Abuse, substance, 42

Acceptance of fear, 51

Accomplishment, 98, 119, 120, 171

Allen Curve, the, 145-146

Amygdala, 16, 17, 27, 30 33, 34, 36, 37, 39-43, 45-46, 90, 91, 146

Anxiety, 160, 162, 175

Asking questions, 132

Assisted serendipity, 147

Awareness of fear, 31, 38, 61

Bandura, Steve, 162-163, 176

Befriending, 55

Bell Laboratories, 141

Biology of fear, the, 14-32

Building design, 141, 143

Cardoso, Christopher, 92

Catmull, Ed, 20, 109, 128-129, 141-143

Challenges, shared, 57

Chawla, Rameet, 147

Children, high-risk, 12, 48

Choices, 61, 79, 100, 169, 172, 176, 183

Collaboration in business, 104

Collaboration, 50, 54, 78, 88, 92, 104, 106, 112, 135-145, 164

Conflict, 128-133

Cooperation, 37, 58, 92, 140, 197

Creativity, 135-154

Criticism, 71-78, 140, 147-148, 199

Davis, Mo’ne, 155-157

Depression, 30-36, 100, 185

Drama Triangle, 163-167

Edison, Thomas, 105-107, 143

Education, 11, 30, 114, 125, 126

Error, reducing, 122-125

Fear, healthy response to, 32, 34, 56

Fear, synonyms, 20-22

Fear, the biology, of, 14-33

Fears, underlying, 28-30

Feedback, negative, 80, 148

Ferrazzi, Keith, 132-133

Fieldwork, 151-154

Fight or flight response, 16-18, 34, 41, 91

Ford Motor Company, 199-201

Friendship, 195-205

Giving support, 113-117

Giving, taking vs., 113-117

Google, 144

Griping, 36-37

Harsh inner voice, 183-189

Health, 14-19, 26-40, 43, 45-58, 90-102

Healthy response to fear, 32, 44, 56

Heart health, 94-96

High-risk children, 12, 48, 169

Hiring practices, 119, 169

Human brain, 16, 35, 44

IDEO, 148, 151-152

Independence, 169, 178

Inner voice, 183-189, 205

Inquisitiveness, 64, 73

Intimacy, sustaining, 155-171

Jobs, Steve, 103, 109, 138-141, 153

Kauai Longitudinal study, 11, 48, 169

Laws of success, 7-13

Lehrer, Jonah, 130-142

Listening, 22, 66, 75, 120

Main, Mary, 159

Mentorship in business, 112-113

Mistakes, 70, 71, 87, 122-124

Myth understandings, 135-140

Nature, laws of, 7, 33

Negotiation, 36-43

Nurturing, 162, 169, 170, 171, 185, 189-190, 205

Physical health, 28, 35, 51, 91-97, 118, 188

Pixar, 20, 109, 128, 140-149

Praise, 42, 64, 67-72, 81, 88, 119, 171

Proximity, 140-147

Quality of relationships, 130, 147

Questions, asking, 132

Reaching for support, 49, 50-55, 59-63, 86, 88, 91-96, 107, 110, 113, 136, 163, 180, 190, 191, 199

Reducing error, 122-125

Referral, 79, 83-84

Reframing, 79, 82, 83, 84

Refusal, 79-84

Rejection, 29, 36, 60, 129, 168, 179, 64, 76, 78, 181, 183

Relationships, 79, 98, 109, 110, 11, 123, 127-131, 144-149, 155-171

Reprogramming the inner voice, 189-190

Response to fear, healthy, 45-58

Responses to fear, unhealthy, 43-45

Return on collisions, 45, 144

Rewarding support, 121

Role models, 157, 176

Rumination, 36, 40-43

Self-esteem, 23, 27, 28

Self-reliance, 23, 100, 168-169

Shared challenges, 57

Spirituality, 64, 66-67

Starbucks, 54-55, 138

Stress disorder, 18-19, 34, 91

Stress response, 18-19, 38

Stress symptoms, 31, 34

Stress, 34, 36, 38, 46, 91-100, 116-119, 128, 158-162, 171-173

Stress, work, 117-119

Success, laws of, 7-13

Success, sustained, 49

Success, work, 51, 98, 103-135

Support, fear and, 134

Support, giving, 113-117

Support, reaching for, 49-55, 59-63, 86, 88, 91-96, 107, 110, 113

Support, rewarding, 121-122

Support, systems for, 125-127

Support, types of, 63-64, 69, 85, 87, 89, 94, 119, 133, 140

Sustained success, 49-51

Sustaining trust, 155-171

Symptoms of fear, 187

Systems for support, 125-127

Taking, giving vs., 113-117

Toyota, 110-112, 124, 126-127

Trust, sustaining, 155-171

Types of support, 63-69, 85-87

Underlying fears, 28-30

Unhealthy responses to fear, 43-45

Voice, inner, 183-189, 205

Work stress, 117-119

Work success, 103-135

Worry, 39-41

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