
In this chapter, we have introduced Bayesian networks, describing their structure and relations. We have seen how it's possible to build a network to model a probabilistic scenario where some elements can influence the probability of others. We have also described how to obtain the full joint probability using the most common sampling methods, which allow reducing the computational complexity through an approximation.

The most common sampling methods belong to the family of MCMC algorithms, which model the transition probability from a sample to another one as a first-order Markov chain. In particular, the Gibbs sampler is based on the assumption that it's easier to sample from conditional distribution than work directly with the full joint probability. The method is very easy to implement, but it has some performance drawbacks that can be avoided by adopting more complex strategies. The Metropolis-Hastings sampler, instead, works with a candidate-generating distribution and a criterion to accept or reject the samples. Both methods satisfy the detailed balance equation, which guarantees the convergence (the underlying Markov chain will reach the unique stationary distribution).

In the last part of the chapter, we introduced HMMs, which allow modeling time sequences based on observations corresponding to a series of hidden states. The main concept of such models, in fact, is the presence of unobservable states that condition the emission of a particular observation (which is observable). We have discussed the main assumptions and how to build, train, and infer from a model. In particular, the Forward-Backward algorithm can be employed when it's necessary to learn the transition probability matrix and the emission probabilities, while the Viterbi algorithm is adopted to find the most likely hidden state sequence given a set of consecutive observations.

In the next chapter, Chapter 5EM Algorithm and Applications, we're going to briefly discuss the Expectation-Maximization algorithm, focusing on some important applications based on the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) approach.

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