Appendix A. Data Sources and Other Web Resources

This appendix lists various data sources, web resources, and references which you can use as supplementary material for the best use of this book.

Data sources

Here are a number of data sources that provide network data as well as links to other data sources:

  • Stanford Network Analysis Project (SNAP) has a website with links to many network datasets (large and small).
  • Mark Newman is one of the most recognized network scientists who maintains a number of network datasets at his site
  • Albert-László Barabási is one of the foremost network scientists and runs the Barabasi Lab at Northeastern University. More information about him can be found at
  • The Gephi wiki has many network datasets as well as a number of files that are already in various proprietary formats. These can be found at
  • KONECT is the Koblenz Network Collection available at the University of Koblenz-Landau. The University's site houses one of the best collections of network data, and provides easily accessible symbols that identify specific network attributes, which can be found at
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