
In this chapter, we presented the EM algorithm, explaining the reasons that justify its application in many statistical learning contexts. We also discussed the fundamental role of hidden (latent) variables, in order to derive an expression that is easier to maximize (the Q function).

We applied the EM algorithm to solve a simple parameter estimation problem and afterward to prove the Gaussian Mixture estimation formulas. We showed how it's possible to employ the Scikit-Learn implementation instead of writing the whole procedure from scratch (like in Chapter 2Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning).

Afterward, we analyzed three different approaches to component extraction. FA assumes that we have a small number of Gaussian latent variables and a Gaussian decorrelated noise term. The only restriction on the noise is to have a diagonal covariance matrix, so two different scenarios are possible. When we are in the presence of heteroscedastic noise, the process is an actual FA. When, instead, the noise is homoscedastic, the algorithm becomes the equivalent of a PCA. In this case, the process is equivalent to check the sample space in order to find the directions where the variance is higher. Selecting only the most important directions, we can project the original dataset onto a low-dimensional subspace, where the covariance matrix becomes decorrelated.

One of the problems of both FA and PCA is their assumption to model the latent variables with Gaussian distributions. This choice simplifies the model, but at the same time, yields dense representations where the single components are statistically dependent. For this reason, we have investigated how it's possible to force the factor distribution to become sparse. The resulting algorithm, which is generally faster and more accurate than the MLE, is called FastICA and its goal is to extract a set of statistically independent components with the maximization of an approximation of the negentropy.

In the end, we provided a brief explanation of the HMM forward-backward algorithm (discussed in the previous chapter) considering the subdivision into E and M steps. Other EM-specific applications will be discussed in the next chapters.

In the next chapter, we are going to introduce the fundamental concepts of Hebbian learning and self-organizing maps, which are still very useful to solve many specific problems, such as principal component extraction, and have a strong neurophysiological foundation.

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