A Belief or Bayesian network is a concept already explored in Chapter 4, Bayesian Networks and Hidden Markov Models. In this particular case, we are going to consider Belief Networks where there are visible and latent variables, organized into homogeneous layers. The first layer always contains the input (visible) units, while all the remaining ones are latent. Hence, a DBN can be structured as a stack of RBMs, where each hidden layer is also the visible one of the subsequent RBM, as shown in the following diagram (the number of units can be different for each layer):

 Structure of a generic Deep Belief Network

The learning procedure is usually greedy and step-wise (as proposed in A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets, Hinton G. E., Osindero S., Teh Y. W., Neural Computation, 18/7). The first RBM is trained with the dataset and optimized to reconstruct the original distribution using the CD-k algorithm. At this point, the internal (hidden) representations are employed as input for the next RBM, and so on until all the blocks are fully trained. In this way, the DBN is forced to create subsequent internal representations of the dataset that can be used for different purposes. Of course, when the model is trained, it's possible to infer from the recognition (inverse) model sampling from the hidden layers and compute the activation probability as (x represents a generic cause):

As a DBN is always a generative process, in an unsupervised scenario, it can perform a component analysis/dimensionality reduction with an approach that is based on the idea of creating a chain of sub-processes, which are able to rebuild an internal representation. While a single RBM focuses on a single hidden layer and hence cannot learn sub-features, a DBN greedily learns how to represent each sub-feature vector using a refined hidden distribution. The concept behind this process is not very different from a cascade of convolutional layers, with the main difference that in this case, the learning procedure is greedy. Another distinction with methods such as PCA is that we don't know exactly how the internal representation is built. As the latent variables are optimized by maximizing the log-likelihood, there are possibly many optimal points but we cannot easily impose constraints on them. However, DBNs show very powerful properties in different scenarios, even if their computational cost is normally considerably higher than other methods. One of the main problems (common to the majority of deep learning methods) concerns the right choice of hidden units in every layer. As they represent latent variables, their number is a crucial factor for the success of a training procedure. The right choice is not immediate, because it's necessary to know the complexity of the data-generating process, however, as a rule of thumb, I suggest starting with a couple of layers containing 32/64 units and proceeding to increase the number of hidden neurons and the layers until the desired accuracy is reached (in the same way, I suggest starting with a small learning rate, for example, 0.01 -, increasing it if necessary).

As the first RBM is responsible for reconstructing the original dataset, it's very useful to monitor the log-likelihood (or the error) after each epoch in order to understand whether the process is learning correctly (decreasing error) or it's saturating the capacity. It's clear that an initial bad reconstruction leads to subsequently worse representations. As the learning process is greedy, in an unsupervised task there's no way to improve the performance of lower layers when the previous training steps are finished therefore, I always suggest tuning up the parameters so that the first reconstruction is very accurate. Of course, all the considerations about overfitting are still valid, so, it's also important to monitor the generalization ability with validation samples. However, in a component analysis, we assume we're working with a distribution that is representative of the underlying data-generating process, so the risk of finding before-seen features should be minimal.

In a supervised scenario, there are generally two options whose first step is always a greedy training of the DBN. However, the first approach performs a subsequent refinement using a standard algorithm, such as backpropagation (considering the whole architecture as a single deep network), while the second one uses the last internal representation as the input of a separate classifier. It goes without saying that the first method has many more degrees of freedom because it works with a pre-trained network whose weights can be adjusted until the validation accuracy reaches its maximum value. In this case, the first greedy step works with the same assumption that has been empirically confirmed by observing the internal behavior of deep models (similar to convolutional networks). The first layers learn how to detect low-level features, while all the subsequent ones increase the details. Therefore, the backpropagation step presumably starts from a point that is already quite close to the optimum and can converge more quickly. Conversely, the second approach is analogous to applying the kernel trick to a standard Support Vector Machine (SVM). In fact, the external classifier is generally a very simple one (such as a logistic regression or an SVM) and the increased accuracy is normally due to an improved linear separability obtained by projecting the original samples onto a sub-space (often higher-dimensional) where they can be easily classified. In general, this method yields worse performance than the first one because there's no way to tune up the parameters once the DBN is trained. Therefore, when the final projections are not suitable for a linear classification, it's necessary to employ more complex models and the resulting computational cost can be very high without a proportional performance gain. As deep learning is generally based on the concept of end-to-end learning, training the whole network can be useful to implicitly include the pre-processing steps in the complete structure, which becomes a black box that associates input samples with specific outcomes. On the other hand, whenever an explicit pipeline is requested, greedy-training the DBN and employing a separate classifier could be a more suitable solution.

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