
In this chapter, we introduced the most important RL concepts, focusing on the mathematical structure of an environment as a Markov Decision Process, and on the different kinds of policy and how they can be derived from the expected reward obtained by an agent. In particular, we defined the value of a state as the expected future reward considering a sequence discounted by a factor, γ. In the same way, we introduced the concept of the Q function, which is the value of an action when the agent is in a specific state.

These concepts directly employed the policy iteration algorithm, which is based on a Dynamic Programming approach assuming complete knowledge of the environment. The task is split into two stages; during the first one, the agent evaluates all the states given the current policy, while in the second one, the policy is updated in order to be greedy with respect to the new value function. In this way, the agent is forced to always pick the action that leads to a transition that maximizes the obtained value.

We also analyzed a variant, called value iteration, that performs a single evaluation and selects the policy in a greedy manner. The main difference from the previous approach is that now the agent immediately selects the highest value assuming that the result of this process is equivalent to a policy iteration. Indeed, it's easy to prove that, after infinite transitions, both algorithms converge on the optimal value function.

The last algorithm is called TD(0) and it's based on a model-free approach. In fact, in many cases, it's difficult to know all the transition probabilities and, sometimes, even all possible states are unknown. This method is based on the Temporal Difference evaluation, which is performed directly while interacting with the environment. If the agent can visit all the states an infinite number of times (clearly, this is only a theoretical condition), the algorithm has been proven to converge to the optimal value function more quickly than other methods.

In the next chapter, Chapter 15Advanced Policy Estimation Algorithms we'll continue the discussion of RL algorithms, introducing some more advanced methods that can be immediately implemented using Deep Convolutional Networks.

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