Adding sparseness to the Fashion MNIST deep convolutional autoencoder

In this example, we are going to add an L1 regularization term to the cost function that was defined in the first exercise:

import tensorflow as tf


# Loss
sparsity_constraint = tf.reduce_sum(0.001 * tf.norm(code_layer, ord=1, axis=1))
loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(convt_3 - r_input_images) + sparsity_constraint


The training process is exactly the same, and therefore we can directly show the final code mean after 200 epochs:

import numpy as np

codes =[code_layer],
input_images: np.expand_dims(X_train, axis=3),


As you can see, the mean is now lower, indicating that more code values are close to 0. I invite the reader to implement the other strategy, considering that it's easier to create a constant vector filled with small values (for example, 0.01) and exploit the vectorization properties offered by TensorFlow. I also suggest simplifying the Kullback–Leibler divergence by splitting it into an entropy term H(pr) (which is constant) and a cross-entropy H(z, pr) term.

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