Visual markings and rules based on the classification label

The following table shows the guidelines that are applied to the information, based on the classification scheme and safety information. A subdivision into documents and messages is made.

Here, you can see the different visual markings and rules in documents and messages based on the classification schema:

Affected labels

Visual marking

Visual marking and rule details


Classification metadata is applied.

Classification metadata is applied.Messages cannot have a classified attachment with a higher sensitivity than the message.


No visual marks.

No visual marks.Messages or attachments must not contain sensitive text.


No visual marks.

No visual marks.Messages or attachments must not contain sensitive text.


No visual marks.

No visual marks.Messages or attachments must not contain sensitive text.


Header/footer with the word General in Arial 12, bold, centered, light gray.

Header with text Classification: General, in blue.Messages contain sensitive information or text.


Header/footer with the word Internal in Arial 12, bold, centered, light gray.

Header with text Classification: Internal, in green.Recipients may only be in the domain.Messages or attachments must not contain sensitive text.


Header/footer with the word Confidential, in Arial 12, bold, centered, light gray.

Header with the text Classification: Confidential, in orange.The message must be encrypted with Microsoft Azure RMS.Footer with the following text: This information is considered to be inovit Confidential. Proper handling and limited distribution must be enforced. For more information, see the policy at the corporate website.


Header/footer with the word Secret, in Arial 12, bold, centered, red.

Classification downgrade is not allowed.

Header with the text Classification: Secret, in bold and red.Footer with the following text: This information is considered to be inovit Secret. Proper handling and limited distribution must be enforced. For more information, see the policy at the corporate website.Recipients may only be in the Active Directory group inovit Executives.The message must be encrypted with Microsoft Azure RMS.Downgrading the classification is not allowed.


Now that we have seen the visual marking and rule examples, let's follow up with an example of general desired behavior.

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