4.6-10 (CRAN)
  • AnomalyDetection 1.0 (GitHub @ c78f0df02a8e34e37701243faf79a6c00120e797)

Further reading:

  • Inference and Missing Data, Biometrika 63(3), 581-592, Donald B. Rubin in 1976
  • Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, Wiley Roderick, J. A. Little in 2002
  • Flexible Imputation of Missing Data, CRC, Stef van Buuren in 2012
  • Robust Statistical Methods CRAN Task View, Martin Maechler at
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