Enhancing Controllers

FXML Controllers are not set in stone; you can add methods to them and use them to transfer information.

Consider the following example for the FirstDocument.fxml we used earlier in this chapter:

public class SmartController implements Initializable {

public void setText(String newText) {

private Button button;

private TextField textField;

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {

Now, we can work with the FXML variables from other classes, as in the following example, from Application:

FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("FirstDocument.fxml"));
HBox root = loader.load();
loader.<SmartController>getController().setText("Text from App");
Also, you can always declare variables in a Controller public and use them directly. While it's not advised for production code, it can simplify prototyping.
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