Aggregation accumulators

Accumulators are probably the most widely used operators, allowing us to sum, average, get standard deviation statistics, and perform other operations in each member of our group.

  • $sum is the sum of numerical values, ignores non-numerical values
  • $avg is the average of numerical values, ignores non-numerical values
  • $first / $last is the first and last value that passes through the pipeline stage, available in the group stage only
  • $max / $min gets the maximum and minimum value that passes through the pipeline stage
  • $push, will add a new element at the end of an input array, available in the group stage only
  • $addToSet, will add an element (only if it does not exist) to an array treating it effectively as a set, available in the group stage only
  • $stdDevPop / $stdDevSamp to get the population / sample standard deviation in the $project or $match stages

The aforementioned mentioned accumulators are available in the group or project pipeline phases except otherwise noted.

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