I am deeply grateful to the clients, the individuals, families, and organizations that have entrusted me with their confidence, reached to me for help, and given me the gift of contributing to their lives. Special thanks to my cowriter, Michelle Gifford, who has put words to my thoughts, added her wisdom and clarity, and who made this book possible. We are indebted to our agent, Sharon Bowers, who saw the potential of this material, and gave us support and guidance throughout this journey. For my wife Dia, and our cat Spot, who were both a source of energy and much needed distraction from the rigors of writing. To our publisher, Adam Grant, and our editor at Career Press, Kirsten Dalley, who have worked to bring this project to fruition and provided their insights and encouragement.

—Bob Maurer

For Mike and Jacob, who have steadfastly and with great heart supported every dream I’ve chosen to pursue—practical or not; and for Grandma, Aunt Karen, Connie, and my sisters, who have each provided me inspiration as this book came to life and who respond unfailingly every time I reach. With gratitude to Robert Maurer, my friend and mentor in this topic, who invited me to take part in this worthy adventure. In this time together, he has taught me more than he’ll ever know and those I love.

—Michelle Gifford

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