
We would like to acknowledge two people who played a huge part in the development of this book. First, Ken Shelton has been the author behind many best-selling books. Ken's exquisite editing helped this book immensely. It is a far more readable book because of Ken. Second, Sydney Isle provided all the project management support for the book. She kept us on track (no small task) and managed all the details that it takes to pull a book like this together. We are grateful to both of you for your professionalism and passion.

We want to thank the worldwide Staff, Partners, and International Licensees of TLC and FCG. You each bring such commitment and integrity to the organization every single day. We are the organization we are because of you. Thank you. Without you being who you are and doing what you do, we could not be having the impact that we are.

Bob: I would like first to acknowledge and thank my wife, Kim. She has watched and supported this book come into being for the entire 32 years of our marriage. I truly doubt that this could have happened without her constant love, listening, and support. I am grateful beyond words.

I would also like to acknowledge all of the thought leaders mentioned in this book and in the bibliography. We all stand on the shoulders of giants and you all have made important contributions to the field that have greatly informed this book. In particular I want to thank Peter Block for his mentorship early in my career. Peter, more than any other person, helped to shape the direction of my career. I want to thank David Whyte whose life's work, wonderful poetry, and friendship have added more to my life than he knows. Bob Kegan's seminal work on Stages of Adult Development has deeply informed my life and my work. I could not be more grateful for his contribution, support, and friendship. Ken Wilber's Integral Model is unparalleled. The Universal Model of Leadership presented in this book is deeply informed by and nests into the brilliance of Ken's framework. I thank Ken for his contribution to the world. I would also like to thank all those involved in Innovation Associates, particularly Charlie Kiefer, Peter Senge, and Robert Fritz. Your work got me started on this journey and forms foundational elements of the Model. I want to thank the late Clayton Laugherty for the brilliance of his assessments and research. His work has deeply informed The Leadership Circle. Finally, thank you to Susanne Cook-Greuter for her life's work with the Maturity Assessment Profile (MAP) and for her generosity and competence in supporting the Stage research presented in this book.

I want to thank life-long colleagues. Dan Holden was my first client and earliest colleague. Dan's friendship and mastery have supported the development of my work for an entire career. I could not be more grateful for his presence in my life. In addition to Dan, I thank Jim Anderson, David Womeldorff, Barbara Braham, and Leo Burke who have been the core of a circle of support that has contributed greatly to my life for well over a decade. I deeply appreciate your unconditional support for me and for this work.

I want to thank the University of Notre Dame. Our 13-year involvement with the Mendoza Business School's Stayer Center for Executive Education has been a wonderful association. We became involved with Notre Dame when the Leadership Circle Profile was brand new. The ongoing relationship with the Executive Education staff has hugely contributed to the work presented in this book.

I want to thank two employees who have supported me the longest. Marilyn DeMond was my first employee 25 years ago. The elegant joy, passion, and competence you bring every day are remarkable. I could not have done any of this without your tremendous assistance. Jonathan Hulsh, thank you for betting on me and on The Leadership Circle. The marketing, sales, business guidance, and friendship you provided have been immeasurable.

Thanks to my partner and co-author, Bill. Bill is one of the best men I know. He is also as good a consultant as there is. More than any other person, Bill understood what I was up to with my life's work. He has applied my life's work in ways that are well beyond where I could have taken it. His contribution to this book is huge. It is a far better book because of what Bill contributed.

Finally, I want to thank my children, Katherine, Rob, and Scott. You know how much I love you. I have had the great privilege of being your father and of traveling around the world with each of you. Our times together are the best of my life.

Bill: I want to first acknowledge my Savior Jesus Christ. I stand all amazed at the grace that is offered me, and eternally grateful that I can be still and know He is God.

I want to acknowledge my partner and wife, Cynthia Adams. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Every moment of my life is enriched because of you and has been from the beginning. You are my best friend, faith partner, greatest support, and greatest teacher. You are my one and only. No matter what is required and where it has taken us, we have traveled it as partners. I am a better man, father, husband, and person because of you. My gratitude and love for you is endless.

I have to acknowledge and thank my partners from Maxcomm, Full Circle Group and the Leadership Circle, in particular I want to thank Sydney Isle, David Spach, Dave Schrader, Steve Athey, Nate Delahunty, Betsy Leatherman, Adelle Richards, Roma Gaster and Cindy Adams. Your friendship, love, and partnership are the difference that has made the difference. In particular, I want to acknowledge Jenny Haase; we have worked together for many years. I could not have done any of this without you. Your contribution has been immense and instrumental, as have your love and support.

I want to say thank you for the countless clients and dedicated leaders all over the world who are committed to doing their work to be better human beings and more effective leaders. After 30 years in this business, they number in the thousands. Thank you for jumping in and playing life full out.

In particular, I want to acknowledge those leaders who became my friends and who have been all-in from the beginning. These are a group of men and women who, from the minute I met them, have taught me, supported me, and allowed me to bring my mission to life in the world. I have learned so much from each of you and want you to know of my appreciation and love. Thank you to Steve Ewing, Jim Geiger, Larry L. Payne, Rod Ross, Gayle Young, Val Christensen, Gregg Baron, Jeff Grimshaw, Tanya Mann, and Scott Slaymaker. Also, I have to acknowledge my friend, client, and partner, the late Jim McGrane. Jim's support and active engagement continue to be crucial in our work and in my life. I miss you every day, Jim.

I want to thank and acknowledge my children who make my life rich and full. Family is everything and we are family. You all know how much I love you. My children: Aubrie, Chase, Tyson, and Kasse; their partners: Greg, Abi, and Mitch M. My grandchildren: Hailey, Gavin, and Whitney and the two newest ones on the way with Abi and Kasse, both pregnant as I write this. Life is rich and filled with love because of you. Cindy and I are blessed to be your parents and grandparents.

Finally thanks to my co-author and partner, Bob. I never expected to find a new partner in Act III who would teach me so much and influence the very way I think about how I am in the world. Bob, you are brilliant, full hearted, and filled with the commitment to steward the planet. Because of you, I have been able to be more impactful and more effective. I am honored and privileged to be your partner and want to thank you for your dedication, commitment, sacrifice, and contribution to making the world a better place and allowing me to be part of that with you. I most admire the father and husband that you are to your family. Thanks for your example.

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