
JavaFX is not just a set of APIs, it's a whole platform and ecosystem, as this chapter has shown. Over the course of this book, you've studied a large part of the JavaFX API and (I hope!) experimented with a lot of code samples.

We've made a long journey. We started from the scene creation, then filled it with shapes and basic controls, connected them together with Binding API, and styled through CSS and Effects. We learned the ways of FXML, and designed UI in SceneBuilder. To make our applications more dynamic, we used animation and various Layout Managers. We added video and audio through Media API, and presented web content through WebView. To deliver our apps to the end user we build it by javafxpackager and modularized with Jigsaw. And, in the end, we have drawn a few nice 3D samples.

That's a lot of information, but don't stop. Now you have all the instruments and can focus on your creativity to build beautiful and rich UI applications.

This is the last chapter, and I hope you've enjoyed the book and will build great UI with JavaFX in your projects.

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