Bidimensional discrete convolutions

The most common type of convolution employed in deep learning is based on bidimensional arrays with any number of channels (such as grayscale or RGB images). For simplicity, let's analyze a single layer (channel) convolution because the extension to n layers is straightforward. If X ∈ ℜw × h and k ∈ ℜn × m, the convolution X ∗ k is defined as (the indexes start from 0):

It's clear that the previous expression is a natural derivation of the continuous definition. In the following graph, there's an example with a 3 × 3 kernel:

Example of bidimensional convolution with a 3x3 kernel

The kernel is shifted horizontally and vertically, yielding the sum of the element-wise multiplication of corresponding elements. Therefore, every operation leads to the output of a single pixel. The kernel employed in the example is called the discrete Laplacian operator (because it's obtained by discretizing the real Laplacian); let's observe the effect of this kernel on a complete greyscale diagram:

Example of convolution with a Discrete Laplacian Kernel

As it's possible to notice, the effect of the convolution is to emphasize the borders of the various shapes. The reader can now understand how variable kernels can be tuned up in order to fulfill precise requirements. However, instead of trying to do it manually, a deep convolutional network leaves this tasks to the learning process, which is subject to a precise goal expressed as the minimization of a cost function. A parallel application of different filters yields complex overlaps that can simplify the extraction of those features that are really important for a classification. The main difference between a fully-connected layer and a convolutional one is the ability of the latter to work with an existing geometry, which encodes all the elements needed to distinguish an object from another one. These elements cannot be immediately generalizable (think about the branches of a decision tree, where a split defines a precise path towards a final class), but require subsequent processing steps to perform a necessary disambiguation. Considering the previous photo, for example, eyes and nose are rather similar. How is it possible to segment the picture correctly? The answer is provided by a double analysis: there are subtle differences that can be discovered by fine-grained filters and, above all, the global geometry of real objects is based on internal relationships that are almost invariant. For example (only for didactic purposes), eyes and nose should make up an isosceles triangle, because the symmetry of a face implies the same distance between each eye and the nose. This consideration can be made apriori, like in many visual processing techniques, or, thanks to the power of deep learning, it can be left to the training process. As the cost function and the output classes implicitly control the differences, a deep convolutional network can learn what is important to reach a specific goal, discarding at the same time all those details that are useless.

In the previous section, we have said that the feature extraction process is mainly hierarchical. Now, it should be clear that different kernel sizes and subsequent convolutions achieve exactly this objective. Let's suppose that we have a 100 × 100 image and a (3 × 3) kernel. The resulting image will be 98 × 98 pixels (we will explain this concept later). However, each pixel encodes the information of 3 × 3 block and, as these blocks are overlapping, two consecutive pixels will share some knowledge but, at the same time, they emphasize the difference between the corresponding blocks.

In the following diagram, the same Laplacian Kernel is applied to a simple white square on a black background:

Orginal image (left); convolution with Laplacian kernel result (right)

Even if the image is very simple, it's possible to notice that the result of a convolution enriched the output image with some very important pieces of information: the borders of the square are now clearly visible (they are black and white) and they can be immediately detected by thresholding the image. The reason is straightforward: the effect of the kernel on the compact surfaces is compact too but, when the kernel is shifted upon the border, the effect of the difference becomes visible. Three adjacent pixels in the original image can be represented as (0, 1, 1), indicating the horizontal transition between black and white. After the convolution, the result is approximately (0.75, 0.0, 0.25). All the original black pixels have been transformed into a light gray, the white square became darker, and the border (which is not marked in the original picture) is now black (or white, depending on the shift direction). Reapplying the same filter to the output of the previous convolution, we obtain the following:

Second application of the Laplacian kernel

A sharp eye can immediately notice three results: the compact surfaces (black and white) are becoming more and more similar, the borders are still visible, and, above all, the top and lower left corners are now more clearly marked with white pixels. Therefore, the result of the second convolution added a finer-grained piece of information, which was much more difficult to detect in the original image. Indeed, the effect of the Laplacian operator is very straightforward and it's useful only for didactic purposes. In real deep convolutional networks, the filters are trained to perform more complex processing operations that can reveal details (together with their internal and external relationships) that are not immediately exploited to classify the image. Their isolation (obtained thanks to the effect of many parallel filters) allows the network to mark similar elements (like the corners of the square) in a different way and make more accurate decisions.

The purpose of this example is to show how a sequence of convolutions allows the generation of a hierarchical process that will extract coarse-grained features at the beginning and very high-level ones at the end, without losing the information already collected. Metaphorically, we could say that a deep convolutional network starts placing labels indicating lines, orientations, and borders and proceeds by enriching the existing ontology with further details (such as corners, particular shapes, and so on). Thanks to this ability, such models can easily outperform any MLP and reach almost to the Bayes level if the number of training samples is large enough. The main drawback of this models is their inability to easily recognize objects after the application of affine transformations (such as rotations or translations). In other words, if a network is trained with a dataset containing only faces in their natural position, it will achieve poor performance when a rotated (or upside-down) sample is presented. In the next sections, we are going to discuss a couple of methods that are helpful for mitigating this problem (in the case of translations); however, a new experimental architecture called a capsule network (which is beyond the scope of this book) has been proposed in order to solve this problem with a slightly different and much more robust approach (the reader can find further details in Dynamic Routing Between Capsules, Sabour S., Frosst N., Hinton G. E., arXiv:1710.09829 [cs.CV]).

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